Iman-Iman Momin

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


(2/285)  (2/177) (2/3-4) (3/19) (8/ 2), (57/15) (9/51) (5/23) (3/175) (4/64)

Kull deen =Islam+Iman +Ihsan(hadith e jibril)

Iman (momin)

1. Heart-intention(recognisation/conformation/acceptance )

2. Tongue-words(affirmation)

3. Body- actions (complete submission to islam)

Iman =knowledge/ilm+ testament/qawl+ action/amal.

Inward beliefs/aqidah (baatin and is in heart)

Momin= physical (zahir) as well as his inner  (batin) is the same

There are over 70 portions of iman. The highest grade of iman is the testament of la ilaaha illa al llaah and the lowest is removing an annoyance from a public road.

Iman =affirmation from the heart

Islam = comprises action.

“Islam is public, whereas iman is in the heart.” (Musnad of Imam Ahmad) 

You cannot have iman without having Islam. Every mumin is a Muslim. Not every mumin is a muhsin. 

“O Allah, whomever of us you make to live, let him live in Islam, and whomever of us you make to die, let him die in iman,” (hadith)

Deeds are done by the limbs which one is only able to do while alive. Then, at death, nothing remains but the heart’s affirmation.

Iman becomes part of all good deeds or all good deeds become part of Iman. 

There is difference in the strength and weakness of Imaan of every individual

There is no increasing or lessening in Imaan

Iman can be weak or strong

1.Aqidah /belief – intention(recognisation/conformation/acceptance )

2. Actions/deeds (complete submission to islam)

Iman disappears completely for the duration of the period that a major sin like theft or adultery is being committed. It returns as soon as the sin is stopped. 


“Faith wears out in the heart of any one of you just as clothes wear out, so ask Allah to renew the faith in your hearts” (Mustadrak al-Haakim).

Committing sins and not feeling any guilt.

Being late for salat and Neglecting the Sunnah.

Finding difficulty in remembering Allah and making dhikr.

Deeds  are done against the Shariah.

Desiring status and wealth. (duniya)

No desire to cleanse self (tasawuf)

How minor Sins became Major sins ——-1.repeatation of sins 2.Thinking Sins as small thing 3.To enjoin sins 4.Deluded of not being punished 5. Making Sins Public

Treatments for weak/decrease iman

1.Good aqidah /belief =good iman =accepted actions/deeds

2.tasawuf /tariqat

Ilm e nafae(marifat)


2.helps in ahkirat

3.spiritual enlightment

4.tazkiya e nafs

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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