“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Ahklaq and niyyat
Amal/deeds valuation depends on niyyat/intention.
Purity/sincerity/Iqlas e niyyat(only seeking Allah’s pleasure) makes deeds countable on the day of judgement.
Iqlas e niyyat =no duniya for ahkirat
Duniya=anything that takes you away from Allah.
Ahkirat =anything that takes you closer to Allah.
No iqlas e niyyat =no barkaat/blessings (rewarded in duniya not in ahkirat)
Niyyat may be individual/collective is the foundation for all alldeeds/amaal.
Niyyat is always with amal.(kaifiyat e ruh is always with kaifiyat e jism)
Recording angels sees the deed AND Allah sees the niyyat.
Kaifiyat e jism/body +kaifiyat e ruh/soul=insan
Niyyat is always with amal.(kaifiyat e ruh is always with kaifiyat e jism)
If jism gets tired ,ruh also gets tired (if jism is stronger than the ruh).
Kaifiyat e ruh/soul must be stonger than kaifiyat e jism
Khair/goodness is when allah gives hidayath/guidance(any thing done only for pleasing allah
Jism =materialistic world(alam e duniya)
Ruh=spiritual world (alam e amr/command) ,very subtle like light/noor.
Human=bodily/materialistic features+spirit/spiritual features
1.become knowledgeable (alim)
2.seeking/spreading knowledge(mutalim)
3.loving knowledge(muhibb e ilm)
4.loving alim/ulema(muhibb e ulema)
Knowledge protects you whereas you protect wealth.
Ilm/iman is safeguarded with amal e saleh/good deeds.
Amal e saleh (light/noor)+ilm=ilm e nafae(profitable knowledge)
Profitable knowledge=ilm+amal e saleh AND Waste knowledge=ilm-amal e saleh
NOOR/LIGHT=empty stomach,amal e saleh,ilm enafae,tahjud etc etc etc
Allah teaches the prophets/messengers AND ambiya teaches the ummah/people.
Asbab(wealth, power,knowledge etc etc) =are not permanent and gives izzat/respect
Permanent izzat/respect=serving deen (as a servant of rasoolallah ﷺ)
Intention/niyyat(sincere to Allah AND to seek his pleasure)
It differentiate worship of Allah alone (tawheed) from worship of something along with Allah(shirk)
It differentiate between worshiping Allah correctly and worshipping him incorrectly or not at all.
If the intention is good ,the result will be good AND if the intention Is bad ,the result will be bad.
2 people may do the same deed, but the result may be different based on intention (rewarded/punished).
Rewarded =if done for Allah’s pleasure/sincerely for his sake.
Deed is converted to act of worship/ibadat based on intention.
Permissible deeds into acts of obedience to Allah.
People with marifat/truly knowing Allah routine deeds of life become acts of worship/ibadat.
Those without marifat/iqlas e niyyat ritual acts of worship become routine.
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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