
Tariqat, Wilayat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Hidayat =starts when we realize, im going away from Allah whereas he is very close to me.

Hidayat = taqwa(avoiding sins/being obedient, knowing allah is closer/watching me, opposing nafs).

Taqwa = Allah is qareeb/closer to me, so ashamed of commiting sins(between fear and love= best iman).

Taqwa/muhasab e nafs=trying to be close to Allah and gaining his qurb/nearness.

Haq e taqwa =allah is watching me +muhasab e nafs /keeping eye on nafs.

Zahir taqwa =avoiding sins /obedience towards ahkam/ahklaq.

Baatin taqwa= hidden things like niyyat/khusho/khuzu /iqlas/islah e nafs etc

Zahir/shariat and baatin/tariqat both must go hand in hand . body and heart must be the same.

Taqwa (wilayat)=Iman(obedience without reasoning)+ ilm(protection) + sulook/islah e nafs(purification)

Amanat e ruh is taqwa because ruh is from Allah’s wealth/milkiat.

Anwarate e elahi falls on purified hearts same as anwarate e elahi falling on arsh making slaves heart arshi /heavenly walking on the ground (ahklaq/ahwal/barakat/noor spreads because of taqwa/purification).

Best person=(iman/ilm)Yaqeen–doubts AND (islam/amaal)Deen -desires

Taqwa/vigilance  with adab

Iman/yaqeen without any doubt.

Ilm/knowledge  without any fame/show off.

Amaal/deeds without sinning/disobedience. 

Zuhd without duniya in your heart/desires.

Haal/state without ghaflat/heedlessness.

Shukr/thankfulness without conditions.

Sabr/pateince (Raza/pleased) without complaint.

Kidmat/service without show off/greed.

Zikr/remembrance(ibadat) without break/heedlessness.

Best person=(iman/ilm)Yaqeen–doubts AND (islam/amaal)Deen -desires

Amanat e ruh is taqwa because ruh is from Allah’s wealth/milkiat.

Anwarate e elahi falls on purified hearts same as anwarate e elahi falling on arsh making slaves heart arshi /heavenly walking on the ground (ahklaq/ahwal/barakat/noor spreads because of taqwa/purification).

Wara =muhasaba e nafs /accountability of nafs (on daily basis)

Wilayat = 1.faraiz/obedience 2.ilm e nafae/protection 3.islah e nafs/purification  4. Nawafil  

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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