Tauheed-Prophet And His Companions Are Blessed

Shariath, tauheed-

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Tawheed and Shirk(Monotheism or Polytheism)11


(11/48)The righteous people obeyed Sayyidina Nuhs (as) message and listened to him, they also became of the blessed people.

(10/28-30) talking of idols not the deceased pious!

(10/35) what the polytheists worshipped besides Allah did not guide them in anyway or lead them to the truth, though we are aware that the pious do nothing but guide to the truth! it is talking of idols or jinn.

(10/36) However one cannot argue that the existence of pious people is conjecture: they are real and their existence cannot be denied.

(30/13) Further information given about what the polytheists would worship is that on the Final Day, the polytheists will deny what they worshipped .. However it is not possible that Allah will allow the polytheists to deny his Prophets and pious people, thus this verse cannot be talking of them, but as always it is discussing idols!

(30/43, 36/59) Allah Azawajal informs us that on the Final Day, the pious Muslims and the disbelievers will be raised separately

(37/21-36)We are then further informed how this separation will take place and how Allah will gather the polytheists and the angels will then lead both the polytheists and what they worshipped into Hell. From these verses we understand that both the polytheists and what was worshipped will be cast into Hell. That which was worshipped will say they themselves were astray therefore they mislead their worshippers; they will both then share the doom. However we are fully aware that Allah Most Merciful will not throw His Prophets nor the pious into Hell! We are also aware that the pious were not mislead and neither did they mislead others. In conclusion, we understand from these verses that idols and Jinn are being discussed not the previous prophets and pious people!

(10/28)Regarding the word Stand Back – Allah Almighty is angry with that which was worshipped besides Him and at those who worshipped something other than Him. Allah commands them to stand back, and says this in an emphasis to denote just how severe the situation is. therefore what was worshipped cannot be the pious but the idols.

Allah Almighty will gather that which was worshipped besides Him in addition to those who worshipped others beside Him. Once they are both brought together, Allah will command them to Stand Back! This command will only take place once that have been gathered before Allah.

Claim that Muslims are worshipping the deceased pious. If we agree with this misconception, this means Muslims have become mushriks (polytheists) and that on the Day of Judgment these mushriks will be brought forward to Allah with their deceased pious (which they allegedly worshipped) and Allah will say to them stand back.

the Muslims and mushriks will be brought forth separately. Rather, it will be the Idols and the Devil which are brought forth along with the mushriks and infidels.

As Allah Almighty has repeatedly informed us that the Muslims and infidels will not be brought forth together they shall be brought forth separately:

(30/12-15) the Muslims and infidels shall be separated from one another and that the Muslims will be granted paradise.

(41/29) the mushriks will ask Allah to show them that which they worshipped besides them so that they may place them underneath their feet. If you think that the Prophets and pious were worshipped, do you think Allah will allow their worshippers to talk of his beloved Prophets and pious in this way! SubhanAllah!

(30/43,36/59) the infidels will be separated from the Muslims on the Final Day.

From what we have recited, we can see that the Muslims and infidels will be brought forth separately. It is completely incorrect to think they will be brought forth together or that Allah will be angry with the Prophets and the pious.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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