Surah 38 -39

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

Shall We make those who have believed and have done good deeds like those who spread mischief in the earth or make the pious ones like wicked disobedients?38/28

This is for them (believers). But undoubtedly, for the contumacious is the evil resort.38/55

Then he said, ‘I have loved the love of these horses for the remembrance of my Lord’. Then he ordered to drive them until they were hidden from his sight behind the veil.38/32

Undoubtedly, this is my brother, he has ninety-nine ewes and I have one ewe, now he says entrust this one also to me and presses me in speech.38/23

Daud said, ‘undoubtedly, he is doing injustice in demanding your ewe to add to his ewes. And certainly, many of the partners show high handedness against each other, but those who believe and do good, and they are very few. Now Daud guessed that We had tested him, therefore, he begged forgiveness of his Lord and fell in prostration and turned (to Allah). [^] (SAJDA) 38/24

‘O Daud’, Undoubtedly, We have made you a vicegerent in the earth, therefore order between mankind with truth, and follow not desire, otherwise it would cause you to go astray from the path of Allah. Verily, those who go astray from the path of Allah, there is for them a severe torment for that they have forgotten the Day of Reckoning.38/26

This is a Book that We have sent down towards you Blessed, so that they may ponder on its signs and that the men of wisdom may be admonished.38/29

He said, ‘O my Lord’ for give me, and bestow me a Kingdom which may not suit to anyone else after me. Undoubtedly, You are the Big Bestower.38/35

Then We subjected the wind to him that it ran by his commandment softly, wherever he desired.38/36

And subjected to him the giants (Satan), every builder and diver.38/37

And others bound in fetters.38/38

This is Our gift, now you do favour upon whom you like or withhold there is no reckoning upon you.38/39

And undoubtedly, he has necessarily nearness to Us and an excellent resort.38/40

This is for them, therefore let them taste it, boiling water and pus.38/57

Say you, ‘I am only a warner, and there is no god but Allah, the One All Dominant’.38/65

He said, ‘I am better than him, You have made me of fire and created him of clay’.38/76

And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who believe not in the Hereafter shrink, and whenthose besides Him are mentioned, henceforth they rejoice.39/45

Do they not know that Allah enlarges the provision for whomsoever He likes and restricts it for whomsoever Helikes? Undoubtedly, in it are signs for the believers.39/52

Say you, ‘O My bondmen who have committed excesses against their own souls ‘despair not of the mercy of Allah’ Undoubtedly, Allah forgives all sins, Verily He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.39/53

Lest a soul should say, ‘Ah-alas’. on the errors which I committed regarding Allah, and undoubtedly I used to scoff.’39/56

39/22. Will he whose heart Allah has opened for Islam so that he is upon a light from his Lord be like him who is hard heartened? Woe, then, is to those whose hearts are hardened from the remembrance of Allah. They are in evident error.

Undoubtedly, We have sent down this Book to you with truth, therefore worship Allah being purely His devotee.39/2

Yes, the sincere exclusive devotion is to Allah only. And those who have taken for protectors other than Allah say, ‘we worship them only so that they may bring us nearer to Allah’. Allah will decide among them concerning that wherein they are differing. Undoubtedly, Allah guides not him who is a great ungrateful liar.39/3

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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