Surah 14-15

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

And when Musa said to his people, ‘remember Allah’s favour upon you, when He delivered you from Frown’s people who used to afflict you worsly, and slaughter your sons and let your daughters live, and in it there was shown great mercy of your Lord.14/6

And remember, when your Lord proclaimed, ‘If you will be grateful, then I shall give you more, and if you are thankless, then My torment is severe.’14/7

Musa said, ‘if you and all others in the earth become disbelievers, then verily Allah is self-sufficient, Praiseworthy.14/8

Their messengers said to them, ‘We are indeed human beings like yourselves, but Allah bestows His favour on whomsoever He will of His bondmen. And it is not for us to bring you any’ authority but by the command of Allah. And upon Allah alone the Muslims should rely.14/11

And those who believed and did good deeds shall be made to enter gardens, beneath which flow rivers abiding there in with the command of their Lord. Their greetings at the time of their meeting are Peace.14/23

Did you not see that how Allah has explained the example of the holy word like a clean tree whose root is firmly standing and branches are in the heaven.It gives its fruit at all times by the command of its Lord and Allah propounds examples for the people that they may understand.14/24-25

And they have set up equals for Allah that they might lead astray from His path. Say you, enjoy a little, verily your end is the Fire.14/30

Say to My those bondmen who believed that they should keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them secretly and openly before the coming of that day in which there shall be neither trading nor friendship.14/31

And recall when Ibrahim submitted, ‘O my Lord make this city secure. and save me and my sons from worshipping the idols.14/35

‘My Lord, verily the idols have led astray many people. then who sided with me is mine and who disobeyed me. Then you are certainly Forgiving, Merciful.14/36

‘O my Lord, I have caused some of my children to settle in a valley wherein there is no cultivation by your sacred House, O our Lord in order that they might keep up prayer, then You make some people’s hearts incline toward them and give them some fruits for food, haply they may be thankful.14/37

‘O our Lord, you know what we conceal and what we disclose. And nothing is concealed from Allah in the earth or in the heaven.14/38

‘O my Lord, keep me as establisher of prayer and some of my children too, O our Lord, and accept my prayer.14/40

No doubt, in that are signs for the believers.15/77

In the same way, We make a way for this mockery in the hearts of the culprits.15/12

They believe not therein. and already the example of the ancients has gone forth.15/13

And We do indeed know that your heart straitens at what they say.15/97

And recall when your Lord said to the angels, “I’am about to create human-being from the ringing clay which is of the black smelling mud.”15/28

Then when, I had formed him and have breathed into him of My special esteemed spirit, then fall down for him prostrate.15/29

Then all the angels fell down prostrate together.15/30

Save Iblis. He refused to be with the prostate.15/31

Allah said `O Iblis, what happened to you that you did remain aloof from the prostate.’15/32

He said ‘It is not befitting me that I should prostrate myself before a human being whom You have made from the ringing clay which was of the black smelling mud.’15/33

He said ‘O my Lord, I swear of that. You led me astray, I will deceive them in the earth, and certainly I will mislead all of them.But those of them who are Your selected bondmen.15/39-40

Verily, over My bondmen you have no control, save those misguided ones who follow you.15/42

And We took out whatever rancorous were there in their breasts, they are brothers among each other, sitting upon couches facing each other.15/47

See not stretching your eyes the thing, We gave to their some pairs to enjoy and grieve not over them. And took the Muslims in your wings of mercy.15/88

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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