Surah 12 Part 1

Shariath, surah

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Dars e quran

Then when Zalikha heard their whispering then she sent for them and prepared for them cushioned couches,and gave to each of them a knife, and said to Yusuf, ‘Come forth to them.’ And when the women saw Yusuf,they began to speak of his greatness, and cut their, hands and said ‘Holy is Allah,’ he is not a mankind, he isnot but a noble angel.12/31

Yusuf said, ‘the food which you use to get, will not come to you, but I shall tell you the interpretation thereofbefore it comes to you, this is of those knowledges which my Lord has taught me. No doubt, I did not concedeto the religion of the people who do not believe in Allah and they are the rejecters of the Hereafter.12/37

And I followed the religion of my fathers Ibrahim and Ishaque and Yaqub. It is not for us to associate anythingwith Allah. That is a grace of Allah upon mankind and us but most men thank not.12/38

You worship not besides Him but only names which you and your fathers have carved out. Allah has sent downno authority for them. There is no judgement but of Allah. He commanded not to worship anyone besides Him.This is the right religion, but most men know not.12/40

He said. ‘You will do cultivation for seven continuous years, then what you reap, leave it in its ear, but a littlewhich you may eat.12/47

The King said ‘O women’ what business you had when you desired to allure the heart of Yusuf. They said. ‘Holy is Allah, we did not find any evil in him. The wife of Aziz said, ‘now the reality is discovered, I desired to allurehis heart and no doubt, he is truthful.12/51

Yusuf said, ‘I have done this because Aziz should know that I betrayed him not behind his back, and Allah allows not the guile of betrayers.12/52

And I do not hold my soul free from sin’ no doubt the soul is wont to command evil but that on whom my Lord has mercy. No doubt, my Lord is Forgiving’ Merciful.12/53

Yusuf said, ‘set me over the treasures of earth. No doubt, I am watchful, knowing.12/55

And the brethren of Yusuf, came, then appeared before him and Yusuf recognised them but they remained unaware of him.12/58

And when they entered after the manner their father had commanded, it could not save them against Allah,yes there was a desire in the heart of Yaqub which he fulfilled. And verily, he is the man of knowledge by Our teaching, but most men know not.12/68

He said, ‘your souls have made for you some excuse. Then patience is good. It is near that Allah may bring them all to me. No doubt, it is He the Knowing the Wise.12/83

He said, ‘I cry out for assistance in my anguish and sorrow unto Allah, and I know those glories of Allah which you know not.12/86

They said, ‘Are you really Yusuf,’ He said, ‘I am Yusuf and this is my brother No doubt, Allah has favoured us.Verily whosoever refrains and be patient, then Allah wastes not the reward of the righteous.12/90

Go with this shirt of mine, put it on my father’s face’ he shall recover his sight. And bring all your family together.12/93

When the Caravan departed from Egypt, their father here said, ‘no doubt, I find the scent of Yusuf, if you say me not that he is doted.12/94

The sons said, ‘By Allah, you are infatuated with the same old love.12/95

Then when the bearer of glad-tidings came’ he laid that shirt on the face of Yaqub, forthwith his sight cameback. He said, ‘did I not say to you hat I know those glories of Allah which you know not.12/96

They said, ‘O our father, beg forgiveness of our sins, no doubt, we are sinful.12/97

He said, ‘soon I shall beg my Lord to forgive you.’ He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.12/98

And most of them believe not in Allah but as associators.12/106

Say you, ‘This is my way; I call towards Allah. I and those who follow my footsteps have insight. And Holy is Allah: and I am not an associators.12/108

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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