
Shariath, Sin

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Sins and taqwa

Taqwa =avoiding sins(increases hafiza/intelligence)

Avoiding sins= increases hafiza/intelligence +noorani heart + love for ibadat+ peace/sukoon +knowledge (knowledge is noor)+ bright face +increase rizq/sustenance and strength of body

Sins =weakens iman+away from allah’s protection +disobedience of allah +away from pleasure/fazal of allah.

Sins=away from aman(hifazat)of allah, mukhalifat(opposing) of allah ,fazal/pleasure of allah

Sins are like wounds they keep you away from allah(Avoid sins and increase night ibadat) 

Treatment =nadamat/remoarse

Black/hardned heart = because of more sleeping+ eating+ speaking+ association with people(loses respect in society)

The source of taqwa is the hearts of ‘arifs.

Taqwa =fear of allah +avoiding sins+related with iqlas/niyyat +condition of the heart

Avoiding sins =allah makes ilm/itaat/ibadat/rizq easy (because allah wants his slave to know him than making him busy with work)

Their wont be barkat/blessings in rizq if you ask people/beg people.

Thank allah ,he will give you more.

Ibadat is easy than avoiding sins

Taqwa =fear of allah +avoiding sins+related with iqlas/niyyat +condition of the heart

Like in qurbani its iqlas e niyyat (taqwa) reaches allah

Iqlas/niyyat reaches faster than amal/deeds

Asl/actual is hiiden=niyyat

Avoiding sins =peace +wilayat(nearness to aallah-qurbiat)

Abdiat gets perfected with riyazat/practise(allah will save him from dishonour)

Peacefull heart is free from fear and sorrows.

Excessive talk/sleep/eating/association= hard and dark heart

Gain ilm with adab + Do ibadat with mohabbat and iqlas/sincerety

Knowledge/Ilm ul yaqin –witness/ain ul yaqin- expereience/haq ul yaqin

Always cherish Abdiat /servanthood  with obedience (iqlas)

Slave =one who is not disobedient to allah.

Ibadat=fulfulling allah’s commandments

Itaat=for allah’s pleasure/raza following sunnat e rasool.

Think/tasawur of obedience for allah and his rasool.

Worship is haal(iqlas)

Iqlas (for allah)—–Niyyat(for allah)—amal/deeds(for allah)

Niyyat means intention of qalb.

Heart is for marifat/understanding not for duniya.

Niyyat is everlasting and deeds are not everlasting.

Riya/show off/hypocrisy destroys deeds.

Niyyat can be related to many deeds and deeds cannot be related to many intentions.

No intention for dua/zikr/recitation of quran but differentiating zakat and sadaqa.

Good intention cannot be accepted if the means are contradict to islam.

Deeds of heart are superior to the deeds of other body parts.

People see the action and Allah sees the intention


To please/raza Allah alone (don’t see the act/person/yourself(riya/showoff))

To follow sunnah

To be a true servant of  the prophet(To reform yourself).

More the number of intention more is the reward for 1 deed/action

Not for worldly gains (only to seek allah’s pleasure)

Iqlas (for allah)—–Niyyat(for allah)—amal/deeds(for allah)

Going out =ask for shahadat

Work =for earning halaal

Eating/sleeping =to gain strength for doing ibadat.

Graveyard =to seek forgiveness

Pious =to meet allah’s friend

Prayer= for next prayer/salah

Masjid=itikaf e masjid

Leaving Sins =fearing Allah and punishment in ahkirah.

Helping people =to please allah (don’t see the act/person/yourself)

Gathering =avoiding because people must be free from my mischief’s

Learning =for kidmate deen as a talib e ilm.

To spread word of haqq/truth.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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