“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
The Parents of Holy Prophet ﷺ are Mu’mins
The opinions of the scholars can be divided
into three camps.
Camp One-This camp states that the parents belonged to the period of Fitra (nature). The closest Prophet prior to this period was Isa ,who appeared six hundred years before our Prophet (ﷺ). During this period, the divine scripture revealed to Isa had become subject to alterations and changes. Isa was only sent for the guidance of Bani Israel, not for people universally. Isa did not preach the people of Arabia, and nor did his disciples. In light of these facts, the saying of Allah is applicable to such people of Fitra;‘And We do not torment until We send a Messenger.’(17/15)
Allama Ali ibn Burhan al-Din writes in See’rah Halbiyya That:‘Allama Ibn Hajr
al-Haithami has mentioned that the correct opinion in which there is no doubt
is that the people of Fitra are recipients of salvation….…(Seerah
Halbiyya. Imam Muhammad Abu Zuhra, vol. I, p. 103).
‘And never will your Lord
destroy the towns (populations) until He sends to their mother town a Messenger
reciting to them Our Verses’ (28/59)
a. The first are those beings who
through their own enlightened insight were able to deduce the oneness of
Allah, like Qus ibn Sa’ida, Zaid ibn Amr ibn Nawfal and some of the kings of
the community of Tubba.
b. The second are those who diverted from the religion of Ibrahim and began
worshipping idols. They forced this misguided belief onto others too, like Amr
ibn Lahy.(people of fire)
c. The third are those who through
their lack of knowledge and disregard refrained from accepting other beliefs
and remained firm on monotheism. They did not indulge in polytheism and
idol-worship. These are the people who fall under the verse ‘And We do not
torment until We send a Messenger.’
Regarding the faith of the
Prophet’s parents, one position is that they belong to the people of Fitra. No prophet was sent to them from the time of Ismail up
until the official announcement of Prophet-hood from Muhammad (ﷺ), nor did they perform any act associated with disbelief.,
Camp Two-The second camp of scholars state that the parents of the
Prophet (ﷺ) never committed disbelief and
polytheism. Throughout their lives, they remained firm on the religion of
their forefather Ibrahim (ﷺ), were known for noble moral
qualities and they had unshaken belief in Allah’s oneness and in the Day of
Judgement. ,
Imam Fakr al-Din Razi writes, ‘Verily
the fathers of the prophets were not disbelievers, because of the saying of
Allah ‘He is the One who sees you when you stand; and when you were transferred
in the loins of the prostrating ones.’ It is said the meaning is that his
Nur transferred from one prostrating one to the next, proving that all the
fathers of Muhammad (ﷺ) were Muslims.’ (Seerah Halbiyya. Imam Muhammad Abu Zuhra, vol. I, p. 103).
(Tabrani in Awsat, Baihaqi in
Dala’il) from Aisha (ra) that the Prophet (ﷺ) said ‘Jibrael (ﷺ) said to me, ‘I have
searched the earth, the easts and the wests. And I did not find a man better
than Muhammad (ﷺ), and I did not find a clan
better than the clan of Bani Hashim.’
After citing the above narration,
Allama Suyuti includes the saying of Imam Ibn Hajar,
‘Imam Ibn Hajar said, ‘And it is known that being the best, being the chosen
and preferred comes from Allah. And in the eyes of Allah, being the best cannot
occur with Shirk (polytheism).’
Superiority can only be achieved when they believe in Allah and their belief is not tarnished with polytheism.
When I want to talk to allah I
say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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