Iman q & h 16

Iman Q & H, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Say: ‘(All this) is due to the bounty and mercy of Allah (bestowed upon you through raising Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him] as the exalted Messenger). So the Muslims should rejoice over it. This is far better than (all that affluence and wealth) that they amass.’10/58

O Beloved!) These are the tidings of the unseen which We reveal to you. But (at that time) you were not present with them when they were casting their pens (by way of a draw to determine) which of them should take care of Maryam (Mary). Nor were you with them when they were disputing with one another.3/44

(O My Esteemed Beloved!) This (narrative) is of the news of the unseen which We are revealing to you, and you were not present with them when they (Yusuf’s [Joseph’s] brothers) were co-working to conclude their conspiracy and were plotting to deceive.12/102

(He is) the Knower of the unseen. So He does not inform any (common man) of His unseen, Except for His Messengers with whom He is well-pleased (and reveals to them alone the unseen because that is an exclusive trait of Prophethood and a Messenger’s miracle as well). So indeed He appoints protectors at both front and rear of him (the Messenger, for the security of the knowledge of the unseen),72/27

Say: ‘I am not the first Messenger (sent to mankind that no precedent of Messengership exists before me). Nor do I know of my own accord (i.e., purely by means of my own mental faculty and self-application) what will be done to me or what will be done to you. (My knowledge is nothing except that) I follow that revelation alone which is sent to me. (It is this that provides me knowledge about everything.) And I am simply a clear Warner (on the basis of this knowledge obtained through revelation).46/9

Indeed, those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and remain engaged in creating mischief in the land (i.e., perpetrate bloodshed, terrorism, robbery, burglary and massacre amongst Muslims), their punishment is that they should be slain, or hanged to death, or their hands and their feet on opposite sides should be cut off, or they should be exiled far from (i.e., deprived of moving about in) the homeland (i.e., either by banishment or by imprisonment). That is the humiliation for them in this world, and for them there is a terrible torment in the Hereafter (as well),5/33

(O Esteemed Messenger!) Say: ‘If your fathers (and forefathers) and your sons (and daughters) and your brothers (and sisters) and your wives and your (other) kith and kin and the riches that you have earned (so hard) and the trade and business that you fear may decline and the homes you are fond of are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and struggling in His cause, then wait until Allah brings His command (of torment). And Allah does not guide the disobedient.’9/24

By the growing morning bright (when the sun gains height and spreads its radiance), Or (O My Esteemed Beloved,) I swear by (your holy face glowing like) the growing morning bright, (the radiant face, whose effulgence has illumined the dark souls,) Or By (the growing sunshine of your Messengership rising like) the morning bright (whose radiance has replaced the darkness of ignorance with the enlightenment of guidance,) And by the night when it covers up, Or (O My Esteemed Beloved,) I swear by (your fragrant tresses spread like) the sprawling murky night (over your effulgent face and shoulders,) Or By (the veil of your essence that is keeping under layered covers your real nucleus of radiance like) the dark night when it envelops, (Ever since He has chosen you,) your Lord has not forsaken you. Nor is He displeased (ever since He has taken you as His Beloved). 93/3

Say: ‘I look like you only (by virtue of my visible creation) as a man. (Otherwise just think what congruity you have with me.) It is I to whom the Revelation is transmitted that your God is the One and only God. (And just see to it whether you have any such divine potential that the Word of Allah may come down to you.) ..’18/110

The Prophet used to say in his supplication when performing the prayer over the dead, “O Allah, whomever of us you make to live, let him live in Islam, and whomever of us you make to die, let him die in iman,”(ahmad)

‘Uthman(ra)narrated that after Allah’s Messengerburied a person, he would stand by the grave and say:Ask Allah to grant to your brother forgiveness and firmness (of words), because he is being questioned at this moment (al hakim)

As death approached him, ‘Amr Bin al-‘As (ra)said to his companions: “After you bury me, stand around my grave for as long as it takes to slaughter a camel and distribute its meat; I will thus be comforted by your presence while I am considering how to respond to my Lord’s Messengers (the two angels).”(muslim)

Al-Bara Bin ‘Azib(ra)reported that Allah’s Messengersaid:When the believer is placed in the grave, he is made to sit, and is approached (by the two angels); he then testifies that there is no deity (worthy of being worshipped) but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Allah makes the believers firm with firm words.(bukhari)

Verily, the dead are punished in their graves, and even the animals hear their screaming. (tabarani)

Verily, those people (the dead) are being afflicted in the grave. Were it not that you may tend to stop burying each other, I would have asked Allah to let you hear the torture of the grave as I do.(ahmed)

indeed, these graves engulf their dwellers with darkness; and verily Allah illuminates them (for the believers) because of my salah (supplication) for them.(muslim)

“There are three types of muminun in the world: those who have iman in Allah and His Messenger and then do not doubt and they struggle with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah; then there is the one whom people trust with their wealth and their lives, and then there is the one who when he is on the point of [achieving] a desire he gives it up for the sake of Allah, mighty is He and majestic.”(ahmad)

Imam Hassan Radiallahu-anh -A prayer of the Momin(True Muslim) behind Munafiq(A Hypocrite who is muslim by appearance only and not by faith) will not give any loss to him while the prayer of Munafiq(A Hypocrite who is muslim by appearance only and not by faith) behind Momin will not be of any profit to him.Al Musannaf-Imam ibn e Abi Shaibah, 152/2, #7562

Intellectual and spiritual knowledge clash with each other.

Divine inspiration/ilham =when heart is empty of duniya (exposed to god’s gifts)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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