Haazir o Naazir-Meaning

Haazir O Naazir, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Concept of Haazir-o-Naazir.

All Muslims agree that the Holy Prophet is Jaame-Kamaalaat {i.e. all excellences bestowed to other Prophets, or whatever shall be given to future Saints or creation have all been given to him and even more so). rather, it is through him that they have attained whatever they have.

Al-Misbaahul-Muneer states, “It is recorded in Qaamoosul-Lugaat, “Ibn Abi Bakr writes in Mukhtaarus-Sihaah, “We are Naazir until where our sight ends, and Haazir until where our authority reaches. Due to us being able to see until the sky, we are Naazirs (people that can see) until it but are not Haazir until it because our reach does not extend to there.

According to the Shariah, the meaning of Haazir & Naazir in the creation is

1.the spiritually strong person who sees the entire world as how he sees the-palm of his band,

2. or the one who can also hear both near & far voices and sound equally

3. and can t(ra)vel through the whole creation assisting those with needs over thousands of miles. This speed can either be spiritually with a likeness in bodily structure [jism-e-misaali} or with that body that had been buried or is present somewhere.

All of this is proven for the spiritual luminaries from the Qu(ra)n, Hadith and rulings of the Ulama

To be Haazir & Naazir at every place is not the quality of Allah because He is free from area and space. “Allah does not endure time and no space can encompass him.”  – Books of Beliefs (Aqaaid). Allah ﷻ definitely Haazir, but He is free from being in an area, which is why the ayat, “ثم استوی علی العرش” 3.71 has been classified as Mutashaabihaat.

 “Allah’s knowledge and power (qud(ra)t) encompass the entire creation.” To accept Allah being present in every place is not part of deen. This is the glory of the Prophet of Allah . Even if it is accepted to be Allah’s quality, Haazir & Naazir’s attribute for the Holy Prophet will then be successive {ataa’i), have an ending (haadith), a creation and in the control of Allah Haazir & Naazir for Allah will become original (zaati], infinite (qadeem), not a creation and not in the control of anyone else.

The Prophets (alaihimus salaam) made Haaziri (were present) in Musjid al-Aqsa to perform Salaah with our Noble Prophet ﷺ being the Imaam. If Prophets cannot leave their Blessed Graves then how is it that all of the Prophets (alaihimus salaam) were present in Musjid al-Aqsa, on the blessed night of Mi’raj an-Nabi which occured long after the Wisaal of the other Prophets.

“Truly, a light has come to you from Allah and an illuminated book” (5/15)

The first and foremost gift of Allah is the “Light” (Noor) of the final Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. The second gift is the “illuminated book”, namely the Holy Qur’aan.

The “Light” (Noor) precedes and the “Book” (Kitab) follows. In the order of precedence we notice that Allah has mentioned His Beloved Messenger first.

The Holy Qur’aan is a “guidance for mankind” but it will be effectively understood only by those people, who accept the Last Messenger of Allah as “Light” (Noor).

Rasoolullah’s ﷺ existence is in two forms: Bashariyyat (Physical Existence) & Roohaniyyat (Spiritual Existence)

It is his Roohaniyyat that is the “Noor” that is described above. This “Noor” which is the essence of rasoolullah ﷺ was created from the Noor of Allah Ta’ala. And from rasoolullah’s ﷺ “Noor”, everything else was created. rasoolullah’s ﷺ “Noor” is still part of his attributes.  It is this spiritual dimension of rasoolullah’s ﷺ attributes that enables Him to be spiritually present and seeing (Haazir and Naazir). That is : because creation was created from the Noor of the Holy Prophet ﷺ he is (in a spiritual sense) present in everything and at everyplace.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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