Dars e Imam-Mohsin Parents

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The genealogy of the Holy Prophet is the most exalted and pure chain in the Universe.All his forefathers, from his father, Hazrat Abdullah (ra), to Hazrat Adam (as), were Mu’min, Muwaahids (believers in the Oneness of Allah), Aabids and Zaahids. None from amongst them were idol-worshippers or Faasiqs (sinners).

The Noor of Rasoolullah travelled from Hazrat Adam (as) to Hazrat Abdullah (ra), in the family chain of those who always sincerely worshipped One Allah.

In the era in which the Holy Prophet s parent’s lived all that was required for Iman was to affirm the true belief in the Oneness of Almighty Allah.

Neither did they commit Kufr nor was their Iman changed, so they cannot be regarded as sinners or Kaafirs. They remained true Mu’mins in life and when they passed away.

Both of them were on Deen-e-Haneef   following the teachings of Hazrat Ibrahim (as).In their time, they had not received direct invitation of previous Prophets to their Deen. They passed away with Iman, believing in One Allah before the Prophet announced his Prophethood.Due to the Du’a of Rasoolullah , Allah Ta ala gave life to his parents who were buried in their graves and they brought Iman on him. After Hajjat-ul Widaa, he brought them back to life with the permission of Allah Ta ala. By seeing him and bringing Iman on him, they became Sahaabi-e-Rasool . (Tafseer-e-Na’eemi)

The Holy Quran states: “There had come unto you a Messenger (one) of yourselves. In another reading the Fah (ARABIC) of ARABIC is pronounced with a Zabbar (ARABIC), which would mean that this most honourable Prophet has come from a most honourable group or society. Naturally, the idolaters cannot be termed as a honourable group, but on the contrary, as the most wicked. The above argument proves that the parents of Rasoolullah and his entire genealogical trace were a most honourable group and believed in One Allah.

In Miskhaat, in the Chapter “Ziarat Quboor,” it is stated that the Prophet sought permission from Allah Ta ala to visit the grave of his mother, not to seek her forgiveness. We ask, in all honesty, that if she was a disbeliever, why was he even given permission to visit her grave when it is stated explicitly in the Holy Quran not to even visit the graves of disbelievers? This proves that she was not a disbeliever or else he would not have been given permission to even stand at her grave. As to the question of forgiveness, he was not permitted to ask for their forgiveness because they were not sinners. A sinner or disbeliever is he upon whom a set of Divine Laws has reached and who intentionally violates it. A set of pure Divine Laws did not reach the parent’s of Rasoolullah , yet they believed in One Allah. How then could they be termed as idolaters?

The Holy Quran states: “We never punish until We have sent a Messenger.” The Pure Message or a Messenger never reached both of Rasoolullah’s parents, so how could they be punished? Yes, without doubt, they believed in the Religion of Hazrat Ibrahim (as), that is, in One Allah. Yet, as history proves, the Divine Books at that time had been misinterpreted and tampered with by human beings. The criterion of being called a person of faith at that time was strictly to believe in One God, which the parents of Rasoolullah believed in. It would be unfair to, therefore, call them disbelievers.

In Miskhaat, in the Chapter “Ziarat Quboor,” it is stated that the Prophet sought permission from Allah Ta ala to visit the grave of his mother, not to seek her forgiveness. We ask, in all honesty, that if she was a disbeliever, why was he even given permission to visit her grave when it is stated explicitly in the Holy Quran not to even visit the graves of disbelievers? This proves that she was not a disbeliever or else he would not have been given permission to even stand at her grave. As to the question of forgiveness, he was not permitted to ask for their forgiveness because they were not sinners. A sinner or disbeliever is he upon whom a set of Divine Laws has reached and who intentionally violates it. A set of pure Divine Laws did not reach the parent’s of Rasoolullah , yet they believed in One Allah. How then could they be termed as idolaters?

Sheikh Muhaddith Dehlwi (ra) said that the parents of all Prophets were never disbelievers.At the time of the construction of the Holy Kaaba, Hazrat Ibrahim (as) prayed to Allah Ta ala. The Holy Quran confirms: “And raise up in their midst a Messenger from among them.” The Holy Prophet Muhammad being raised from among the Muslim group is a fulfilment of Hazrat Ibrahim’s (as) supplication.With regards to the question of raising the dead, it is not an impossibility. This fact has been clearly proven by Hazrat Isa, Hazrat Moosa and Hazrat Hazkeel (alaihimus salaam). It has been reported in the Ahadith that close to Qiyamah, even the Kaafir Dajjal will be able to raise the dead. It has been reported that the Prophet also raised the dead as was in the case of Hazrat Jaber’s (ra) children and the entire group. (Qurtabi , Madaarijun Nabuwat, Shaami)

why were there names “Abdullah” and “Aaminah”? The meaning of “Abdullah” is “Slave of Allah” and “Aaminah” means “One with Faith.”Addressing the Holy Prophet , Almighty Allah states in the Holy Quran: “And soon will thy Lord give you (that wherewith) you shall be well pleased.” Taking this verse into account, which dutiful and obedient son will be pleased at seeing his parents in Hell?

Tawajjua -Body facing kaaba and Heart facing rab e kaaba

Tawajjua -Allah gives kamal/perfection with his tawajjua to creations .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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