Dars e Imam-Meaning Asking Help

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

• Ibn-e-Taymiyya writes that: Ibn Musayab’s listening of the adhan from the Prophet’s grave or the returning of salaam from the graves of the Awliya, is haqq and we believe in it. [Iqtida as Sirat al-Mustaqim, page 373]

• Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani writes: Abd al-Wajid says that I saw the Prophet
in a dream with his companions waiting at this place, like they were waiting for someone. I said, “As Salaam ‘alaykum,” after the reply to the salaam I asked “what or who are you waiting for?” The reply was we are waiting for Imam Bukhari, and that was the day Imam Bukhari passed away. [Fath al Bari, chapter on the death of Imam Bukhari, and Tarikh Baghdad by Hafidhh Asqalani, and Khatib al Baghdadi]

• Asqalani writes: Hafidhh Marwazi says that I was in the Ka’ba and I fell asleep. I then had a dream and in that dream I saw the Messenger of Allah
. Our Prophet said that you have read Imam Shafi’s book and why not mine? I asked which one is yours and the reply was Imam Bukhari’s book is my book. [Fath al Bari, Hafidhh Asqalani under Biography of Imam Bukhari] [Mizan al Ta’dil, biography of Simaq Dhahabi]

• Ibn Taymiyya writes: Some people came to the grave of our Prophet and requested something, and their needs were fulfilled. In the like manner, the pious people can also fulfill the needs of people – and we do not deny this [Iqtida as Sirat al-Mustaqim, – page 373, Ibn Taymiyya]

• Ibn al Qayyim writes: After dying, the Ruh (Spirit) can do those things that it cannot do when the person is alive in the dunya, (world) just as one or two Ruhs defeated a large army. Many companions relate that they saw the Messenger of Allah
Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, May Allah be well pleased with them, in their dreams at night fighting with them against the kuffar and winning the battle. Then it became a reality: on the following day a small army of Muslims defeated an army of many, many kafirs. [Kitab ar-Ruh, chapter 15, Ibn al Qayyim]

Why do we see some people asking the pious for help, rather than asking them to make dua on their behalf?
A: The meaning for this is that they say metaphorically to the pious but really they are asking the pious to make Dua for them. The companions of the Prophet used to do this as well. This has been mentioned in Hadith.
Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim quote the following hadith: The Messenger of Allah,
was on his way to the battle of Khaybar with his companions and asked ‘Amir, may Allah be pleased with Him, to recite a poem. ‘Amir then recited the following:
“Oh Prophet of Allah!

Allah is our Witness.
Without you we would not have had guidance.
Nor would we pray nor give zakah.
You forgive us and we sacrifice ourselves for you.
Send blessings on us and make us stand firm when fighting the enemy”
[Bukhari & Muslim Chapter. – Battle of Khaybar]

Ibn Hajar al Asqalani and al Asqalani have commented upon this Hadith that
The poem’s verses are addressed to the Prophet
because the word “sacrifice” cannot be used to Allah. This is because scholars have said the word ‘sacrifice’ (fida) is used in situations when one takes the place of another who is in difficulty, to remove the harm from another and take it upon oneself. This of course cannot apply to Allah – most High. The word “forgive” means that if we have gone astray obeying you, then bring us back on to the straight path. The objection to this may come from the first line of the poem – “Oh Allah!” The word ‘Allahumma’ is used to take Allah’s oath to the following verses and the poet used the word ‘Allahuma’ in the beginning for baraka (blessing) and he wants to start with the word of Allah – most High. The objection to the opinion that the verses are addressed to the Prophet may come from the phrases – “bless us” and “make us stand firm”. The answer to this question lies in the fact that the Prophet makes Dua to Allah for blessings to be sent to the people
[See Fath-al-Bari/Irshad-as-sari, Chapter on Khaybar by Asqalani & Qastalani]
Ibn Kathir and Ibn Athir have said that ‘Amir has said these verses in the praise of the Prophet
. [Sirat an- Nabi and Usd al-Ghaba, Chapter on Khaybar and the Biography of ‘Amir bin Akwah by ibn Kathir & Hafidhh ibn Athir]

2 kauf’s (Allah and duniya ) will not settle in 1 heart same way 2 love’s (Allah and duniya) will not settle in 1 heart

Marifat e deen and desires of duniya cannot be in 1 heart.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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