Dars e Imam-Masoom

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Through the grace of Allah(swt) the Prophets are sinless (masum) and infallible to polytheism (shirk). infidelity (kufr), deviance and vile actions at all times. Not even for a moment can these blessed individuals be deviant in belief or perform any disgraceful action, intentionally or unintentionally, before or after the proclamation of Prophethood, because they immediately have recognition of Allah(swt) from their birth.

If a Prophet became a sinner, both opposing him and obeying him would become necessary, and this is a concentration of two opposite things.

Hadrat Adam (as) found “Laa ilaaha ilallaahu Muhammadur Rasoolullah” written on the pillars of the Arsh immediately after he was created. – Madaarijun-Nubuwwah & Mawaahibul-Ladunya This proves that he had recognition of Allah(swt) from birth and that he was lettered and literate without the need of a teacher, because as soon as he was created, he read the written word on the pillars of the Throne of Allah(swt).

When Hadrat Esa (as) was born, he instantly said, “I’am the servant of Allah(swt). He has granted me revelation and made me a Nabi.”19/30 .

In his childhood, Hadrat Ibrahim (as) looked at the stars setting and said to his kaafir nation, “Can this be my Lord?” Later, on seeing the stars set, he said, “I dislike those that decline,”  6/76 .

As soon as he was born, Sayyiduna Rasoolul1ah went into Sajda and interceded for his Ummah. – Madaarijun-Nubuwwah & Mawaahibul-Ladunya

This shows us that our Beloved Nabi was born knowing the glory of Allah(swt) his own excellence and had recognition of his Ummah.

Commentating on the ayat, “لا ینال عھدی الظلمین”  2/129 Mulla Jeewan writes, “The Prophet’s are sinless from infidelity (kufr) before and after receiving revelation.” -Tafseeraate-Ahmadia .

Regarding Sayyiduna Rasoolullah, it is the Consensus (ijmaa) of the Ummah that never once did he commit any type of sin.

Under the ayat, “ما کنت تدری ما الکتب” 42/52 Imam Ismail Haqqi (ra), also states, “یدل علیہ انہ (as) قیل لہ ھل عبدت و ثناقط قال لا قیل ھل شربت خمرۃ قط قال لا فما زلت اعرف ان الذی ھو علیہ کفر”. Once, while the Holy Prophet(saws) was asked if he ever worshipped any idol, he answered, “No.” When asked if he ever drank alcohol, he replied, “No, i always knew that this belief (of worshipping idols) is kufr.” Tafseer Roohut-Bayaan

From the above, it is established that the Prophets are born having recognition (ma’rifat) of Allah(swt) and that they are not stained with the impurity of deviance.

Under the ayat, “ما

کنت تدری ما الکتب 42/52 Allama Ismail Haqqi (ra) writes, “It is agreed that before attaining revelation (wahi), the Prophets were mu’mins. They were sinless [from major sins as well as those minor ones which lead to contemptibility before and after revealing their Prophethood. Thus, how can they commit infidelity (kufr)? Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan .Mulla Jeewan (ra) writes under this ayat, “It is unanimously accepted that the Prophets are sinless from kufr before and after attaining revelation. Likewise, according to the general body of Ulama, they are also free from committing major sins.” Tafseeraat-e-Ahmadia .

Commentating of Surah Yusuf, Tafseere-Kabeer states that those Ahadith which go against the Prophets are not acceptable. To accept a narrator to be false is easier then believing a Prophet to have committed sin. Those Quranic verses and Mutawatir Ahadith which seemingly associated lies or any other sin to the Prophets are necessary to be interpreted. Their visible meaning will either not be what is meant, or it will be said that these misunderstandings were prior, to their receiving of Prophethood. Under the ayat, “لا ینال عھدی الظلمین ” Mulla Jeewan (ra) states, “و اذا تقرر ھذا فما نقل عن الانبیاء مما یشعر بکذب او معصیۃ فما منقولہ بطریق الاحاد فمر دود و ما کان منقو لا بطریق التواتر فمصروف عن ظاھرہ ان امکن و الا فمحمول علی ترک الاولی او کونہ قبل البعثۃ”-Tafseeraat-e-Ahmadia .

Madaarijun-Nubuwwah states that these types of ayats are similar to Mutashabihaat ayats, in which silence is necessary. – Vol. 1. Chapter 4 .Hadrat Adam (as), on the other hand, was not a sinner by eating the wheat nor was he punished.

Allah(swt) possessing all the perfect qualities (i.e. Authority. Knowledge, Independence, etc.) is an explicit and unanimous belief. According to their visible meanings however, some ayats seem contrary to this,

“They deceive Allah(swt) and He deceives them,” 3/54

“They cheated and Allah(swt); cheated,”  4/142

“Wherever you turn, YOU will find the face of Allah 2/115

Allah’s subhanu waatala  hand is upon their hands … ,” and Allah(swt) became leveled on the Arsh,,7/190

Allah(swt) is free from having a face. Hands, being level, cheating and deception.

However, the above ayats are visibly proving these things for Him. Thus, it is neccessary for these verses to be interpreted, rather than applying their literal meaning to Allah(swt). Whoever accepts Allah(swt) to be defective based on these verses is a person without Imaan. Similarly, anyone who takes the visible meaning of some ayats and uses it to establish and believe that the Prophets were sinners or polytheists is someone without deen. Insha-Allah, this is one answer to destroy the foundations of all objections.

The spiritual elders have said that we (humans) have taken Hadrat Adam out of Jannat because the souls of Kaafirs and sinners were present in his spine and were yet to be born. Due to them being unworthy of jannat, Hadrat Adam was ordered to leave these wretches on earth and, after that, return to where he belongs. Mirqaat, Baabul-Imaan bil-Qudoom & Roohul-Bayaan under 2/36

State of heart /haal is achieved by

1.taubah (returning towards Allah )

2.ilm (knowledge of sharia and tariqa)

3.amal/deeds (islah e nafs)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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