Dars e Imam-Light

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Umme Attiya states:‘When the verse ‘They pledged that they would not …’ was revealed (and one of the things was mourning) I was involved in a mourning. I said to the Prophet ‘I will not be involved in the mourning of anyone except the tribe of a particular woman because during the time of Jaahiliyya she had been involved in my mourning and it is necessary for me to be involved in her mourning. The Prophet ruled ‘Except for the (mourning of) that tribe, mourning is Haraam.(Sahih Muslim)

‘It is clear that this hadith provides dispensation only for Umme Attiya and only for the mouring of a particular tribe. It is clear that except for Umme Attiya mourning is not halal, and it is also not halal for Umme Attiya except when mourning for a paticular tribe. The legislator has the right to except anyone from a ruling as he wishes (Imam Nawawi ala’l Muslim)

Allah (Most High) Himself has called the Prophet Muhammad () a “light from Allah”and “a light-giving lamp”. He said: “There has come to you from Allah a Light and a Manifest Book” (5/15).The vast majority of the Mufassirin (excluding the Mu’tazila like Zamakhshari) interpreted the “light” in this verse to refer to Prophet Muhammad (), in that in his original reality he is a light from Allah.They include: Imam Suyuti (Tafsir al- Jalalayn),Imam Fakhruddin ar-Razi (Mafatih al-Ghayb), Baydawi (Tafsir Anwar at-Tanzil), Ibn Jawzi (Zad al-Masir), Baghawi (Ma’alim at-Tanzil), Shawkani (Fath al-Qadir),Sayyid Mahmud al-Alusi (Tafsir Ruh al-Ma’ani), Ibn Jarir at-Tabari (Jami’ al-Bayan), al-Khazin in his Tafsir,an-Nasafi (Tafsir al-Madarik), Qurtubi (Ahkam al-Qur’an),Abu’s Su’ud, and others.

“O Prophet! We have truly sent you as a witness, a bearer of good news, and a warner, and one who invites to Allah by His Permission, and a light-giving lamp (sirajan munira)” (33/45-46).About this verse, Mulla ‘Ali Qari al-Hanafi writes in his Sharh al-Shifa’ (1:505) the following:“Muhammad () is a tremendous light and the source of all lights…sirajan munira means a luminous sun, as in Q25:61.There is in that verse an indication that the sun is the highest of the physical lights, and that other lights are outpourings from it. Similarly, the Prophet () is the highest of the spiritual lights and other lights are derived from him by virtue of his mediating connection and pivotal rank in the sphere of creation. This is also inferred from the hadith ‘The first thing Allah created is my light, O Jabir!’”

It is related that Jabir ibn Abdullah asked the Prophet ():“O Messenger of Allah! Please tell me of the first thing Allah created before all others?” and that he replied: “O Jabir, verily Allah Most Exalted created – before all else – the light of your Prophet from His Light. That light remained (“turned”) in the midst of His Power for as long as He wished, and at that time there was not a Tablet or Pen or Paradise or Fire or angel or heaven or earth. And when Allah wished to create creation, He divided that light into four parts, and from the first made the Pen, from the second made the Tablet, from the third the Throne, (and from the fourth all else)…” Recorded by the reliable Imam and Hafiz Abdur-Razzaq San’ani (one of the Shaykhs of Bukhari and Muslim) in his Musannaf (one of the earliest collections of hadith).

Abd al-Razzāq in his Musannaf, Bayhaqī in Dalā’il al-nubūwwa ,Zurqāni in his Sharh al-mawāhib ,Imam Qastallani in his Mawahib Laduniyya (1:55-56), ‘Ajluni in Kashf al-Khafa’ (1:265/827) Mutali ul Musarraat Sharah Dalail Kheyraat page 610,afzalul Qura by Imam Ibn Hajr Makki,Madarij-un-Nabuwwat by Skaikh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlvi

Mahmud al-Alusi in his Tafsir Ruh al-Ma’ani (8:71) cites the hadith of Jabir from Abdur-Razzaq, and in another passage (17:105) he writes:“The Prophet’s being a mercy to all is linked to the fact that he is the intermediary of the Divine outpouring over all created things, as stated in the report that, The first thing Allah created was the light of your Prophet, O Jabir… and, Allah is the Giver and I am the distributor (Bukhari).”

on the authority of Ibn ‘Abbās (r), the Muhammadan Light goes from prophet to prophet (min nabīyyin ila nabīyyin) until the moment when Allāh (swt) causes it to emerge (akhraja) as the historical Prophet Muhammad.(Ibn Sa‘d Tabaqāt ,tafsir e tabari vol. xxi, page 79).

God‘s reason for the creation of this universe = “manifestation” and “recognition” of Himself .

“I created the Jinn and humankind only that they may worship Me!”51/56 meaning “that they may know Me/marifat” (according to ibn Abbas(ra))

However, the scholars consider the meaning of this hadith (specifically, the first sentence) authentic and sound, and it is supported by Qur’an (5:15) and other Sahih hadiths.

Other scholars who consider the meaning sound and cite it as evidence include (but are not limited to):Sayyidina Abdul-Qadir al-Gaylani al- Hanbali (in many of his books); Mulla ‘Ali al-Qari al-Hanafi in his book on the Mawlid entitled al-Mawrid al-Rawi (p. 40); the Hanafi mufti Abdul-Ghani an Nabulsi in his al-Hadiqa an-Nadiyya (2:375); Qadi ‘Iyad in his Shifa’ (1:19, 59-60); the Indian Hadith scholar Abdul- Hayy Lucknawi in his al-Athar al-Marfu’a (p. 33-34); and many others…

Ahkam/orders of sharia=to discipline yourself

Itaat/ibadat=purification of self.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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