Dars e Imam-kull Bidah

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Discussing the definition of Sunnat, the book Shaami states, “According to the majority of the Hanafi and Shafee scholars, the rule is that permissibility is the nature of things.” Vol.1, Kitaabut-Tahaarat

In the commentary of the above ayat, Tafseer Khaazin, Tafseer Roohul-Bayaan, Tafseer Khazaainul-Irfaan, etc. all clarify that the nature of every thing is permissibility. Impermissibility will be proven by prohibition. So, questioning the Ahle-Sunnah in the following manner, “Where is it written that hosting Meelad Sharif is permissible?” or, “When did The Holy Prophet ﷺ, Sahaaba, Taba’een or Taba-Taba’een every commemorate such things?” is only deceit. Rather, we should in turn ask such people, “Where is it written that to commemorate Meelad Sharif is Haraam? When Allah (swt) and His Rasool (saws)do not prohibit it and its impermissibility is not proven from any proof, which proof do you use to justify it so? Not having proof against Meelad Sharif is, in fact, a sign that it is permissible.”

Hadiths uses “every(kull)” to Mean Only a Sub Class

The Prophet said: “Truly, this black seed (al-habba al-sawda’) is a cure for every (kull) disease except death.“Narrated from ‘A’isha and Abu Hurayra by Bukhari,Muslim,al-Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah,and Ahmad through nineteen chains. Al-Zuhri said: “The black seed is black cumin (al-shuneez).” It is also named Indian cumin, fennel-flower; corn cockle, and wild savager.this doesnt means Black seed is literally cure of Every (kull) disease on earth but only a subgroup
The Prophet said: “None shall enter Hellfire who prays before sunrise and before sunset.”Narrated from ‘Amara ibn Ru’ayba al-Thaqafi by Muslim, al-Nasa’i, Abu Dawud, and Ahmad.This hadith is worded all-inclusively although it is not meant to include those who abandon the prayers of zuhr, maghrib, and ‘isha’. Ibn Hajar confirmed al-Tibi’s ruling that sound germane narrations must be taken together as one hadith, the general being modified in light of the specific (yuhmalu mutlaquha ‘ala muqayyaduha) so that practice can conform with the totality of their content Prophet (Salalahu alihi wasalam) said Every (kull) thing with which a man plays is void except his training of his horse , throwing of arrows and playing with his wife , Quoted in Ihya Uloom ud din by Imam Ghazali (Rah) Vol 2 , Pg 171 and Termed Sahih

Imam Ghazali (Rah) writes : It doesnt means Every thing except above three is unlawful It means want of benefit.To make sweet sounds of birds and to play any other sports for enjoyment is not unlawful [same page of Ihya]
In all of the above quoted verses of Quran the word “Every (کل)” has been used, but its meaning is applicable only to a subclass of it. This reminds of the well known English proverb: “Exceptions are always there.”There are many other examples from Quran and Hadith, where a general word is used to represent only a subclass of it.
When Quran orders “every one” to observe fasts in Ramadhan (2/185) The month of Ramzan in which Quran was sent down, the direction for the people and guidance and clear signs of judgement; that whoso of you finds this month, necessarily, he should fast in it, and whoso is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days; Allah desires facility for you and desires not hardship and for this, that you should complete the counting and speak of the Greatness of Allah, as He guided you and so that you may be grateful, it does make exception of ill and travelers etc. Similarly by the words “Every Bid’at is misguidance” meant “Every (bad) bid’at (i.e. Bid’at-e-Saa’iya) is misguidance”.There are many instances in Quran and Hadith where a general statement is made (by using the word “Every (کل)”) to represent only a subclass of it. (This is a

well know topic in Ilm-ul-Blagha) In a similar fashion, this Hadith is only talking about bad innovations.There are several hadiths proving Sahabas (Ra),Salafs, Early muslims brought many new innovations in Religion, e.g Fiqh , dividing quran into 30 parts, Books of Hadiths like Bukhari, Trimdhi, muslim were all done after centuries

…As for monasticism, they invented it themselves, for we had not enjoined it on them, seeking thereby to please Allah; but they did not observe it faithfully.[ We rewarded only those who were truly faithful, but many of them were transgressors (57/27)

Allah proves new innovations to be rewardful in the same ayah when he says: “We rewarded only those who were truly faithful

Translation: Ibn Masud (ra) narrates that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) called me and I said “Labaik”. The Prophet said: Do you know that Banu Israel was divided into 72 sects “BUT ONLY THREE GROUPS OUT OF THEM GOT FORGIVNESS”
1.Those who after Isa (a.s) stood against the Kings and tyrants. They called people towards deen of Allah and Isa bin Marym (a.s).

They fought against the transgressors and were martyred therefore they were forgiven
2. The second group was of those people who were not able to fight back but they stood firm infront of kings and tyrants. They said the words of truth. Due to this they were martyred by thick blades and were burnt (alive) but still they remained patient and thus attained forgiveness….Pious and Good innovators of Rahbaniyat were forgiven
3. Then another group arose, they were not able to fight nor stand infront of kings/tyrants. THEY WENT TOWARDS THE MOUNTANS AND WORSHIPPED ALLAH IN “ISOLATION AND TOOK THE PATH OF MONASTICISM. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE MENTIONED IN THIS AYAH”[Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Volume No.4, Page No. 540]

Hence even Quran proofs that if muslims invent Good biddahs they are given Sawab for it ,regarding word every (kull) in hadith (its used as a subgroup).Volume 3, Book 49, Number 861: (Sahih Bukhari)-Narrated Aisha: Allah’s Apostle said, [“If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected.” Read it once again to understand that Islam is not an illogical religion, hence new innovations which are not in “Harmony” with the principles of religion will be Bidat al Dhalalah otherwise they will be Bidat al Hassanah.

Imam Ibn Hajr al Haytami (Rahimuhullah)on above hadith said:  That which is narrated in Hadith that All innovations are evil and all evil are in hell fire, This hadith will be applied forBidat al Muhrima (i.e. category of haram innovations only) not others.[Imam Ibn Hajr al-Haytami in Fatawa al Hadithiyyah, Page No. 203]

Ambiya/prophets are abduhu o rasulahu(slave and messengers)

Abdiat is more lovable gift than messengership because risalat is for ummah and worship/abdiat is for Allah alone.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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