Dars e Imam-Grave Zikr

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

The Practise of Salaf as-Saliheen & Explanation by Classical scholars
Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah is amongst the top ranking scholars of misguided Misguided group/Ghair Muqalid sect and they claim him to be a champion and reviver of deen. Although he is not Hujjat for us and proofs for Isaal e Thawaab are proven from many other true Ahlus Sunnah scholars but I am showing proof from Ibn Qayyim so that opponents are left with no excuses.

Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah on real Salaf as-Saliheen(He states in his Kitab ar-Ruh:
It is narrated from a group of Salaf that they advised to recite Quran on their graves after burying them. Abdul Haq has narrated that Ibn Umar (RA) ordered (others) to recite Surah Baqarah on his grave. Muala bin Abdur Rahman also holds the same opinion, Imam Ahmed (rah) did not agree to this in the beginning because proof had not reached him then, however later he agreed. [Kitab ar Ruh by Ibn Qayyim, Page No. 64, Published by Dar Ibn Kathir, Damascus, Syria]
Also note that Imam Ahmed (rah) rightly accepted reciting Quran on graves after proof reached him, unlike Ghair Muqalid sect of today

who remain persistent even after proofs have reached them. Hence Muslims should often visit graves of Awliya or their relatives and recite Quran there,Alhamdolillah I had the Sa’dat of doing that at Jannat ul Baqi in Madina al Munawwara.

Proofs from Majority of scholars including Salaf
Imam Zayn ud-din Ibn Nujaim al-Misri (rah) said: According to us the thawaab of deeds performed by one person reaches the other, this includes Praying, Fasting, Charity, “RECITATION OF QURAN”, Dhikr, Tawaf, Hajj, Umra or any other (good) deeds. This is proven from Quran and Sunnah [Al-Bahr ar-Ra’iq Sharah Kanz al Daq’aiq (3/62)]Also refer to Hashiya Dur ul Mukhtar by Allama Ibn Abideen ash-Shami (rah) [Volume No. 4, Page Nos: 12-28]

Imam al-Khalal Abu Bakr (rah) the great Muhadith wrote a whole booklet especially on this topic with title: “Al Qira’ Andd al-Quboor (i.e. Recitation of Quran near the graves)” he narrates many proofs in it including this one  Imam Ibrahim al-Nakha’I (rah) said: There is no harm in reciting Quran inside tombs[Al Qira’Andd al Quboor,Page No.3]

Imam Jalal ud-din Suyuti (rah) says: There is difference of opinion whether the dead receives Thawaab due to “RECITATION OF QURAN” The majority of the Salaf and the three Imams are of the opinion that “IT REACHES” [Sharh as Sudoor (1/302)]
Note: Imam ash-Shafi’i (rah) was of the opinion that Thawaab does not reach the dead but Alhamdolillah even he accepted that “THERE IS NO HARM IN RECITING QURAN AT GRAVES EVEN DOING KHATM E QURAN IS FINE” [Refer to Kitab ul Adhkaar of Imam al-Nawawi, Page No. 278]

More proofs from hadith on reciting Quran at graves

It is narrated in Sahih Muslim from Amr ibn al-Aas (RA) that he said: When you have buried me then stand around my grave for a time in which a Camel could be slaughtered and its meat is distributed, so that I may “ENJOY YOUR COMPANY” and ascertain what answer I can give to the messengers (angels) of Allah…It is narrated in Abu Dawud and Baihaqi with “HASSAN” chain from Uthman (RA) who said: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) after burying the deceased used to stand (on his side) and say: Ask Allah for his forgivenss and that he should stand firm because he is being questioned. .. Imam Shafi’i (rah) and his companions said: To recite something from Quran (at the grave) is recommended, If “KHATAM UL QURAN” is done then it is even better.. It is narrated in Sunnan Baihaqi with “HASSAN CHAIN” that Ibn Umar (ra) considered it Mustahab to recite Beginning and ending Ayahs of Surah Baqarah at the grave after burying [Kitab ul Adhkaar, Page No. 278]

Prayer on the Prophet
Muwatta Book Number: 9, Hadith Number: 9.22.71
Yahya related to me from Malik that Abdullah ibn Dinar said, “I saw Abdullah ibn Umar stop by the grave of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and ask for blessings on the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and on Abu Bakr and Umar. “

In Tafsir Fath al Aziz, Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dhelvi (rah) mentions: It is narrated by Bayhaqi in his Shu’ayb ul Imaan from Ibn Umar (ra) that Umar (ra) finished Surah Baqarah with all (its uloom) in 12 years, upon finishing it he sacrificed a camel and distributed the meat to other Sahaba [Fath al Aziz, Page No. 86]

Ibn Taymiyyah said: The deceased indeed gets benefit from the good deeds which are performed for him , such as giving Sadaqa, this is proven from explicit proofs of Sunnah and so are Imams “UNANIMOUS UPON IT” Similarly to free a slave on his behalf, to perform hajj,

rather it is proven from Sahihayn that Prophet said: If someone dies and he has some missed fasts then the Wali should fast on his behalf. [Ibn Taymiyyah in Majmua al Fatawa, Volume 7, Page No. 498]

Shirk is not possible in ummah now and verdict for those who accuse others of shirk

Accusation of Shirk- Hudhaifa i.e. Ibn al Yaman (ra) said that the Prophet said: Verily, I fear about a man from you who will read the Qur’an so much that his face will become enlightened and he will come to personify Islam. This will continue until Allah desires. Then these things will be taken away from him when he will disregard them by putting them all behind his back and will attack his neighbor with the sword accusing him of Shirk. The Prophet was asked – which of the two will be deserving of such an accusation? – The attacker or the attacked? The Prophet replied – the attacker (the one accusing the other of Shirk)[Narrated by Ibn Hibban in his Sahih, Tahqiq Nasir Albani, Volume 001, Page No. 200, Hadith Number 81] Misguided group scholar Nasir Albani said: ‘this hadith is hasan’ also see [Silsilat al-ahadith al-sahihah – Albani Volume 007-A, Page No. 605, Hadith Number 3201]

Good thought =from Allah

Bad thought= from nafs

On/off or parallel thought=from shaitan

Treatment =Stop negative thought at first instance by saying tawooz /wazu/astagfar/la hawla/4 quls .

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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