Dars e Imam-Dua Rukya

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Hafiz Ibn Taymiyya writes:“It is permissible to [to recite du’a’s and then] blow upon the sick in Islam, but the words must be from the Qur’an or ahadith. If the words are not, then it is not permissible”[Ibn Taymiyya, At-Tawassul, Chapter on Blowing onto the Sick]

Allama Sa’idi writes:”Imam an-Nawawi in Sharh Muslim states: ‘There are two types of ahadith concerning blowing. [reciting a du’a and then blowing onto a person]. One of the types is transmitted in Bukhari: ‘There will be people who will enter Paradise without any questioning, who have never been blown upon.’

Imam Muslim has also recorded a hadith in support of those who do not ask to be blown upon. Imam Bukhari in the chapter on Tibb [Medicine] has written du’as that our Prophet recited when doing damm [reciting a du’a and then blowing onto a person].

Imam Muslim states in ‘The Chapter on Virtues of the Prophet ﷺ that: “When our Prophet was ill, the Angel Jibril came to him and performed the blowing.” The above types of ahadith apparently seem to contradict each other but in reality there is no contradiction.

“The former type of hadith refers to the prohibition of having read something that is not from the Qur’an and Sunna [i.e.something that has pictures, diagrams or words not from the Qur’an or Sunna] and then blow upon someone. The latter types of ahadith which permit damm refer to those kalimat [words or verses] which have been taught by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)”

[Allama Sa’idi, Sharh Sahih Muslim, Chapter of Tibb]

Imam al-Qurtubi wrote in detail about both types of ahadith concerning ta’wiz:

“The ta’wiz that are forbidden are those ta’wiz from the Time of Ignorance – those which are satanic and contain an element of shirk [mantar, voodoo and magic, etc.]. The ta’wiz, which are permitted are those written with du’as evidently from Qur’an and ahadith only”[al-Qurtubi, at-Tadhkirat, chapter on ‘Ta’wiz’]

Allama Alusi al-Hanafi, in his Tafsir of the Qur’an, writes:“According to Imam Malik ‘It is permitted to put around the neck the ta’wiz written with the name of Allah.’ Imam Baqir also stated that it is permitted to put such a ta’wiz around the neck of a child”[Ruh al-Mani, chapter 15, 23/97]

Allama Shami al-Hanafi writes:“It is permitted to write a ta’wiz and put it around the neck… It would be better if a person recites the du’as taught by the Prophet But if a person cannot read or is too young to recite then it is permitted for that person to put it around the neck”[Rad al-Mukhtar, chapter on ‘Qira’at’; Sa’idi, Sharh Sahih Muslim, Chapter on Tibb]

Imam Ibn Taymiyya  writes in his Fatawa:
“It is permissible for an ill or troubled person, that certain verses from the Qur’an are written with pure ink, then it is washed and given to the ill to drink.Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have mentioned a certain Dua that should be written and placed close to the woman who is experiencing hard labour at the time of giving birth.

Sayyiduna Ali (Allah be pleased with him) says: This Dua should be written and tied to the arm of the woman. We have experienced that there is nothing more amazing than this” (Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya, 19/65).

Imam Ibn Taymiyya’s student Imam Ibn al-Qayyim also narrates the permissibility of using Ta’wizes from a number of salafs including the great Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Allah have mercy on him). Thereafter Ibn al-Qayyim himself quotes various Ta’wizes (Zad al-Ma’ad, 3/180).

Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah says: Some of our rightly guided ancestors stated that there is no harm if some ayat (Verse) from the Qur’an were written in ink and then washed with water and that the sick person drinks that water.Mujahid issues a statement to that effect and so did Abu Qilabah. It was also reported that Ibn ‘Abbas once commanded that two verses from the Qur’an to be written for a woman who had hard pregnancies and that the verses were then washed with water and she was to drink the water. Also Ayub said,“I saw Abu Qilabah write some Verses from the Qur’an wash it with water and then give the water to a person who was suffering from some type of illness to drink it [Tibb an Nabawi by Ibn Qayyim, Page No. 154, English version]

Allah subhanu waatala states in the holy quran ‘only those who have imaan on Allah subhanu waatala and qiyamaat cause the musjid to thirve surah tauba verse18.Mufassireen state that having namaaz with jamaat,keeping musjid clean ,spreading mats ,brightening with lighting etc are all included causing musjid to prosper .

hadrat sulaiman as use to make the masjid baitul muqaddas bright with kibreet e ahmar (a flammable substance).there was so much brightness because of this that women  miles away were able to spin their threads-tafseer roohul bayaan.

Shukr =people of neymat/gifts.

Sabr =people of mohabbat/love.

Sabr =when you are capable but still leave for the sake of Allah’s pleasure (learn from imam hussain(as))

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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