Dars e Imam-Dead Hearing Tashahud

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

So Salih left them, saying: “O my people! I did indeed convey to you the message for which I was sent by my Lord: I gave you good counsel, but ye love not good counselors!”(7/79)

The word “O my people! is mentioned for those who died, it surely conveys the idea that they(kafirs) cannot only Hear but also alive in their grave.

Tafsir ibn e Khateer Says for 7/79- These were the words of admonishment which Salih exchanged with his nation after “ALLAH HAD DESTROYED THEM” for denying him and also becoming renegades against him, rejecting to accept the Haqq (truth) plus giving preference to misguidance over guidance. Hadrat Salih (a.s) said these words after they were “DESTROYED AND THEY HEARD THEM (WORDS) TOO”

In relevance to this It is narrated in the 2 books of Sahih (i.e. Bukhari and Muslim) that the Messenger defeated the kufaar in Badr … (then Imam Ibn Kathir mentions the sahih hadith of dead hearing the call ) [Tafsir Ibn Kathir under 7:79 for this Quranic verse]

Ibn Kathir reports: Imam Ahmad( (ra)) told: I have performed hajj (pilgrimage) five times of which three were on foot. I have spent 30 Dirhams in one Hajj. In one of my pilgrimages I lost my way. And I was walking. Then I began to tell “ O the servants of Allah, help me on my way. And I continued this till reach the way. (al bidaya wal nihaya)

Abdullah bin Masud [ra] has narrated that the Prophet() said:When you lose your means of transport in a jungle, you should call: ‘O creatures of Allah! Help me, recover my transport! O creatures of Allah! Help me, recover my transport!’ There are many of Allah’s creatures on this earth. They will help you recover it. Tabarani narrated it in al-Mujam-ul-kabir (10:217#10518); Abuyala Musnad (9:177); Ibn us Sunni, Amal-ul-yawm wal-laylah (p.162#502) Haythami, Majma-uz-zawaidd (10:132) Imam‘Asqalani in almatalibul aliyah (3:239#3375)

Moreover, Tabarani, in his “al-Mu’jam al saghir”, reports a hadith from ‘Uthman ibn Hunayf that a man repeatedly visited Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him) concerning something he needed, but Uthman paid no attention to him or his need.
The man met Ibn Hunayf and complained to him about the matter – this being after the death (wisal) of the Prophet
and after the caliphates of Abu Bakr and Umar – so Uthman ibn Hunayf, who was one of the Companions who collected hadiths and was learned in the religion of Allah, said: “Go to the place of ablution and perform ablution (wudu), then come to the mosque, perform two rak’as of prayer therein, and say:’O Allah, I ask You and turn to You through our Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy; O Muhammad (Ya Muhammad), I turn through you to my Lord, that He may fulfill my need,’ and mention your need. Then come so that I can go with you [to the caliph Uthman].” So the man left and did as he had been told, then went to the door of Uthman ibn Affan (Allah be pleased with him), and the doorman came, took him by the hand, brought him to Uthman ibn Affan, and seated him next to him on a cushion. ‘Uthman asked, “What do you need?” and the man mentioned what he wanted, and Uthman accomplished it for him, then he said, “I hadn’t remembered your need until just now,” adding, “Whenever you need something, just mention it.” Then, the man departed, met Uthman ibn Hunayf, and said to him, “May Allah reward you! He didn’t see to my need or pay any attention to me until you spoke with him.” Uthman ibn Hunayf replied, “By Allah, I didn’t speak to him, but I have seen a blind man come to the Messenger of Allah and complain to him of the loss of his eyesight. The Prophet said, “Can you not bear it?’ and the man replied, ‘O Messenger of Allah, I do not have anyone to lead me around, and it is a great hardship for me.’ The Prophet told him, ‘Go to the place of ablution and perform ablution (wudu), then pray two rak’as of prayer and make the supplications.'” Ibn Hunayf went on, “By Allah, we didn’t part company or speak long before the man returned to us as if nothing had ever been wrong with him.””Al-Tabarani declared this report to be rigorously authentic ,sahih al-Haithami in his Majma‘ al-Zawà’id, p. 179, vol. 2 rigorously authentic ,sahih  al-Mundhiri in his al-Targhib wa al-Tarhib rigorously authentic ,sahih

For verse 27/80-81 & 30/52-53

(Verily, you cannot make the dead to hear) meaning, you cannot cause them to hear anything that will benefit them. The same applies to those over whose hearts is a veil and in whose ears is deafness of disbelief.

Allah says:(nor can you make the deaf to hear the call, when they flee, turning their backs. Nor can you lead the blind out of their error. You can only make to hear those who believe in Our Ayat, so they submit (became Muslims).) meaning, those who have hearing and insight will respond to you, those whose hearing and sight are of benefit to their hearts and who are humble towards Allah and to the Message that comes to them through the mouths of the Messengers, may peace be upon them.[end]

These verses are not for those in Grave even , its talking about non muslims in the world who don’t get hidaya and don’t listen to word of Allah with an open heart, whos Hearts are dead.

If the “Harf-e-Nidaa” was not permissible then why is it present in the Salaah that we read five times a day, when every worshipper salutes the Holy Prophet , “Ayyuhannabiyyu” (Oh Prophet!) ?

In the famous book of fiqh/Jurisprudence, “Durr ul-Mukhtar”, it is explained: “The ‘Tashahud’ (Dua read in the sitting position of salah/Namaaz) must be read in the present and not as the repetition of an event such as took place during the Me raj when the ‘Tashahud’ was revealed. In fact, one must know and read ‘Tashahud’ and recite Allah’s Praises then make present (Haazir) the Prophet and say ‘Assalamu alaika ayyahannabiyu …’, then the Salaam upon the present congregation and the pious peoples, and then the testament of the Oneness of Allah and the Messengership of the Prophet (). This then constitutes the ‘Tashahud’.”

Condition of heart grants wilayat (deeds are supportive)

Ahle taufiq/guided are ahle muhabbat/love (ibadat with love)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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