Dars e Imam-Ask kun

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

It is in a hadith from Rabeeah (ra)that Rasulullah said to him:“Sal” (ask). Commentating on this hadith, Mulla ‘Ali Qari writes:“Meaning seek all of your needs from me. This is what the generous do and there is no one more generous than Rasulullah . Rasulullah told Rabeeah to ask and did not lay down any conditions or boundaries.From this we learn that Allah has granted him the power to distribute anything from the bounties. This is why the Imams have said that from the many unique qualities (khusisiyat) of Rasulullah , one is that he can single out anyone for anything For example, as Imam Bukhari narrates that Rasulullah singled out Khuzaima ibn Thabit and made his witnessing equal to two witnesses and as Imam Muslim narrates that Rasulullah singled out Umm Atiya to partake in the Nauha of a certain clan.

…to make a general ruling obligatory like when he allowed Abu Burda bin Niyaz to sacrifice an animal which was less than six months old.Ibn Saba’ narrates another unique attribute of Rasulullah is that Allah has granted him ownership of the land of Jannah (paradise). Rasulullah can give as much of this land to anyone he wishes”. (al-Mirqat Sharh Mishkat by Imam Nawawi, vol.2, p.323)

Rasulullah asked Rabeeah “Sal”, this means:“Whatever good you wish for in this world or the hereafter, ask me for it! Rasulullah did not lay down any conditions. From this we know that all things are under his control. He can grant anything to anyone by the will of Allah”

This world and the hereafter are a portion of his generosity.And the knowledge of the Pen and the Tablet are a part of his knowledge.

If you wish for success in this world and the hereafter,Then come to his court and seek whatever you wish. (Mask al-Khatam by Nawab Siddiq Hasan Bhopali, vol.1, p.276)

The above writing of Nawab Siddiq Hasan is exactly the same as what Shaykh Muhaqqiq Shah ‘Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dihlawi has written in Ashi’atul Lum’aat Sharh Mishkat. Ashi’atul Lum’aat, vol.1, p.39

 “Whilst performing tawaf (circumambulation) during the year of conquest of Makka, Fudala bin ‘Umair Laithi intended to martyr Rasulullah (he was a recent convert and he had not yet achieved full spiritual purity). When Rasulullah came near him he asked, “Are you Fudala?” Fudala replied in the affirmative. Rasulullah then asked, “What were you thinking in your heart?” “Nothing”, he replied, “I was only doing the remembrance of Allah”. Rasulullah smiled and said, “Continue with this remembrance” and then placed his blessed hand on Fudala’s chest. His heart immediately received peace. Fudala (ra)used to say, “By Allah! Even before Rasulullah had lifted his hand off my chest, there was nothing in the whole of creation that was dearer to me than Rasulullah  (al-Sirat al-Nabawiya ma’a al-Rawd al-Anf by  Ibn Hisham: vol.2, p.276; Fiqh al-Sira, p.263)

Imam Hakim , Imam Bayhaqi and Imam Tabrani also narrate it.‘Abdur Rahman bin Abu Bakr Siddiq (ra) narrates that Hakam bin Abil ‘Aas would sit near Rasulullah and when Rasulullah talked, he would imitate him in a mocking manner. Rasulullah said to him, “Become like this”. Hence, till the day he died, his face was disfigured. (al-Khasa’is al-Kubra, vol.2, p.79)

From ibn ‘Umar (ra) that one day Rasulullah was giving a khutba. A man was sitting behind Rasulullah and was mockingly imitating him. Rasulullah said to him, “Become like this”. The man then fainted and fell down. His relatives then carried him home and his health was the same until two months later when he finally recovered. After his recovery, his face was the same as when he used to mock Rasulullah. (al-Khasa’is al-Kubra by Imam Bayhaqi, vol.2, p.79)

“Rasulullah used the word “Kun” in the battle of Tabuk for two reasons: Firstly to show that it is allowed to do so and, secondly, to show that he had permission to perform miracles. Rasulullah said, “Become Abu Dhar”, so that person became Abu Dhar and he said to a branch from a date tree, “Become a sword”, so it became exactly that.” (al-Yawaqit wa al-Jawahir by Imam ‘Allama Sha’rani , vol.1, p.147

‘Allama Sha’rani continues:Sayyidina Shaykh ‘Abdul Qadir RA says: “Takween will become yours and you will receive guidance that will be as apparent as the midday sun and this guidance will be from the Kalam of Allah which is more beautiful than anything. You will receive Ilham that will be free from any interference (talbis) and so pure that the whispers of Shaytan and the evil thoughts of the nafs will not affect it”.Allah has stated in some of his revelations: “Oh son of Adam! I am Allah, there is no other deity but Me. I say to something, “Be”, and it is. You must obey Me and if you do, I will grant you this power that you will say to something, “Be”, and it will follow your command. Allah has bestowed this authority on many of His Prophets and chosen people”. (al-Yawaqit wa al-Jawahir by ‘Allama Sha’rani, vol.1, p.147)

Zulmat/oppression and noor/light cannot be in 1 heart.

Iqlas/purity and riya/show off cannot be in 1 heart.

Duniya and ahkirat cannot be in 1 heart

Momin=zaahir and baatin is one. (Haal /state/behaviour in masjid and duniya must be same)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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