Dars e Imam-Ask Help

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Commentating on the ayat, 9/57.Tafseer Roohul Bayaan states that the Holy Prophet (saws)drank poison at Khaibar. However, its effect only became apparent at the time of demise. He drank it while he was in the station of truth (haqeeqat), and poison has no effect in this station. At the time of demise, humanity (bashariyat) appeared, and death occurs on manhood. Therefore, the effect had now appeared. What to speak of removing a fly from the qabr – these Saints (Auliya) have the power to topple the world, but they pay no attention to this. Idols remained in the Kaaba for 300 years and Allah (swt)didn’t remove them. So was Allah (swt)weak that He couldn’t purify His house from filth?

In Mishqaat ul Masabih It states:
سل فقلت أسألك مرافقتك في الجنة . قال أو غير ذلك ؟ . قلت هو ذاك . قال فأعني على نفسك بكثرة السجود . رواه مسلم Translation: The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said to Sayyidna Ka’b (RA): Ask for something. Ka’b (ra) said: I ask for your companionship in Jannah. The Prophet said: Do you want something else? He replied: Just this, the Prophet (saw) then said: help me by doing more prostrations – Taken from (Sahih) Muslim [Mishqat ul Misabih, Volume No. 1 Page No. 156, Published by Maktaba al Mishkaat]
This hadith proves that the Sahabi asked for paradise from Prophet
and the Prophet in return told him to ask for more!! The Prophet did not say that you asked for Jannah from Ghair Ullah, hence you have become Mushrik!

Sheikh Abdul Haqq Muhadith Dhelvi (rah) writes under this hadith:The meaning of Prophet (Peace be upon him) saying “ASK” and not restricting it to something specific proves that all things are in hands of Prophet and he can grant anyone whatsoever he wishes through the grant of Allah, because the world and hereafter are his Sikhawat and the knowledge of Loh and Qalam is part of his Uloom, If you are in need of anything relating to world or hereafter then come to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) and get your need fulfilled. [Ash’at ul Lamaat, Sharah al Mishqaat, Volume No.2, Page No. 247]

Mullah Ali Qari (rah) says:
يؤخذ من إطلاقه (as) الأمر بالسؤال أن الله تعالى مكنه من إعطاء كل ما أراد من خزائن الحق
The Prophet
saying to “ASK” refers to Allah giving him capability to grant anything from the “TREASURES OF ALLAH” [Mirqat Sharh al Mishqaat (2/615)]

He also said:
وذكر ابن سبع في خصائصه وغيره إن الله تعالى أقطعه أرض الجنة يعطي منها ما شاء لمن شاء
 Imam Ibn Sabih and others have mentioned it in qualities of Prophet
that Allah has granted the land of Jannah to Prophet (Peace be upon him) so that he can grant whosoever he wishes [Mirqaat Sharh al Mishqaat (2/615)]
Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah Al-Ansari: Allah’s Apostle said, “Name yourselves after me (by my name) but do not call (yourselves) by my Kuniya, for I am Al-Qasim (distributor), and I distribute among you Allah’s blessings.” This narration has also come on the authority of Anas that the ! Prophet said so.”►Volume 8, Book 73, Number 216: (Sahih Bukhari) So Allah is the granter and the Prophet (Peace be upon him) is distributor, hence this hadith proves the Waseela of Prophet (Peace be upon him). Without any doubt. It should be known that Istighatha is nothing but Waseela in real sense and belief of Muslims is always that real grant is from Allah alone.

Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Hanbal (rah) said that he heard his father (Imam Ahmed) who said: I performed Hajj 5 times, thrice on foot and twice on ride or he said thrice on ride and twice on foot, once when I was on foot I lost my way hence I started to exclaim this: O Allah’s servants show me the way(يا عباد الله دلوني على الطريق), I kept on repeating this until I came back on track. [Imam Baihaqi in Shu’ayb ul Iman, Volume 6, Page No 128, Hadith No. 7697

After Imam At-Tabarani transmitted the hadith of calling out : O Servants of Allah, Help me! In his Mu’jam al Kabir (17/117) he said “this has been acted upon (وَقَدْ جَرَّبَ ذَلِكَ)”So Alhamdulillah the great Muhaditheen themselves acted upon it and approved it, had there been a hint of shirk in this then they would have mentioned it!

Imam al-Nawawi (rah) said: ‘One of our major (kibar) scholars in knowledge related to me that he lost his means of transport, which I presume was a mule, and he was aware of this hadith and said (the du’a) so Allah brought to him his animal immediately. ‘I was once with a group of people and my animal fled and the people failed (to find it) and I said (the du’a) and I found the animal immediately without any means but this statement.[Kitab ul Adhkaar by Imam Nawawi, Page No. 370, Published by Dar al Manhaaj, Beirut, Lebanon]

Imam Mullah Ali Qari (Rahimuhullah) also in Sharah of Hinsul Hasin writes that our

Prophet said that: If the animal of someone runs loose in jungle, then he should say: O Allah’s servants stop it

He writes under “Ibaad Allah” It means the angels, Muslims, jinn or men of unseen i.e. Abdaal . This hadith is Hassan and the travelers are in urgent need of it and this has been acted upon [Sharah Hisn ul Hasin, Al-Hirz al-Thamin, page 378]

Duniya=anything which takes you away from Allah

Ahkirat =that which takes you closer to Allah

I/MYSELF =veil

Shirk =greatest zulm/oppression on self.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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