Dars e Imam-Alive And Respect

Dras E Imam, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Everyone knows that Sayyidah Aisha (ra) Hadrat Ali (ra) and Hadrat Abbas (ra) is the wife, cousin-brother and uncle of the Prophet () respectively. However, when they narrate Ahadith, they didn’t say, “My husband”, “My brother”, or “my nephew States.’ Rather, they all said, “Rasoolullah ()” states so when those who are true brothers do not address him as “brother”, how can we shameless slaves have the audacity to call him so?

‘The Kuffaar said, “We and the Prophets are both “bashr” because we both have the need of eating and sleeping,” but these ignorant people do not know that there is a major difference in their respective destinations.The honey-bee and wasp both suck the nectar of the same flower but the former makes honey from it while the latter formulates venom. Both the deer and buck eat and drink the same things, but one emits the fragrance of musk: from doing so while while other simply excretes. We excrete whatever we eat. But whatever the Holy Prophet () eats perpetuates divine Noor.” – Mathnawi Sharif

Imaam Sharfuddin Busairi states, “Both the Sidiq (the truth/haq, i.e. Rasoolullah ()) and the Siddique (the truthful, i.e. Hadrat Abu Bakr (ra)) were present in the cave of Thoor – Qasida Burda.

The initial period of Islam, it was a rule that whoever wanted to submit something to the Prophet()should give out some sadaqah first and then come to him. The Holy Quran states, “0 Believers! If you wish to tell something discreetly to the Rasool, give out something first before you do.”  Surah Mujaadalah, Verse 12

Sayyiduna Ali (ra) acted upon this command and enquired often laws after giving one dinaar in charity. – Tafseer Khaazin

Even though this rule is now annulled, the verse still establishes the great glory of the Holy Prophet (). If you wish to converse with Allah  – in namaaz, only wudhu is needed, but if you want to make a submission to the Holy Prophet () give out charity before doing so.

How can such a prestigious person be called “brother” by us?It is Haraam to address the Prophets with words or equality, and the word “brother” is such a word. Even a father doesn’t allow his son to call him “brother”,then call Allah  your brother aswell, because He is also a Mu’min.

The Holy Prophet has been given the station of Maqaam-e-Mahmood. Maqaam-e-Mahmood is that point on intercession where all will praise and honour the Holy Prophet (saws). (Tafseer Khaazin; Tafseer Jalalain)

The Holy Prophet said: “I will intercede for my Ummah until my Creator summons me, ‘O Muhammad! Have you been pleased?’ I will say, ‘O my Creator! I am pleased “. (Durr Manthur; Roohul Bayaan)

Hazrat Abi bin Ka’ab (radi Allahutala anhu) reports that the Holy Prophet said: “On the Day of Qiyamah, I will be the Leader and Khatib of all the Ambiya (alaihums salaam) and I will be the master of their intercession. I do not say this out of arrogance.” (Mishkaat Shareef; Ash’atul Lam’aat)


“And say not those who have been slain in the path of Allah to be dead for they are alive and you do not know.” Since it is evident from the Holy Quran that the Martyrs are alive, then it follows that the Ambiya (alaihimus salaam), whose status are much greater than that of the Martyrs, are also alive. (Fathul Baari Sharah Bukhari)

“And ask those of our Mesengers, whom we sent before you, ‘Did We appoint any other god except the All-Affectionate, to be worshipped’?” (43/35) This verse proves that the Ambiya (alaihimus salaam) are alive because Allah Ta ala commands us to ask the Messengers about all matters. If they had passed away and mixed with the soil, surely, we would not have been commanded to ask them about anything. (Tafseer Dur Manthur; Tafseer Roohul Muaani)

Another proof supporting that the Ambiya are alive is that on the night of Me’raj, the Holy Prophet Muhammad () passed by Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam). He saw him in his grave standing and reading his Salaah.

The Holy Prophet () said, “Recite Durood upon me in abundance on a Friday since it is a respected day. On that day the Angels are present and whosoever sends Durood upon me on that day, then his Durood is placed before me till the time when they have completed sending Durood and Salaam”.

(Hazrat Abu Dardah (ra) says), “I asked, ‘Huzoor! Will you even hear (the Salaam) after your demise?'” The Prophet said, “Verily Almighty Allah has made it Haraam upon the earth to devour the bodies of the Ambiya (alaihimus salaam). Thus, all the Nabis of Allah are alive and they are given sustenance.” (Ibn Majah; Jame Sahgeer; Mishkaat Shareef)

Ambiya (alaihimus salaam) are alive and they have only been hidden from us. We cannot understand their position, like those of the Angels that they are alive and present but we cannot obtain (see) them. Yes! Those whom Allah has blessed, they can even see them. This has been confirmed that the Ambiya (alaihimus salaam) are alive. (Umdatul Qaari Shara Bukhari).

The greatest proof concerning the Ambiya (alaihimus salaam) being alive is that they make Ibaadah in their graves. They perform their Salaah and they are well provided with food and drink. Like the Angels who are alive, but do not eat and drink. (Mirkaat Shar Mishkaat)

Riya /show off= amal that pleases you (turns good deed into bad deed)

Sidq o iqlas =amal that pleases Allah. (turns light deed into heavy deed)

Haqq/truth is with people of haal/state and maqam/station =awliya /sufiya.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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