Iman-Spiritual Quran

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Listening and reading Qur’an — better than offering Voluntary Prayers.

Learning the rulings of Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh/masail) —-better than memorizing the entire Holy Qur’an.

When confronted with a problem, turn to the Holy Quran. All your problems will be solved with great swiftness.

Dua  is accepted when the Quran is completed .

Make it a habit to read from the Holy Qur’an every day. By learning(understanding) the Quran, a Muslim saves his Salah, his Iman, and his Akhirah.

Read the Holy Quran and also teach it. This is the true teaching of Islam.

Few manners /etiquettes related to holy quran.

To recite Ta’ooz (A’uzubillah) before reciting the Quran is Waajib (compulsory) and to recite the Tasmiyah (Bismillah) is Sunnah (Tradition) and Mustahab (desirable).

One should pray in such an audible voice that he can hear himself(dont pray in minds)  

When Qur’an is being recited loudly, it is obligatory (Fardh) for everyone present to listen in silence, as long as they are present with the intention of listening. Otherwise just one person listening will suffice.

Recited in a beautiful voice .

Whilst praying, one should take care of ‘Makhraj’ (correct pronunciation) and ‘Tajweed’ (rules of praying).

To pray with actually looking into the Qur’an is better than not looking.

It is desirable to sit in a state of Wudhu facing the Holy Ka’bah and try to pray in clothes used for Salah.

Qur‘an can be recited without Wudhu, provided that it is not touched.

To complete the Qur’an in less than three days is not preferable.

Sajdah e tilawat– the Qur’an should be laid aside, and a sajdah (a prostration) be made.

Hold the holy book with respect. move your right hand along the words you read. Read without haste, slowly thinking of the meaning of each word. Wish for divine mercy and beneficence when you come to the verses that inspire His mercy. Take warning from the verses of admonition

The Qur’an should be held, taken or given with the right hand, not the left.

When buying or selling the Qur’an —no fixed price is attached(no bargain– your love towards allah’s kalam/speech/words)

Nothing should be kept on top of Qur’an, not even Islamic books. Place it on a high place with cover so that people will recognize it. keep it on the high place and read. When one finishes reading the Qur’an, don’t  leave it open.

To be a Hafiz of the Holy Quran is a very great gift and an act worthy of great blessing, but to learn the Quran and then to allow it to be forgotten is a great sin.

One should not face his feet or back towards the Quran. One should also not sit higher than the Quran, since these are all acts of disrespect.

If the Quran falls from your hand unintentionally, it should be picked up and kissed. One should repent for this error and take flour (wheat) equivalent to the weight of the Quran and give it as Khairaat.

Not to enter the lavatory wearing an amulet (Taweez) having words from the Qur’an, unless it is encased in leather, silver, or other, for then it is as if kept in the heart or take it off when going to the toilet.

When a page of the Quran tears or becomes old, then it should be wrapped in a clean piece of material, and buried in a small grave (hole).

Muttaqi(people of taqwa)=abdiat+rahmat+ilm e nafae

Husn e ahklaq =tazkiya e nafs (free from diseases of heart) results in good ahklaq.

Husn e ahklaq=baatin kaifiyat

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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