Iman-Safeguarding Islam Iman Ihsan

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Saieyidihaa Muhammadih wa Aalehee wa As-haabehee Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Safeguarding islam iman ihsan

1.Ibadate e ilahi(swt)And I created the jinn and human beings solely to adopt My servitude.51/56

Say: ‘My Prayer, my Hajj (Pilgrimage) and my sacrifice (together with the entire worship and servitude) and my life and my death are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds. He has no partner and of this have I been commanded, and I am the first Muslim (in the entire creation).’6/163

2.Ghulamane mustafa(saws) In truth, in (the sacred person of) Allah’s Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) there is for you a most perfect and beautiful model (of life) for every such person that expects and aspires to (meeting) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah abundantly.33/21

3/31-32. (O Beloved!) Say: ‘If you love Allah, follow me. Allah will then take you as (His) beloved, and forgive you your sins for you, and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’ Say: ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him).’ But if they turn away, then Allah does not like the disbelievers.

“Whoever revives a Sunnah from my Sunnah and the people practice it, will have the same reward of those who practice it without their reward diminishing” (Sunan ibn Maajah, 209)

“Whoever cherishes me and whoever loves me will be with me in Jannah” {Tirmizi #2678}

3.Mohabbate ahle bait(ra) –Allah only intends to remove all the impurity of sins from you, O People of the House (of the Prophet, [even a doubt or trace of shortcoming]) and make you absolutely pure and clean by blessing you with (perfect) purity and wholesomeness.33/33

42/23. That is the (award) of which Allah gives the good news to those servants who believe and do pious works persistently. Say: ‘I do not ask for any recompense for this (preaching the faith in Messengership), but (seek) love for (my) kindreds (and Allah’s nearness).’ And whoever earns good, We shall increase for him the reward in the Hereafter. Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Most Appreciative.

Narrated by Jabir ibn Abdullah: Jabir saw Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) when performing the hajj seated on his she-camel al-Qaswa’ on the day of Arafah giving an address, and he heard him saying, “O people, I have left among you something of such a nature that if you adhere to it you will not go astray: Allah’s Book and my close relatives who belong to my household.” [Sunan Tirmidhi Volume 005, Book 162, Hadith Number 3718]

4.Azmat e sahaba(ra)And the Emigrants and their Supporters (Ansar), the vanguard of the believers, and those who follow them in the grade of spiritual excellence—Allah is well-pleased with them (all) and they (all) are well-pleased with Him. And He has prepared for them Gardens with rivers flowing under them. They will live in them forever. This is indeed a colossal achievement.9/100

48/18 –Surely, Allah was well pleased with the believers when they pledged allegiance to you under the tree (at al-Hudaybiya). So the (passion of truth and fidelity) that permeated their hearts, Allah had its knowledge and sent down an exceptional calmness and tranquillity (into their hearts, and awarded them the forthcoming victory (of Khaybar),

: “The best of my nation is my generation then those who follow them and then those who follow them.” [Saheeh Bukharee]
“Do not revile my companions, for by Him in Whose Hand is my soul, were one of you to spend gold equal to mount Uhud, you would not attain the reward of the handful of one of them or even half of it.” [Bukhari and Muslim]
“The tribes of Israel broke into seventy- two sects. My Ummah shall break up into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in the Fire, except one: the one on which I am upon, and my Companions.” [At-Tirmidhee]

“Whoever abuses my Companions, upon them is the curse of Allah, the angels and all the people” [Saheeh, At-Tabaranee]

5.Sohbate auliya(ra)O believers! Fear Allah persistently, and remain in the (company) of those who uphold the truth.9/119

Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve. (They) are the people who believe and (always) remain Godfearing, committed to piety There is for them the good news (of honour and recognition) in the life of the world, and (also of forgiveness and intercession) in the Hereafter….. 10/62-64

And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) are the people who will be in the company of those (spiritual dignitaries on the Last Day) whom Allah has blessed with His (special) favour: the Prophets, the truthful, the martyrs and the most pious. And how excellent these companions are!4/69

Spiritual zakaat

Jism/body e zakaat= paying 2.5% to the poor/needy.

Ruh/soul e zakaat= (kaifiyat e  qalb) haal and maal/wealth (sadaqa/charity)

Living for him means following him (seerat/sunnah with love and adab) +working for his deen (tabligh e deen/calling towards quran/islam iman ihsan)

Safeguarding the deen-–1.Ibadate elahi 2.Ghulamane mustafa(ﷺ) 3.Mohabbate ahle bait 4.Azmate sahaba 5.Sohbate auliya.

TASAWUFF—-1.iqlas e niyyat (sincerity and purity –seeking only allah and his pleasure) 2.ilm e nafae (profitable knowledge- quran and sunnah ) 3.amal e saleh (good deeds/taqwa –avoiding sins) 4.ahklaq e hasana (building good character- free from diseases of heart) 5.salamate sudur (protecting living heart -by sohbate awliya)

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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