Iman-Quran e Paak

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Almighty Allah revealed various scriptures (sahifas) and Heavenly Books upon various Nabis. The Taurat was revealed to Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam), The Zuboor to Hazrat Dawood (alaihis salaam), The Injeel to Hazrat Esa (alaihis salaam) and the Most Exalted Book, The Holy Quran was revealed upon the Most Exalted Prophet Huzoor Purnoor Ahmad‑e‑Mujtaba Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him).

All the Heavenly books and scriptures are Haq (True), and all are the word of Allah. It is necessary to bring Imaan in that which has been mentioned in all of them.

the mischievous ones amongst them made alterations in these books and added and removed information to suit their own desires. However, the Quran remains safe, unaltered.

Thus, if anything from these books are presented before us, and it is in accordance with the Quran, then we should acknowledge it and if it is contrary to the Quran, then we shall know for certain that it is one of those things that were altered, and if we can not recognise whether it is in accordance with the Quran or contrary, then we should neither reject nor acknowledge it, but we should say, “We bring faith in Allah, in all His Angels, all His Books and All His Prophets.

Almighty Allah says, “Verily We have revealed the Quran and verily We are definitely its protector.” Thus, to make any alterations in the Quran in any way is totally impossible.

The Holy Quran announces that it is the Word of Allah. The Kaafirs tried very hard but they could not even bring one sentence equal to that of the Quran, and they shall never be able to do so.

The past books were only memorised by the Ambia. The miracle of the Quran is that even little children amongst the Muslims have memorised it.

There are seven methods of reading the Holy Quran that are most well known and uninterrupted like in India (and various other countries) the Qirat of Aasim on the authority of Hafs is recited, so that people do not reject any method and commit kufr (infidelity) by rejecting another method which they have no knowledge of.

The Holy Quran has made various verses of the other books inapplicable. Likewise, some verses of the Quran make other verses of the Quran inapplicable (Mansookh).

To become inapplicable means that certain verses are revealed for a certain period and it is not clearly mentioned until when these verses did apply. When later verses were revealed, then it was understood that the earlier verses were no longer applicable. The reality is that it shows the duration of the law coming to an end.

Some people say Mansookh (inapplicable) to mean nullified. This is completely improper. All the commands of Allah are Haq. There is no room for nullification in the commands of Allah.

 Some of the things in the Quran are clear and well understood by us where as there are other things in the Holy Quran which are not so clear to us and only known by Allah and Allah’s Rasool (peace be upon him). To search for such things in the Quran which are not clearly understood and to try to decipher them is only the behavior of a person who has wickedness in his heart.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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