Iman-Fitna Tauheed Salvation

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



‘Nay. but Allah has cursed them for their unbelief. Little is that which they believe'(2/88)

“Do men imagine that they will be left(at ease) because they say we believe, and will not be tested with affliction?” (29/2).

The wandering Arabs say: We believe. Say (unto them, 0 Muhammad):You believe not, but rather say “We submit”, for the faith has not yet entered into your hearts. (49/14)

And he says: When the Hypocrites come unto you(0 Muhammad), they say: WE bear witness that you are indeed Allah’s Messenger, And Allah knows that you are indeed His Messenger, and Allah bears witness that the Hypocrites indeed are speaking falsely. (63/1)

It is worth noting that the reiteration of oaths and recitation of the Kalima did not prove useful for the Hypocrites. Allah has declared them as liars.

Actually a person who recites the Kalima must be regarded as a Muslim, until he says or does something which is anti-Islamic. As soon as he commits an anti-Islamic action, his recitation of the Kalima ceases to be of anyuse to him.

“They swear by Allah that they said nothing (wrong), yet they did say the word of disbelieve and did disbelieve after their surrender (to Allah). (9/74)

Ibne Jareer and Tibrani and Abu Shaikh and Ibne Mardaya have recorded Hadith of which the narrator is Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him). Itsays that once Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was sitting under the shade of a tree. He said that a man Would soon come and, look upon his companions with the eyes of Satan. The Prophet advised his companions not to talk to him. Not much time had elapsed that a man passed by them, whose eyes were like the eyes of the cat. TheProphet ﷺ called him and then asked him why he and his friends had been using arrogant language about the Prophet. The man went and broughtback with him his friends. All of them took oath that they had not uttered a single’word of arrogance against the Prophet. At this stage Allah Almighty revealed a verse stating that they had been insolent to the Prophet although they had sworn byAllah. The revelation clarified that they had become disbelievers on account of saying insulting words against the dignity of His beloved Prophet.

Allah says:”And if you ask them (0 Muhammad) they will say: We did but talk and jest. Say: Was it at Allah and His revelations and His Messenger that you did so scoff?” Make no excuse. You have disbelieved after your(confession of) belief.  (9/ 65- 67)

Ibne Abee Sheeba and Ibne Jareer and Ibne Almunzar and Ibne Abee Hatim andAbu Shaikh have recorded this Hadith. The narrator is Imam Mujahid, who is a favourite disciple of Syedina Abdullah bin Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him):“A man lost his camel. Everybody was searching for it. Prophet Muhammad said that the camel was in such and such jungle and at such and such place.On this a Hypocrite commented that Muhammad could not know where the camel was because he did not possess the knowledge of the unseen”In this situation Allah Almighty revealed this verse, which asked whether they were jesting with Allah and His Prophet. The verse further declared that they should not make any excuses and that they had become disbelievers after having been Muslims on accountof saying this word,(see commentary by Iman Ibne Jareer, published in Egypt volume10, page 105, and commentary Durre Mansoor by Imam Jalaluddin Sayuti, volume 3,page 254) !

0 Muslims! Note that this man was punished by Allah for saying that Prophet Muhammad did not possess the knowledge of the unseen.

It is worth noticing that basically it is a statement of a Hypocrite and Allah has branded him and his fellow Hypocrites as the people who jest with Allah, the Holy Quran and the Prophet. Allah classifies them as disbelievers and apostates.

It would be right to say that the knowledge of the Prophet is so vast and extensive that the knowledge of this universe is but a tiny part of our Prophet’s knowledge.

Imam Azam (may Allah be pleased withhim) in his book about his creed Fiqah Akbar it is stated:”All the attributes of Allah are eternal; neither somebody has created them nor they have come into existence by accident. Anybody who says that they are created or accidental or who entertains doubt or delay in this matter is a disbeliever.”

 “We do not declare any person as adisbeliever so long as he prayswith his face towards our Qiblah.” There is a Hadith which confirms that he, who prayswith us, turns his face towards our Qiblah, eats the meat of the animals slaughtered in our Islamic way, is a Muslim.

“facing the Oiblah” in the opinion of the Imams stands for a person who believes in all the essentials of the Islamic faith.

Going against the faith —for instance treating forbidden (Haraam) as allowed (Halaal), people falsely say that Gabriel made a mistake inconveying the revelations, Insulting or lowering the status of  prophets ,saying quran is a creation ,mocking sharia/law etc etc etc

Bring iman like how sahaba brought accepting everything what prophet brought (shariat,tariqat,marifat and haqiqat)  is haqq/truth from Allah.

“It is out righteousness that you turn your face to the East or West; but righteous is he who believes in Allah and Last Day the angels andscripture and Prophets.” (2/177)

See that AlIah has made it quite dear that the basic requirements of faith are to accept the essentials of Islam and that turning your face towards Qiblah is of no significance without accepting those essentials.

And naught prevents that their contribution should be accepted from them save that they have disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger, and they come not to worship save as idlers, and pay not their (contribution) save reluctantly.” (9/54)

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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