
Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)



Iman is the result of ma’rifat and obedience. One who knows of Allah’s existence will love Him and the root of love is obedience. If you love Him then you will obey Him.

When your heart becomes constantly devoted to Him, then your eyes will begin to see Him and you will not be able to give up His obedience.

If you don’t know Allah, you cannot be obedient to Him. If you are not obedient to Him, how can you have faith?

Imaan and Aqaa’id (Articles of Faith) on which pivots the acceptance of all A’maal (actions), Imaan and Aqaa’id are conditions of the heart (i.e. the Baatin).The purpose is the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.

faith (iman) means verification (tasdiq)

faith is verbal profession and verification

faith is verbal profession and verification and practice

faith has a principle (asl) and a derivative (far), the principle being verification in the heart, and the derivative being observance of the (Divine) command

faith is really the act of Man joined to the guidance of God,

faith is gnosis and acknowledgment and acceptance of works.

faith is really the absorption of all human attributes in the search of God.

Real faith is trust in God.

faith is in that which is hidden, and it can be attained only through Divine strengthening of one’s certainty, which is the result of knowledge bestowed by God.

Mere verification (i.e. belief), without performance of the Divine commands, does not involve security. Therefore, since security is in proportion to obedience, and obedience together with verification and verbal profession is the cause of security.

security=verbal profession+verification+obediance with gnosis(marifat)

Obedience, they said, is of no avail without gnosis.(gnostic obedinace is required for  verifying and practising ).whereas one who has gnosis but lacks obedience will be saved at the last, although it depends on the will of God.when you know Him, the heart is filled with longing and His command is held in greater veneration than is generally agreed that obedience may diminish and increase.

Ilm with adab/obedience and amaal with mohobbat/love is the key to success but ultimately its will of allah for the success. the lifting of the veil of human attributes is the very essence of love. Therefore faith and gnosis are love, and obedience is a sign of love.

The Apostle said: “None of you shall be saved by his works.” Hence in reality, without any controversy among Muslims, faith is gnosis and acknowledgment and acceptance of works.

FAITH-although it depends on the will of God.

1.verbal profession


3.obedience with gnosis (marifat)


SECURITY=verbal profession+verification+obediance with gnosis(marifat)

SUCCESS=ilm with adab +amaal with love

faith and gnosis are love, and obedience is a sign of love.

Gnosis/marifat requires purification of the heart.The Sufis are always engaged in purification outwardly and in unification inwardly.

THE SIGNS OF BELIEF ARE THESE: in the heart, holding firmly to unification(becoming a single unit); in the eye, refraining from forbidden sights and looking heedfully(carefull manner) on evidences; in the ear, listening to His word; in the belly, being empty of what is unlawful(haram); in the tongue, veracity (Unwillingness to tell lies).

Whoever knows God knows Him by one of His attributes, and the most elect of His attributes are of three kinds:

1.those connected with His beauty (jamal- longing for vision)

2. those connected with His majesty (The condition of being high(jalal)- their hearts are stricken with awe/fear inspired by allah).

3. those connected with His perfection (without a defect(kamal)-for those who themselves are perfect.

Ibadat =helps in gaining good character(soft ,lovable ,trustworthy, approachable to others).

Adab/discipline /rights =husn e seerat +good interaction (huqooq ullaah and huqooq ul ibad)

Pious/muttaqi =taqwa+ilm+ ahklaq –duniya

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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