Iman-Branches Of Faith

Iman, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Iman consists of beliefs in the following seven articles:

1. BELIEF IN ALLAH –ALlāh is One.He has no partners.He is All Powerful.He Created the earth we live in, the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink, the sun, the moon, the skies, the stars, the galaxies and the entire universe.He Provides sustenance to all of His creation.He Gives life and Causes death.He was not created.He does not depend on anyone, rather all depend on Him.None resemble Him whatsoever and He resembles no one.He does not have eyes, ears, hands, nose, organs or a body like that of human beings.He is Pure from all faults.

2. BELIEF IN HIS ANGELS ALlāh Created the Angels from light (Nur), each Angel has various duties to perform.All Angels are free from sins.We do not know the exact number of Angels Created by ALlāh.There are four particular Angels who are very famous: Jibra’il; Mikra’il; Azra’il; and Israfi’l (‘alaihus salam).  Jibra’il {Gabriel} brought ALlāh’s Revelations (Wahy), Messages, Books and Orders to all the Prophets. He was also charged with helping and aiding the Prophets at times to fight their enemies.Mikra’il {Michael} is in charge of food and rain. Numerous Angels work under him who are in charge of clouds, seas, rivers and winds. He recieves Orders from ALlāh, and then orders the other Angels under his command.Azra’il {Angel of Death} is in charge of death and takes away life with the Order of ALlāh. Numerous Angels work under him. Some appear in a beautiful state and take away the lives of believers while others appear in a terrifying state and take the lives of unbelievers and sinners.Israfi’l {Raphael} will blow the Trumpet (Sur) on the Day of Judgment. The sound of the Trumpet will destroy and kill everything and everyone that is on the earth and in the skies. Israfi’l will blow the Trumpet a second time and all will come back to life according to the Order of ALlāh.Every human being has two Angels with him at all times, one Angel writes all of his good deeds while sthe other Angel writes all of his bad deeds. Those two Angels are known as Kiramun Katibin.

3. BELIEF IN HIS BOOKS- ALlāh sent His Books to various Prophets for the guidance of their nations.The larger Books are known as Kitabs while the smaller Books are known as Sahifas.The Kitabs that were reveled are: Tawrat; Zabur; Injil; Qur’an.The Tawrat {Torah} was sent to Hazrat Musa {Moses} (‘alaihis salam)The Zabur {Psalms} was sent to Hazrat Da’wuud {David} (‘alaihis salam)The Injil {Gospels} was sent to Hazrat ‘Isa {Jesus} (‘alaihis salam) The Qur’an is the Final Book of ALlāh and was revealed to Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha (salLallhu ‘alaihi wa salLam), all the other Kitabs were revealed at once, except the Holy Qur’an, which was revealed over a period of 23 years. The other three Kitabs no longer appear in their original revealed format, changes, alterations, additions and omissions have been made to them over the centuries. The Holy Qur’an has been memorized by thousands of believers from the very beginning of Islam right to the present day. ALlāh Has promised to safeguard the text of the Qur’an till the end of time.

4. BELIEF IN HIS MESSENGERSALlāh sent various Messengers to this world from time to time to guide humanity.The first of the Messengers is Hazrat ‘Adam (‘alaihis salam) and the final Messenger is Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha (salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa salLam) who is the Seal of Prophethood (Khatamun Nabiyin) and no new Messenger will come after him.

5. BELIEF IN THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT -The Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Mustapha (salla’Llahu ‘alayhi wa salLam) has warned his followers that the two feet of the son/daughter of ‘Adam will not move on the Day of Judgment until he/she has answered questions regarding five matters:about his/her life and how he/she spent it;about his/her youth, and how he/she took care of it; about his/her wealth, and how he/she earned it;and how he/she spent his/her wealth; about how he/she acted upon the knowledge he/she acquired.

6. BELIEF IN FATE –ALlāh Has Knowledge of everything, even before its creation.ALlāh Has Given human beings the willpower and the ability to do either good or bad.ALlāh’s Knowledge of who will do good or bad even before he has done it is known as Fate (Taqdir).All favors are by the Will of ALlāh Alone and no misfortune can happen without His Will.We should at no time despair over any misfortune befalling us nor should we boast any favors given to us by ALlāh.We should always be thankful to ALlāh for His Favors and be patient over any misfortune falling us.

7. BELIEF IN THE LIFE AFTER DEATH –Every person who has lived on this earth from the time of Hazrat ‘Adam (‘alaihis salam) up to the final day will be brought to life again.They will all gather before The King: ALlāh Ta’ala, for Judgment in the Field of Resurrection (Maidan-e-Hashr).On this Day they will all have to give account of their deeds.This Day is known as:Yawm-ul-Hashr (Day of Resurrection)Yawm-ul-Hisab (Day of Reckoning)That Day the believers will be blessed and rewarded with the Garden (Jannah) while the unbelievers will be punished in the Fire (Jahannam).

If you work for Allah’s deen –Allah will work for you (his creation works for you)

Jahil/ignorant will never be a wali.

Ilm e sahi/nafae (correct and profitable knowledge ) gives wilayat.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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