Ilm e Ghaib-Zaati Ataayi

Ilm E Ghaib, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ilm e ghaib

A day before the battle of badr the holy prophet ﷺ drew markings on the ground and said “so and so kaafir will die here so and so kaafir will die there etc this proves that he has knowledge of where death will occur –mishkaat kitaabul jihad. The holy prophet ﷺ wished to lead them to begin having tawakkul in allah ﷻ .

Hadrat yusuf also said “ appoint me over the treasures of the earth iam its guardian and I know all works “12/55.

Hadrath abu haurairah ra states “the holy prophet ﷺ blessed me with 2 type of knowledge .the first is that which I have propagated if I have to distribute the second type however you people would slay my neck– mishkaat kitaabul ilm section2.

divine secrets have been concealed from unworthy.

Muslims that have entered jannat will enter jahannam to take out the jahannami muslims the former will recognize them by the sajda marks on their foreheads .it will be said to the muslim from jannat “take out whoever you find to have imaan the size of even a rice grain in his or her heart-mishkaat baabul hauz-was –shafaat .

When zulaikha laid an accusation against hadrat yusuf (as) allah ﷻ himself did not directly reveal his innocence but revealed it through an infant .

similarly when sayyidah maryam (ra) was wrongfully accused he revealed her innocence  through the infant roohullah (as) .

but when people accused hadrat ayesha (ra) about her chastity allah himself gave witness and recorded it in holy quran . The holy prophet ﷺ knew that hadrath ayesha was innocent but kept quiet for the holy verse to desend as it is in quran “impure women belong to impure men and immoral men to immoral women “24/26.

again like the incident of loss of necklace which resulted in ayat of tayammum was reaveled .so ther is hikmat (wisdom) behind each thing.

We also say that the Holy Prophet’sﷺ knowledge is not comparable to Allah’s(swt).By saying that original (zaati) knowledge is Allah’s(swt) quality and successive (ataa’i) knowledge is the Holy Prophetﷺ’s. By this differentiation, polytheism (shirk) will not be made..

The commentators have given four interpretations

1. verse negates original (zaati) knowledge of the unseen.

2. It nullifies absolute knowledge.

3. It was said out of humbleness and humility.

4. The meaning of the ayat is, “I do not claim that I know the unseen.” In other words, only to claim possessing knowledge of the unseen is what is negated, not actually having it.

Allama Ibn Hajar writes, “These [proofs] mean that none knows this (knowledge) independently and through personal grasp except Allah(swt) Regarding prophetic miracles (mu’jizas) and karaamats, they occur through Allah(swt) revealing His knowledge.”Fataawa Hadeethia

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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