Ilm e Ghaib-Prophets

Ilm E Ghaib, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ilm e ghaib

“He is the knowledgeable of the Unseen.  Does not show the ‘unseen’ but to His revered Apostle ” (26/7).

“Certainly We (Allah -(ﷻ)) have sent to you (Prophet –ﷺ) as witness, deponent and the one who gives good tiding and as a forewarner (33/45).

An Apostle ﷺ has been raised for you from yourselves, your living wrongly with its consequent suffering  presses heavily upon him; he is ardently desirous of your welfare; and for those (of you) who are believers, he is full of pity, merciful.(9/128).

It is narrated by Hazrat Umar (Ra) “One day the Prophet ﷺ stood between us and informed us of the matters from the beginning of creation to the people of paradise entering paradise and the people of hell entering hell. Whoever remembered, remembered and whoever forgot, forgot. (Bukhari)

Prophet Mohammad ﷺ is the last Prophet sent for the entire humanity.  There will be no Prophet after him.  Therefore whatever is said about him in Quran with reference to his Ummah is applicable for all Muslims till the day of resurrection.  Prophet Mohammad ﷺ sees the actions of every Muslim till resurrection and beyond. Rasoolullahﷺ saw future objects, events and occurrences.

Hadrat Umar (ra) saw Hadrat Saariya (ra) in Nawaahind from Madina and even relayed his voice to him.

The Holy Quran contains Laws of the Shariah and all branches of knowledge. The Holy Quran minutely describes the Lawhe-Mahfooz, and branches of knowledge are present on the Protected Tablet. The Holy Prophet’sﷺ knowledge also encompasses the Holy Quran. Therefore, all the knowledge of the Lawhe-Mahfooz is in his knowledge, because the Holy Quran is the elaboration of the Lawhe-Mahfooz.

the Lawhe-Mahfooz also falls under the knowledge of the Arsh. What is written in the Protected Tablet? Therefore, the knowledge of what has occurred and what will (Maa Kaan wa Maa Yakoon) is also possessed by Hadrat Ibraheem (as).

His knowledge and the knowledge of Hadrat Adam (as) are drops in the ocean of knowledge possessed by our Holy Prophet Muhanunad Mustaphaﷺ.

Hadrat Esa (as) has said, “I can inform you of what you eat in your homes and what you amass as well” Surah Aale-Imran, Verse 49.

Hadrat Nuh (as) knew the condition of the coming generation of his Ummah by saying, “O Allah(swt) If they were to have children, they would also be Kaafirs. – 71/27

Hud-hud had said, “Bilqees has been given everything.” Allah(swt) himself did not originally say it. In fact, it was Hud-hud who thought that Bilqees had received everything of this world. Hud-hud can make a mistake, but the speech of Allah(swt) can never be wrong. Hud-hud also said, “ولھا عرش عظیم” Was the throne of Bilqees truly the Arsh-e-Azeem?

 “تبیانا لکل شئی ”- 16/89 Other Quranic verses prove that “every thing” here means all things of this world.

“Every wet and dry thing is recorded in either the Lawhe-Mahfooz or the Quran.” – 6/59.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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