Ilm e Ghaib-Proofs

Ilm E Ghaib, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ilm e ghaib

1. Allah(swt) taught Hadrat Adam (as)) the name of all things. Thereafter, all of these things were brought before the angels.”– 2/31

2. “And this Rasool is to be your witness and protector.” 2/143

3.“O My Beloved ﷺ! You will be brought as a protector over all of them – 4/4

4. “Who can intercede (shafa’at) before the Divine Presence without His permission? (The person who) knows their former and latter conditions.”– 2/255

5. “It is not Allah’s(swt) glory to divulge the knowledge of the unseen to you, 0 common people. Yes, Allah(swt) chooses whoever He wishes from His Messengers.” – 3/179

6. “And taught you, O Muhammad ﷺ, all which you did not know and Allah’s(swt) favour is immense upon you”-4/113

7. “Nothing was omitted by Us in this book.” – 6/38

8. “Everything dry or wet is coronicled and written in the manifest book.” – 6/59

9. And we have revealed to you the Holy Quran that describes everything clearly.16/89

10. “The Holy Quran is the elaboration of everything written on the Lawbe-Mabfooz. There is no doubt in it”– 10/37

11. “This (the Holy Quran) is not an item of novelty but the verificationof former revelations and the minute description of everything.”– 12/111

12. “Al-Rahman taught His Beloved ﷺ the Holy Quran. He created the soul of humanity (Muhammad ﷺ) and taught him the explanation of what has occurred and what will.” –55/ 1-4

13. “Through your Lord’s grace, you are not (at all) insane.” – 68/2

14. “And O My Beloved ﷺ! Ifyou were to ask them they would say, “We were only jesting in amusement.”– 9/65

15. “He (Allah(swt)) does not make anyone know His Unseen except for His beloved Messengerﷺs.” –72/26-27

16. “Then He (Allah(swt)) made wahi (Revelation) to His servant (Rasoolullahﷺ) whatever He wished”– 53/10

17. “And this Nabi is not stingy in telling the Unseen.” – 81/24

18. “And we gave him [i.e. Hadrat Khidr (as)) our llm-e-Ladunni.”-18/65

19. “And like this, we show Ibraheem (as) the kingship of the heavens and earth.” – 6/75

20. Hadrat Yusuf (as) said, “This knowledge is only a small portion of some of my knowledge”– 12/37

“Hadrat Umar ibn Khnttab (ra) reports, “The Holy Prophetﷺ stood up amongst us and informed us of the beginning of creation, including the inmates of Jannat who will enter the Holy Paradise and the inmates of Jahannam who will enter their abode in Hell. The person who memorized what was said remembers it and he who has forgotten it bas truly forgotten it.” – Bukhari, Kitaabu-Baadil-Khalq;

The holy prophet ﷺ is reported by hadrat abdur-rahman ibn aaish (ra) to have said-I saw my lord in the finest form .he placed his hand upon my chest and I felt its coolness  in my heart .i then came to know of all things in the heavens and earth.-miskaat,baabul-masaajid.

hadrat huzaifa (ra) states everything from this place until qiyaamat was elucidated by the holy prophet ﷺ,nothing was left out by him.the person who memorized it recalls it and he who has forgotten it is oblivious to it-miskaat ,baabul-fitnaa with ref to bukhari and muslim.

the holy prophet ﷺ,on the authority of hadrat thabaan (ra) has said –allah (ﷻ) collected the earth for me and I saw the easts and wests of it.-miskaat,baabu-fadaaili sayyidil-mursaleen with ref to muslim.

harath ibn abbas ra narrates –passing by two graves whose inhabitants were undergoing punishment, the holy prophet ﷺ said “the inmates of these 2 graves are being punished however ,the actions for which ther are being punished for are not hard to save yourselves of them would never clean himself from drops of urine while the other used to backbite.”thereafter ,he broke a fresh branch in two and placed a piece on each grave ,saying ”the punishment of these 2 will be lessened until these pieces dry up”-bukhari,baabu-ithbaatil-qabr.

the holy prophet ﷺstood on the mimbar and mentioned qiyaamat as well as all major events that will occur before it.he then said “whoever wishes to ask any questions  should ask it now.oath on allah ﷻ as long as iam on this place (mimbar),I shall answer any and every type of question you ask.a person stood up and asked where is my destination? the holy prophet ﷺ replied jahannam.Hadrath Abdullah ibn huzaifah ra stood up and asked who his father was, he was told huzaifah after that the holy prophet ﷺ continuously urged people to ask him questions-bukhari,kitaabul-itisaam bil kitaab was sunnah.

harath ali ra states the holy prophet ﷺ once said “this is the place where acertain person will fall and while placing his blessed hands on the earth said here here the narrator states “the people that were slain never exceeded the areas pointed to and touched by the holy prophet ﷺ by even an inch .-muslim vol2 kitaabul-jihaad ,baabu ghazwatil-badr.

Sayyidah Aisha (ra)ا once asked the Holy Prophetﷺ” Is there anyone whose good deeds are equal to the amount of stars?” He replied, “Yes, He is Umar (ra). Mishkaat, Baabu Manaaqibe-Abi Bakr (ra) wa Umar (ra).

hadrat huzaifa ra states the holy prophet ﷺ has informed us of the names of the leaders of groups of fitna until the end of the world that will have 300 or more followers as well as the names of their fathers and tribes-mishkaat,baabul-fitna ,section2 with ref to abu dawood.

Hadrath abu haurairah ra states “the holy prophet ﷺ blessed me with 2 type of knowledge .the first is that which I have propagated if I have to distribute the second type however you people would slay my neck– mishkaat kitaabul ilm section2.

divine secrets have been concealed from unworthy.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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