Ilm e Ghaib-Ahadith

Ilm E Ghaib, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

“Allah (Almighty) will not discloseto you the secret of the unknown, but He chooses of His Apostles whom He pleases.” Surah Alhe-Imran, Verse 179.

(Hazrat Sulayman Alayhis-Salaam):“And He Taught Adam the names of All things” 

(Hazrat Dawood Alayhis-Salaam) “He (Allah Almighty) gave Daw’ud power, wisdom and taught him whatever (else)He Willed”. Surah Baqara, Verse 31

(Hazrat Sulayman Alayhis-Salaam):“O People! We have been taught speech of birds, and on us has been bestowed (alittle of) all things”. Surah Ambiya: Verse 74

( Hazrat Yaqub Alayhis-salaam):“Did I not say to you, I know from Allah that which you know not?” Surah Yusuf,Verse 96

((Hazrat yusuf Alayhis-Salaam) “When Yusuf (Alayhis-Salaam) attained his full manhood, We gave him Power &Knowledge; thus do We reward those who do the right things”. Surah Yusuf, Verse22
(Hazrat Musa Alayhis-salaam):“When he reached full age and was firmly established (in life), We bestowed onhim Wisdom & Knowledge” Sura Qasa: Verse 140
(Hazrat Khizr Alayhis-salaam):So they found a bondman *from amongst Our (chosen) bondmen, to whom We had given mercyfrom Us, and had bestowed the inspired knowledge from Ourselves. Surah Al-Kahf 18:65]

 “True dreams are oneof the forty-six parts of Prophethood.”[al-Bukhaari, 6472; Muslim, 4201]

… “Nothing is left of the prophetism except Al-Mubashshirat.” They asked, “What areAl-Mubashshirat?” He replied, “The true good dreams (that conveysglad tidings).” [Sahiah Bukhari, Interpretationof Dream, Hadith number 119]

Narrated Abu HurairaRadhi’ala’anhu:The Prophet, peace be upon him, said, “Among the nation of Bani Israel wholived before you, there were men who used to be inspired with guidance thoughthey were not prophets, and if there is any of such persons amongst myfollowers, it is Umar (Radhi’ala’anhu). (Sahih Bukhari(Merits of the Companions) chp 56 no-1531)

Imam Abu Hanifa Radi Allahu anhu writes that Haaris Ibn La’man Radi Allahuanhu and Haaris Bin Na’man RadiAllahu anhu have said;“ Once I went to Our Beloved Prophet Sayyedina Muhammad Mustufa SallaAllahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallamwho asked me a question,“O Haaris, in what state did you pass theday?”I replied; “ As a TrueMuslim” Our Beloved Prophet Sayyedina Muhammad Mustufa SallaAllahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam asked me the state of my faith” Haaris ibn Na’man RadiAllahu anhu replied; “ I see the Throne of Allah Subhanahu wa Ta’ala and thepeople of the Paradise helping each other and the people of Hell lamenting inHell. I see in front of me eight Heavens and seven Hells as clear as the Idolworshippers see their idols. I can recognise each individual just like a millercan recognize the wheat from barley, ie. That is, who is to go to Paradiseand who is to be found in Hell? In front of me people are like fish andants. Shall I stay silent orcontinue to speak?” Our Beloved ProphetSayyedina Muhammad Mustufa Salla Allahu ta’ala ‘alayhi wa Sallam told him to stop and say no more.[FiqahAkbar, Imam Abu Hanifa; Jam –e- Qabir, Imam Suyuti]

… The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, “O Harith!You have realized (the truth),therefore cling to it.” Some versions add, “(This is) a believer whose heart Allah has illumined.”(Tabarani in his Mu’jam al-Kabir (3:266 #3367),  Abu Nu’aym (Hilya,1:242))

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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