Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 94-102(94-1-102-8)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

94/1-8. Have We not broadened your breast for you (for the light of knowledge, wisdom and spiritual gnosis)? And We have taken off the load (of grief of the Umma [Community]) from you, (The load) which was growing heavier on your (holy) back. And We exalted for you your remembrance (by annexing it to Ours everywhere in the world and in the Hereafter). So surely ease (comes) with every hardship. Verily, with (this) hardship (too) there is ease. So when you are free (from educating the Umma (Community), preaching the Din (Religion) and fighting, and fulfilling your responsibilities), then strive hard (in remembrance and the worship of your Lord), And turn to your Lord earnestly.

95/4-6. Indeed, We have created man in the best constitution (equipoised in the finest proportion). Then We returned him to the lowest state of the low, Except for those who believe and do good works. For them is an unending (i.e., everlasting) reward.

96/1-5. (O Beloved!) Read (commencing) with the Name of Allah, Who has created (everything). He created man from a hanging mass (clinging) like a leech (to the mother’s womb). Read, and your Lord is Most Generous, Who taught man (reading and writing) by the pen, Who (besides that) taught man (all that) which he did not know. Or Who imparted to (the most eminent of) mankind (the chosen Prophet Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him] without using any pen) the whole knowledge that he was not aware of before.

96/6-7. (But) the fact is that (the disobedient) man rebels, For the reason that (apparently) he finds himself self-sufficient (in the world).

96/9-13. Have you seen him who prevents, The servant (of Allah) when he prays? Or The (beloved and the exalted) servant of Allah (Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him]) when he offers Prayers. Well, imagine! If he had been rightly guided; Or if he had commanded (the people) to be pious (how beneficial it would have been)! But see now when he has rejected (the true Din [Religion]) and has turned away (from you, what torment is he going to face?)

96/15-18. Beware! If he does not desist (from the denigration of the Holy Prophet [blessings and peace be upon him] and antagonism against the true Din [Religion]), We shall certainly grab his forehead and drag him by the forelock, His lying (and) sinful forehead! Then let him call his companions (for help). We too shall soon call (Our) guards (the angels appointed to inflict the punishment of Hell).

97/1-5. Surely, We sent down this (Holy Qur’an) during the Night of Destiny. And what have you made out what the Night of Destiny is? The Night of Destiny is better than a thousand months (in merit, blessings, reward and recompense). The angels and the Spirit of Peace (Gabriel) descend by their Lord’s command during this (night) with decrees concerning all matters (of blessings and bounties). This (night) is (absolute) peace and security till daybreak.

98/4-7. These People of the Book did not dissent amongst themselves (with regard to believing in the Prophethood and Messengership of the Last Messenger and recognizing his holy status), until after the clear proof (of the Prophethood of Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him]) had come to them. (Then, they broke up: some of them accepted belief in him whilst others became deniers and disbelievers out of jealousy,) Whereas they were commanded to worship only Allah, making their Din (faith and devotion) sincerely His (dissociating from every falsehood) to establish Prayer and to pay Zakat (the Alms-due) regularly. And this is the straight and firm Din (Religion). Indeed, those who disbelieve from amongst the People of the Book and the polytheists (all) will be (abiding) in the Fire of Hell. They are its permanent dwellers. It is they who are the worst of the creation. Indeed, those who believe and keep doing pious actions, it is they who are the best of the creation.

99/6-8. On that Day, people will form up in different groups, (in diverse conditions,) so that they may be shown their works. Then he who will have done even an atom’s weight of good will see it. And he who will have done even an atom’s weight of evil will (also) see it.

100/6-10. Indeed, man is most ungrateful to his Lord, And verily, he is himself a witness to this ingratitude. And indeed, he is quite stubborn in his love of wealth. But does he not know when those (dead) in the graves will be raised, And secrets which are in hearts will be disclosed?

101/6-9. So he whose scales of deeds in the balance will be heavy, He will be in luxury and delight. But as for him whose scales of deeds in the balance will be light, His abode will be Hawiya (a pit in Hell)!

102/5-8. Yes indeed! Would that you knew with the knowledge of certitude (the consequence of greed for wealth and riches and your negligence! Then, lost in the worldly pleasures, you would never forget the Hereafter like this). (Consequent on your greed) you will surely see Hell. Then you will certainly see it with the eye of certitude. Then on that Day, you will certainly be questioned about the bounties (given to you by Allah and the way you consumed them).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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