Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 43-44 (43-7-44-7)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

43/7-8. And no Prophet came to them, but they used to make fun of him. And We destroyed the people who were more powerful than these (disbelievers of Mecca). And the annals of the bygone people have been cited (on many preceding occasions).

43/15-25. And those (polytheists) have made some of His servants His component (of divinity by declaring them His children). Verily, man is blatantly ungrateful.(O disbelievers! Reply according to your calibre of thinking:) ‘Has He chosen (for Himself) daughters out of His Creation and has specified sons for you?’ Whereas when the news is given to any one of them (of the birth of a daughter at his home) whom they have held as an image of the Most Kind (Lord), his face turns dark and he is filled with anger and grief. And (will Allah make her His offspring for partnership and assistance in His affairs) who is raised in refinery and is not bold (in giving her opinion expressly) in a contention (owing to her mild, modest and feminine temperament)? And they have declared the angels who are the servants of the Most Kind (Lord) to be women. Were they present at the time of their creation? (They were not, so) now their witness will be recorded, and they will be interrogated (on the Last Day). And they say: ‘If the Most Kind (Lord) had intended, we would not have worshipped these (idols).’ They do not know anything about this (as well). They only tell lies out of fancy. Have We given them before this any Book which they stick to as an authority? (No,) but they say: ‘Indeed, we found our fathers following a course (and a religion), and surely we are rightly guided (following) in their footsteps.’ And the same way, We never sent any Warner to a town before you, but their chiefs and the affluent people amongst them said: ‘Surely, we found our fathers following a course and a religion, and certainly we are following in their footsteps.’ (The Messenger) said: ‘Even though I bring you a way (and Din [Religion]) better than that on which you found your fathers?’ They said: ‘We deny whatever you have been sent with.’ So We took revenge on them. So see what was the end of those who denied!

43/29-35. In truth, I bestowed upon these people and their ancestors (worldly) provision (for the sake of and due to the mediation of Ibrahim [Abraham]) until there came to them the truth (the Qur’an) and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) with clear and illumining exposition. And when the truth reached them, they said: ‘This is magic and we deny it.’ And they said: ‘Why has this Qur’an not been sent down upon some high-ranking personage (i.e., some chief, landlord, or the affluent) of the two towns (Mecca and Ta’if)?’ Is it they who distribute the mercy (of the Prophethood) of your Lord? We distribute amongst them (the resources of) economy in the life of this world, and We alone raise some of them in grades (of wealth and resources) over the others. (Do We do this so that) some of them (who are rich) should make fun of the others (who are poor? This is mockery of poverty if, due to this, you do not consider someone as deserving the mercy of the Prophethood.) And the mercy of your Lord is better than that (wealth) which they amass (and become arrogant). And had it not been that mankind (converging on disbelief) would have become one community, We would have made, for those who disbelieve in the Most Kind (Lord), silver roofs for their houses and silver staircases by which they ascend, And likewise, (silver) doors of their houses and the couches (too) on which they recline, And (embellish) ornamentation of gold and jewels (over this silver work). But all that is the temporary and worthless possession of the life of this world. And (the beauty and ornamentation of) the Hereafter is with your Lord (which is) only for the pious.

43/36-38. And whoever turns away from the remembrance of the Most Kind (Lord), We appoint a Satan to dominate him and stick to him constantly. And these (satans) hinder them from the path (of guidance), but they maintain the wrong perception that they are on the path of guidance. Until when he will come to Us, he will say (to his companion, Satan): ‘Alas! Would that there had been between me and you the distance of east and west; So (you were) the most evil companion indeed!’

43/43-44. So hold fast to this (Qur’an) which has been revealed to you. Surely, you are (firm) on the straight path. And verily, this (Qur’an) is a great honour for you and for your Umma (Community). And, (O people,) you will soon be asked (how strong and firm a relation you established with the Qur’an).

43/67-70. On that Day, all friends and acquaintances will become enemies to one another except the pious. (Only their friendship and nearness [wilaya] will prove fruitful.) (It will be said to them:) ‘O My (intimate) servants, there is no fear for you this Day, nor shall you grieve.’ (It is) they who believed in Our Revelations and were always obedient (to Us). Enter Paradise, you and your intimate companions (all); you will be honoured (with blessings, comforts and the pleasures of Paradise).

43/76-78. And We have not wronged them, but they were themselves the wrongdoers. And they will cry out (to the guard of Hell): ‘O master, (better it is if) your Lord causes us to die.’ He will say: ‘(Now) you will live (in the same plight) forever.’ Surely, We brought you the truth, but most of you disliked the truth.

43/81-83. Say: ‘If (supposing the impossible) the Most Kind (Lord) had a son (or children), I would have been the first one to worship (him).’ The Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of the Throne, Glory be to Him, Transcendent above all what they ascribe (to Him). So leave them. Let them remain indulged in vain talk and absurd sport until they meet the Day which they are promised.

43/88-89. And by his (Esteemed Messenger’s) saying: ‘O Lord, surely, they are a people who (somehow) do not tend to believe.’ So, (O My Beloved,) turn your face away from them and say (like this: ‘Alright, our greeting is:) Peace!’ Then soon they will come to know (their end).

44/2-7. By this Light-Giving Book, Surely, We have sent it down in a blessed night. Surely, We are the Warner. In this (night) judgment is given on all matters of wisdom (separately), By Our command; surely, it is We Who send. (It) is mercy from your Lord. Verily, He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing,The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, provided you have faith with certitude.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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