Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 36 to 37 (36-69-37-182)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

36/69. And We have not taught him (the Holy Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]) composing poetry, nor does it befit his dignity. This (Book) is but direction and guidance and the illumining Qur’an,

36/74-75. And they have made idols their gods other than Allah with the hope that they will be helped. These idols are incapable of helping them. And these (disbelievers and polytheists) will be an army of these (idols) that will be brought (into Hell together)

36/82-83. His command (of creation) is only that when He intends (to create) something, He says to it: ‘Be,’ so it instantly becomes (existent or visible and continues becoming). So, Glory be to Him in Whose Hand (i.e., power and control) is the sovereignty over everything and to Him you will be returned.

37/6-10. Surely, We have adorned the world’s heaven (the first heavenly sphere) with the adornment of stars and planets, And made (them) secure from every rebellious satan. They (satans) cannot listen to the celestial world. And (burning brands) are thrown on them from every side, To repulse them. And for them there is eternal torment. But that (satan) who snatches away (something from angels), a burning brand follows it in chase.

37/12-22. But you express your wonder whilst they make fun. And when they are given advice, they do not accept it. And when they see some sign, they mock it, And say: ‘This is but obvious magic. What! When we are dead and turned to dust and bones, shall we certainly be raised (alive again)? And shall our forefathers too (be raised)?’ Say: ‘Yes, (of course,) and you will be disgraced and humiliated (as well).’ So, it will be merely a single dreadful shout (of a stern call). Then all will suddenly (rise and) begin to stare. And they will say: ‘Woe to us! This is the Day of Requital.’ (It will be said: ‘Yes,) this is the same Day of Judgment which you used to reject. Assemble all those who committed injustice as well as their companions and followers and those (false gods) that they used to worship,

37/27-33. And turning to one another, they will mutually question. They will say: ‘Surely, it is you who used to come to us from the right side (i.e., asserting on oath of being right).’ (Their misleading leaders) will say: ‘The truth is that it was you yourselves who did not believe. Nor did we have any authority (and control) over you. But you yourselves were a rebellious people. So the command of our Lord has been proved against us. (Now) we are about to taste (the torment). So we led you astray. Surely, we ourselves had gone astray.’ So on that Day, they (all) will share the torment.

37/35-38. Surely, they were such people that when it was said to them: ‘There is none worthy of worship except Allah,’ they used to show arrogance, And used to say: ‘Are we going to forsake our gods for the sake of an insane poet?’ (He is neither an insane person nor a poet.) He has rather brought the truth (Din [Religion]) and confirmed the Messengers (of Allah). Verily, you are about to taste the painful torment.

37/40-41. (Yes,) but those (exalted and chosen) servants of Allah who have divested themselves of (their ill-commanding selves and its pursuits), It is they for whom a special provision is appointed (morning and evening),

37/50-61. Then those (residents of Paradise) will turn to one another and mutually inquire (about their well-being). One (of the participants in conversation) will say (to the other): ‘There was an acquaintance of mine (who disbelieved in the Hereafter). He used to say (to me): Are you (also) of those who confirm and firmly believe (in these things)? (That) when we are dead and have become dust and bones, so shall we be requited (in that condition)?’ Then he (the dweller of Paradise) will say: ‘Will you peer down to see (him in which plight he is)?’ Then on peering down, he will find him (right) in the middle of Hell. (He) will say (to him): ‘By my Lord, you had nearly ruined me. And had it not been the favour of my Lord, I (too) would have joined those who are brought (for torment with you).’ So (the dwellers of Paradise will gladly ask:) ‘Shall we not die now? Except for the first death (which we have passed through and have reached here) and shall we not be ever tormented?’ This is surely the supreme success. For such (a success) the doers should do work.

37/149-166. So ask these (disbelievers of Mecca): ‘Are there daughters for your Lord and sons for them? Did We create the angels as females and were they present (on the occasion)?’ Listen! They assuredly say (this) out of their fabrications, That Allah has begotten children and surely they are liars. Has He chosen daughters instead of sons? (The creed of the disbelievers of Mecca is being refuted in the language of their logic and mentality.) What is the matter with you? How do you judge? Do you not ponder? Do you have any clear proof (to establish your philosophy and ideology)? Produce your book if you are truthful. And they have fabricated a blood relationship between Allah and the jinn (as well), whereas the jinn know that they (too) will be made to appear (before the presence of Allah). Holy is Allah, Transcendent of what they utter. But the chosen and exalted servants of Allah (do not say such things; they are not amongst them). So you and (the idols) which you worship, You all cannot misguide (anyone against Allah), Except the one who is bound to fall into Hell. And (the angels say:) ‘Every one of us has an appointed station; And surely, we ourselves are those who remain standing in rows; And surely, we ourselves remain engaged in glorifying (Allah).’

37/167-170. And no doubt, these people used to say: ‘If we (too) had some (Book) of direction and guidance from the bygone people, Then, certainly, we (too) would have been Allah’s exalted servants.’ But (now) they have rejected this (Qur’an). So they will soon come to know (their end).

37/180-182. Holy is your Lord, the Lord of Honour, Transcendent above these (things) which they utter. And peace be upon (all) the Messengers! And all praise be to Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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