Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 33 -35 (33-70-35-6)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

33/70. O believers! Always fear Allah and say what is correct and straight.

33/71. He will set (all) your deeds right for you and will forgive you your sins. And whoever obeys Allah and His Holy Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) will surely achieve a great success.

33/72-73. Indeed, We offered the trust (of obedience) to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they declined to bear this (burden) and felt scared of it, but man took it on. Verily, he is given to wrongdoing (against his own soul), unwise and extremely ignorant (of the consequence of lapse in paying back the trust). (This is) so because Allah torments the hypocrites, men and women, and the polytheists, men and women, and Allah accepts repentance of the believers, men and women. And Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

34/7-8. And the disbelievers say (with the intention to wonder and mock): ‘Shall we tell you of a person who informs you that when you have decomposed completely into dust particles (after death), you will certainly be composed into a new creation? (Either) he has invented a lie against Allah or he is insane.’ (Nothing of the sort!) The truth is that those who do not believe in the Hereafter are undergoing a torment and are in farthest error.

34/22-23. Say: ‘Call upon those you consider (gods) apart from Allah. They do not possess even the smallest particle either in the heavens or in the earth. They have no share in either of them (the heavens and the earth). Nor is any one of them a helper to Allah. And no intercession with His presence will be of any benefit except from someone He has granted permission, until when fright is removed from their hearts and they will say, (inquiring): ‘What has your Lord said?’ They will say (in reply): ‘He has said the truth,’ (i.e., has granted the permission). And He alone is Most High, Most Great.

34/26-27. Say: ‘Our Lord will assemble all of us (on the Day of Rising), then He will judge amongst us with the truth. And He is the Best Judge, All-Knowing.’ Say: ‘Show me the partners you have associated with Allah. There is no (partner) at all. Truly, He is the One Who is Almighty, Most Wise.’

34/29-30. And they say: ‘When will this promise (of the Last Hour) come true if you are truthful?’ Say: ‘The Day of Promise is appointed for you. You will not be able to either put it back for a moment or put it forward.’

34/31-33. And the disbelievers say: ‘We shall not believe in this Qur’an, or in that (Revelation) at all which came before it.’ And if you could see when the wrongdoers shall be made to stand before their Lord, (what a spectacle that will be!) Every one of them will be putting the blame back on others. The humble will say to the conceited: ‘Had you not been there, we would certainly have believed.’ The conceited will say to the humble: ‘Did we hinder you from guidance after it had come to you? The truth is that you were evildoers yourselves.’ The humble will then say to the conceited: ‘Nay, it was (your) deceptive scheming night and day (that hindered us) when you used to order us to disbelieve in Allah and assign equals to Him.’ And they will hide their pangs of guilt (from one another) when they will see the torment. And We will put iron collars round the necks of the disbelievers, and they will be recompensed only for their doings.

34/ 34-37. And never did We send a Warner to any town, but its wealthy ones would (always) say: ‘We deny (the guidance) you have been sent with.’ And they said: ‘We possess abundant wealth and children and we are not going to be tormented.’ Say: ‘Surely, my Lord releases sustenance in abundance for whom He wills and restrains (for whom He wills) but most people do not know.’ And it is not your wealth or your children that can bring you nearness and intimacy in Our presence. But whoever believes and does good works, it is they for whom the reward is twofold for their works. And they will live in peace in lofty mansions (of Paradise).

34/40-42. And the Day when He will gather all together, then He will say to the angels: ‘Is it they who used to worship you?’ They will submit: ‘Glory be to You! You alone are our Protector, not they! In fact, they used to worship the jinn. It was in them that most of them believed.’ So Today you have no authority over profit or loss of one another. And We shall say to the wrongdoers: ‘Savour the taste of the torment of Hell that you used to belie.’

34/43. And when Our illumining Verses are recited to them, they say: ‘This (Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]) is only a man who wants to hinder you from those (idols) your fathers used to worship.’ And they (also) say: ‘This (Qur’an) is merely a fabricated lie.’ And the disbelievers (also) say about this truth (the Qur’an) whilst it has come to them: ‘It is nothing but obvious magic.’

34/46-50. Say: ‘I advise you only one thing: stand up for Allah in twos or singly (warned and spiritually awake). Then meditate (i.e., inspect the reality and introspect; the truth will dawn on you) that he (the Holy Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]), who has honoured you with his companionship, is not touched by any mania. He is but a Warner giving you a (timely) warning before the severe torment (comes, so that you may wake up from neglectfulness and unawareness).’ Say: ‘Any reward that I might have sought from you (for this favour), I have given that back to you. My reward is with Allah alone. And He keeps watch over everything.’ Say: ‘My Lord reveals the truth (to the Prophets. He) is the All-Knower of all the unseen.’ Say: ‘The truth has come, and falsehood can neither originate (anything), nor can it regenerate.’ Say: ‘If I were to lose the straight path, the sin (or harm) of losing the straight path would afflict only my soul, and if I am rightly guided, it is so because my Lord sends His Revelation to me. Surely, He is All-Hearing, Ever-Near.’

35/ 5-6. O people! Certainly, the promise of Allah is true. So let not the worldly life deceive you at all. Nor let the Arch-Deceiver, Satan, deceive you (in the Name) of Allah. Assuredly, Satan is your enemy, so keep treating him as an enemy (being his adversary). He only calls his party to make them join the denizens of Hell.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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