Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 24 and 25 (24-46-25-18)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismil Laa-hir.Rahmaa-nir-Raheem””Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

24/46. We have indeed sent down clear and enlightening Revelations (through which) Allah guides whom He wills to the straight path.

24/47-54. And they say: ‘We have believed in Allah and the Messenger and we obey.’ Then, after (saying) this, a group of them turn away (from their affirmation). And (in fact) these people are not (at all) believers. And when they are called to Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) that he may judge between them, a party of them turn away (from appearing before the Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]). And had they been in the right, they would have come fast to him (the Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]) most submissively. Is there a disease (of hypocrisy) in their hearts? Or do they doubt (the majesty and glory of the Messenger)? Or do they fear that Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) will do them wrong? (Nay,) they themselves are the wrongdoers. The only saying of the believers, when they are called to Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) in order that he may judge between them, is that they say: ‘We have heard and we (totally) submit to obey.’ It is they who will prosper. And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and fears Allah and adopts Godwariness for Him, it is they who will achieve their goal. And they swear most strongly (and solemnly) by Allah that if you order them, they will certainly set out (for jihad [the sacred struggle for the establishment of peace and human rights]). Say: ‘Do not swear. It is obedience that is (required) as per law. Allah is certainly Well Aware of the deeds you do.’  Say: ‘Obey Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him), but if you turn away (from obedience), then (beware that) the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) is simply responsible for the duty he is charged with, and you are responsible for what you are charged with. And if you obey him, you will be guided. And nothing is (obligatory) for the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) but to convey (the commands) clearly.’

24/56. And establish (the system of) prayers and (ensure) the payment of Zakat (the Alms-due) and accomplish (absolute) obedience to the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) so that you may be granted mercy (i.e., the blessings of sovereign rule, stability, peace and security may endure and continue).

24/62-64. The believers are only those who have believed in Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him), and when they are with you for some (collective) issue which brings (the people) together, then they should not go away from there (i.e., they should participate whole-heartedly to work for collective coherence and unity amongst the Umma [Community]) until they have obtained permission from you (owing to some special excuse. O Esteemed Prophet,) surely those who seek permission from you (believing your Majesty the Supreme and Ultimate Authority), it is they who are the believers in Allah and His Prophet. So when they seek from you permission (to go) for some affair of theirs, then (you are the Supreme Sovereign Authority). Grant leave whom you please, and ask forgiveness for them from Allah (even on going away from your company by obtaining your permission, lest they should be seized even on that). Surely, Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful. (O Muslims!) Do not regard the calling of the Prophet amongst you like your calling of one another. (When calling the Holy Prophet is not like your mutual calling amongst you, then how can the Holy Personality of the Prophet be like yours?) Surely, Allah knows those from amongst you (well) who slip away quietly (from the presence of the Holy Prophet [blessings and peace be upon him]) under the shelter of one another. So let those who go against the Messenger’s command (of veneration and devotion) feel afraid lest some trial should overtake them (here in the world) or a painful torment seize them in the Hereafter. Beware! To Allah belongs (all) that is in the heavens and in the earth. He certainly knows your state of mind (i.e., state of belief or that of hypocrisy). And on the Day when they will be returned to Him, He will disclose to them what they used to do and Allah knows everything full well.

25/1. Blessed is He (Allah) Who sent down to His (most beloved and most intimate) servant the Criterion (the Qur’an) that (draws the difference between right and wrong and) gives judgment in order that he may be a Warner to all the worlds;

25/2-9. He (Allah) to Whom belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and Who has not taken (to Himself) any children, nor has He any partner in His Kingdom and He alone has created everything, and then destined (i.e., formatted) it exactly according to a definite estimation (its features, functions, time frame and everything for all the stages of its growth and survival). And these (polytheists) have taken besides Him other gods which cannot create anything and are themselves created and possess no power either to harm or to benefit themselves and control neither death nor life, nor (have they any authority) to raise up (after death) and assemble. And the disbelievers say: ‘This (Qur’an) is but a lie which this (claimant of Prophethood) has fabricated and other people have helped him in (inventing) it.’ Surely, the disbelievers have come down to sheer injustice and falsehood. And they say: ‘(This Qur’an comprises) fables of the ancients which this man has got written; then these (fables) are recited to him morning and evening (in order to memorize and narrate further).’ Say: ‘He (Allah) Who knows all the secrets (present) in the heavens and the earth has sent down this Qur’an. Surely, He is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’ And they say: ‘What is the matter with this Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him)? He eats food and walks about in the marketplaces. Why has an angel not been sent down to him that he might (join) him as a Warner? Or a treasure should have been sent down to him, or (at least) he should have owned a garden so that he might eat (of its income).’ And the wrongdoers say (to the Muslims): ‘You are following but a man spellbound.’ (O Esteemed Beloved!) Just see what sort of comparisons they utter for you! So they have gone astray and cannot find any path (to guidance).

25/16-18. And on that Day, Allah will assemble them together with those they worshipped besides Allah. He will then say: ‘Was it you who led these My servants astray, or did they (themselves) go astray from the path?’ And on that Day, Allah will assemble them together with those they worshipped besides Allah. He will then say: ‘Was it you who led these My servants astray, or did they (themselves) go astray from the path?’They will say: ‘Glory be to You. It did not become us (even) to take friends other than You (let alone asking them to worship others besides You). But, (O Lord,) You bestowed upon them and their fathers worldly riches to such an extent that they forgot (even) Your remembrance. And these were but the (doomed) people to be destroyed.’

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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