Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 21 and 22 (21-48-22-72)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

21/48. And indeed, We granted Musa (Moses) and Harun ([Aaron] the Book, the Torah) the criterion distinguishing (between right and wrong) and (the embodiment of) light and admonition for the Godfearing.

21/50. This (Qur’an) is the Most Blessed Admonition which We have revealed. Do you deny it?

21/106. Surely, there is for the devoted worshippers a guarantee and sufficient provision in this (Qur’an of achieving the objective).

21/107. And, (O Esteemed Messenger,) We have not sent you but as a mercy for all the worlds.

21/108. Say: ‘This is what is revealed to me that your God is One God (only). Do you then accept Islam?’

22/3-5. And there are some people who dispute about Allah without any knowledge and understanding and follow every disobedient Satan, (Satan) for whom it is written that whoever takes him for a friend, he will lead him astray, and show him the road to the torment of Hell.

22/8-9. And there are some of the people who dispute about Allah (His Essence, Attributes and Powers) without knowledge and understanding, and without any guidance and logic, and without any enlightening Book (sent down from heaven), Turning his neck (in arrogance) so that he may lead (others also) astray from the path of Allah. For him is disgrace in the world (too), and on the Day of Resurrection, We shall make him taste the burning torment.

22/11. And amongst people there is also one who worships Allah (keeping just) on the border-line (of Din [Religion]). So if some (worldly) benefit reaches him, he feels contented with this (Din [Religion]), and if some trial befalls him, he turns about on his face away (from Din [Religion]). He met a loss in this world (as well as) in the Hereafter. It is this that is conspicuously a heavy loss.

22/15. Whoever thinks that Allah will not at all help His (beloved and most exalted) Prophet in the world and in the Hereafter should tie a rope to the ceiling (of his house) and then hang and strangle (himself). Then let him see whether his plan removes that (help of Allah) at which he feels enraged.

22/16. And in the same way, We have revealed this (complete Qur’an) in the format of clear, logical arguments. And surely, Allah blesses with guidance whom He wills.

22/19-24. There are two groups who dispute about their Lord. So those who have become disbelievers, the clothes of (Hell) Fire have been cut out (and stitched) for them. The boiling hot water will be poured over their heads. With it will melt whatever is in their bellies and also (their) skins. And for them will be hammers of iron (to strike their heads). Whenever they intend to get out from there due to intense suffering, they will be turned back into it and (it will be said to them:) ‘Taste the torment of the fierce Fire.’ Surely, Allah will admit those who believe and do pious deeds to the Gardens beneath which streams flow. There they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls. And their clothes there will be of silk. And (in the world) they are directed to pure and decent talk and are guided to the favourite path (of Islam).

22/31. Devote yourselves wholly to Allah alone, not associating (anything as) partner with Him. And whoever associates anything as partner with Allah, (his case is as if) he fell from the sky, then birds snatched him up, or the wind blew him away down into a distant place.

22/32. That is the (command). And whoever venerates the signs of Allah (i.e., honouring those living beings, shrines, monumental sites, commands and prescribed duties known and recognized due to some pious association or link with Allah or Allah’s devoted servants), this (veneration) is of the Godwariness of hearts (only those whose hearts have been blessed with the fear of God venerate these signs).

22/41. (These men of truth) are those who, if We establish their rule in the earth, will establish (systems of) Prayer, (organize and control) the paying of Zakat (the Alms-due), enjoin righteousness (and piousness in the whole society) and forbid (people from) evil. And the result of all the endeavours is in the control of Allah.

22/55. And the disbelievers will always remain in doubt about this (Holy Qur’an) until the Last Hour comes suddenly upon them, or the torment of the Day from which salvation is least possible.

22/68-69. And if they dispute with you, then say: ‘Allah knows best whatever you are doing.’ Allah will judge between you on the Day of Resurrection all those matters in which you used to disagree.

22/72. And when Our enlightening verses are recited to the disbelievers, you can clearly see (the signs of) displeasure (and resentment) on their faces. It seems as if they are nearly ready to violently attack those who are reciting to them Our signs. Say: ‘(O restless disbelievers,) shall I inform you of something more agonizing than this? (That) is the Fire (of Hell), which Allah has promised to the disbelievers. And that is the most evil abode.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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