Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 17 and 18 (17-98-18-25)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

17/98-100. That is their punishment because they denied Our Revelations. And they kept saying: ‘Shall we be raised alive afresh after (we die), reduced to (decomposed) bones and dust particles?’ Have they not seen that Allah, Who has created the heavens and the earth, also has the power to create the like of these people (again)? And He has fixed a term for them wherein there is no (chance of) doubt. The wrongdoers have even then refused to believe but (this) is ingratitude. Say: ‘If you were the owners of the treasures of my Lord’s mercy, you would even then hold (your hands) back (from spending) for fear of (total) exhaustion. And man has turned out to be highly narrow-minded and miserly.

17/106. And We sent down the Qur’an in segments so that you might recite it to the people distinctly with pauses. And We have revealed it in intervals gradually (in accordance with the circumstances and expediencies).

17/107-110. Say: ‘Believe in it or not, indeed those who were given the knowledge (of the Book) before you, they fall down upon their faces in prostration when this (Qur’an) is recited to them.’ And they say: ‘Holy is our Lord. Surely, the promise of our Lord was bound to come true.’ And they fall down on their faces, sighing and wailing, and this (Qur’an) keeps increasing their fear and submissiveness ever more. Say: ‘Call on Allah or call on al-Rahman (the Most Compassionate), by whatever Name you invoke Him, (all) the Best Names are His. And recite (the Qur’an in) your Prayer neither too loud nor too low, but adopt a (middle) course in between the two.’

17/111. And say: ‘All praise belongs to Allah alone, Who has neither taken any son (for Himself), nor is there any partner in (His) kingdom and authority, nor has He any aide due to any handicap. (O Beloved,) keep extolling His Greatness and Glory with conviction and magnify Him with all His magnificence.

18/6. (O Venerable Beloved!) Will you put your (dear) life at stake with the traumatic grief for them if they do not put faith in this Word (of Allah)?

18/10-25. (Call to mind the time) when a few youths took refuge in the cave. They said: ‘O our Lord, bestow upon us mercy from Your presence and provide (means of) guidance in our affair.’ So We patted their ears (putting them to slumber) for some countable years in that cave. Then We raised them up to see which of the two groups would most rightly calculate (the time) that they stayed (in the cave). We (now) narrate to you their actual state of affairs. They were indeed (a few) young men who believed in their Lord, and We increased for them (the light of) guidance. And We strengthened and stabilized their hearts (through Our communication and divine affinity). When they stood (before their king), they said: ‘Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. We shall never worship any (false) god besides Him. (If we do that,) then we shall certainly say something profane. These are the people of our community who have made many gods apart from Him. Why do they not bring any clear proof (in support of their godhood)? So, who is a greater wrongdoer than he who fabricates a lie against Allah?’ And (those young men mutually discussed:) ‘When you have withdrawn yourselves from them, and those (false gods) which they worship other than Allah, take shelter in (this) cave. Your Lord will open up His mercy for you and will facilitate you in your affair.’ And you see that the sun, when it rises, moves to the right from their cave, and inclines obliquely from them to the left when it sets, whilst they are (lying) in the open chamber of the cave. This (change of the sun’s course) is one of the (great) signs of Allah’s (might). He whom Allah guides is the one who is rightly guided, but the one whom He holds strayed, you will not find for him any wali (friend to help) and murshid (guide to show the path). And, (O listener,) if you (look) at them, you will deem them awake, whereas they are asleep. And We keep changing their sides to the right and to the left (after regular intervals), and their dog is sitting on (their) threshold sprawling both its forelegs. Had you glanced at them (secretly), you would have run away, turning your back on them, and your heart would have been filled with their terror. And likewise, We raised them up so that they could probe amongst themselves. (So) the vocal one amongst them said: ‘How long have you stayed (here)?’ They said: ‘We have tarried (here) for a day or (even) a part of that.’ (Winding it up, they) said: ‘Your Lord knows best how long you have stayed (here). So send someone of you to the city with this coin of yours. He should then find which food is more lawful and clean and bring you some of that. He should remain slow and polite (in going, buying and coming back), not leaving any clue about you (even) to a single person. Surely, if they overpower you (after becoming aware of you), they will stone you to death, or force you (through oppression) to return to their faith. And, (if it so happens,) then you will not prosper at all. And in this way, We unveiled their (state) to those (who succeeded them some centuries later) so that they might know that Allah’s promise is true, and (also) that there is no doubt about the coming of the Last Hour. (When these people of the cave died) and the people of the town disputed concerning their matter, they said: ‘Raise a building over their (cave as a monument). Their Lord knows best their state of (saintly) affairs.’ Those (believers) who had the upper hand in their matter said: ‘We shall certainly build a mosque (at their door so that the believers may pray therein, and acquire special bounty by obtaining spiritual nearness to the people of the cave).’ (Now) some will say: ‘(The people of the cave) were three and the fourth was their dog,’ and still some will say: ‘(They) were five and the sixth was their dog.’ These are the estimations made without seeing. And others will say: ‘(They) were seven and the eighth was their dog.’ Say: ‘My Lord is the One Who exactly knows their number and none knows their (exact number) except a few.’ So do not discuss about them with anyone except the details that have been revealed. Nor seek any information from any of them (about the People of the Cave). And never say about anything: ‘I shall do this tomorrow.’ But that: ‘If Allah so wills (i.e., saying: In sha Allah).’ And remember your Lord when you forget and say: ‘I believe my Lord will show me the path of guidance which is (even) nearer than this one.’ And (the People of the Cave [Kahf]) stayed in their cave for three hundred years and they added another (nine) years (to that).

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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