Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 6 and 7 (6-153-7-170)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

6/153. And that this (Islamic law) is My straight path. So follow it and do not follow (other) paths, because they (the other paths) will move you away from Allah’s path. This is what He has enjoined you strictly so that you may become Godfearing

6/155. And this (Qur’an) is a Book which We have revealed full of blessings. So (now) follow it and fear (Allah) persistently so that you are shown mercy.

6/162-163. Say: ‘My Prayer, my Hajj (Pilgrimage) and my sacrifice (together with the entire worship and servitude) and my life and my death are for Allah alone, the Lord of all the worlds. He has no partner and of this have I been commanded, and I am the first Muslim (in the entire creation).’

7/3. (O people!) Follow this (Qur’an) which has been sent down to you from your Lord, and do not follow (any heretic rulers and) friends other than Him. You take advice but little!

7/8. And on that Day, the weighing (of deeds) is a truth. So those whose scales (of righteous deeds) are heavy will be successful,

7/31. O Children of Adam! Dress up decently every time you offer Prayer. And eat and drink, but do not spend extravagantly because certainly He does not like the extravagant.

7/37-39. Then who can be a greater wrongdoer than the one who fabricates a lie against Allah or rejects His Revelations as false? The share of such people will reach them as has been written in the Book until, when the (angels) whom We send will come to them to take away their souls, they will say (to them): ‘Now where are those (false gods) whom you used to worship besides Allah?’ They will say (replying): ‘They are lost from us (i.e., how they can be seen now!),’ and they will bear witness (themselves) against their own souls that they were doubtlessly disbelievers. Allah will say: ‘Enter the Fire, joining those (Hellish) groups of jinn and men who have passed before you.’ Whenever a party will enter (Hell), it will curse its sister party until, when all (groups) will forgather, their successors will say in respect of their predecessors: ‘O our Lord, these are the people who led us astray, so increase their torment of Hell two times.’ He will say: ‘It is double for everyone but you know it not.’ And their predecessors will say to their successors: ‘You have not gained any superiority over us, so you (too) taste the torment (now) for what you used to earn.’

7/42. But those who believe and do good works persistently, We do not burden anyone beyond his endurance; it is they who are the people of Paradise; they will live in it forever.

7/46-50. And between both (of them, the inmates of Paradise and Hell) there is a barrier (i.e., ramparts or heights), and on the A‘raf (the Heights), there will be men who will recognize all by their features. And they will call out to the people of Paradise: ‘Peace be upon you.’ They (the people of the A‘raf [the Heights]) will not have entered Paradise (themselves as yet) but will be aspiring (to that). And when their eyes will be turned towards the inmates of Hell, they will say: ‘O our Lord, (join) us not (together) with the unjust people.’ And the people of the A‘raf (the Heights) will call out to those people (of Hell) whom they will be recognizing by their identification marks saying (to them): ‘Your parties could not be of any use to you, nor (could rescue you) your arrogance you used to practise. Is it they about whom you used to swear (on seeing their miserable plight): Allah will (never) bless them with His mercy? (But listen! It is they who are now being called:) Enter Paradise; you will neither fear nor grieve.’ And the inmates of Hell will call out to the inhabitants of Paradise: ‘Bless us with some water (of Paradise), or of (the provision) that Allah has granted you.’ They will say: ‘Allah has indeed forbidden both (these bounties) to the disbelievers,

7/51. Those that made their din (religion) a funfair and sport and whom the worldly life had deceived.’ We shall forget them Today as they forgot their meeting of this Day (with Us) and as they used to deny Our Revelations.

7/52. And surely, We have brought them such a Book (the Qur’an) that We have elucidated on (the basis of Our) knowledge, a guidance and a mercy for those who believe.

7/55. Invoke your Lord (both) most submissively and queitly. Surely, He does not like the transgressors.

7/157,158. (They are the people) who follow the Messenger, the Prophet (titled as) al-Ummi (who imparts to the people from Allah the news of the unseen and knowledge and secrets of socio-economic disciplines of life without himself being taught by any human in the world); whose (eminent attributes and exquisite powers) these people find written in the Torah and the Injil (Gospel); who enjoins on them virtues and forbids them vices, declares wholesome things lawful and impure ones unlawful for them and removes from them their heavy burdens and yokes (i.e., shackles) weighing upon them (due to their acts of disobedience and blesses them with freedom). So those who will believe in this (most exalted Messenger [blessings and peace be upon him]) and venerate and revere him and serve and support him (in his Din [Religion]) and follow this light (the Qur’an) that has been sent down with him, it is they who will flourish and prosper.’ Say: ?O mankind! I have (come) to all of you (as) the Messenger of Allah to Whom belongs the kingdom of the heavens and the earth. There is no God except He. He is the One Who grants life and causes death.? So believe in Allah and His Messenger, who is a Prophet crowned with the glory of being al-Ummi (i.e., he has not learnt anything from anyone except Allah, but knows far more than the entire creation, and is innocent and pure like a newborn baby, despite his upbringing in an infidel and polytheistic society), who believes in Allah and (all) His (revealed) Book and follow him alone so that you may take guidance.

7/170. And those who hold fast to the Book (of Allah) and establish Prayer (with punctuality, then) certainly We do not waste the reward of those who reform.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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