Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 6 (22-90)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

6/22-24. And the Day when We shall assemble them all together and ask those who used to associate partners with Us: ‘Where are your partners you assumed (to be your gods)?’ Then they will be left with no other excuse except that they (will) say: ‘By Allah, our Lord, we did not associate partners with Allah.’ See how they lie against their own selves, and the blame they used to fabricate (in the world) has vanished from them!

6/25-26. And amongst them are (also) some who keep their ears towards you, and (in view of their evil intentions) We have wrapped their hearts in veils. (So, it is not possible for them now) that they may understand it (the Qur’an) and (We have) plugged their ears. And even if they see all signs (naked), they (still) will not believe in them, so much so that when they approach you and quarrel with you, the disbelievers say (at that time): ‘This (Qur’an) is nothing but fabricated stories of the old folk.’ And they hinder (others from following) this (Messenger

[blessings and peace be upon him]

and the Qur’an) and (also themselves) flee far away from it. They ruin but their own souls, and have no awareness (of this destruction at all).

6/27-31.  If you see (them at the time) when they will be made to stand (on the verge of) the Fire, they will say: ‘Would that we were sent back (to the world), then we would not (at all) belie the signs of our Lord and would be of the believers!’ (This affirmation contains no truth.) In fact, whatever they used to hide before (all that) has become visible to them. And (even) if they were sent back (to the world), they would (once again) do the same that they had been forbidden. And undoubtedly, they are (seasoned) liars. And they will keep saying (what they said before): ‘There is no other (life) except the life of this world, nor shall we be raised up (after death).’ If you see (them at the time) when they will be made to stand before their Lord and Allah will say (to them): ‘Is this (life) not a truth?’ They will submit: ‘Yes, of course, by our Lord (it is the truth).’ Allah will (then) say: ‘So (now) taste the torment because you used to disbelieve.’ So those who belie their meeting with Allah incur loss, so much so that when the Last Hour comes upon them all of a sudden, they will say: ‘Oh, woe to us! We committed a (serious) blunder with regard to (believing in) this (Day of Resurrection).’ And they will be carrying the burdens (of their sins) on their backs. Beware! Most evil is that burden which they are bearing.

6/32. And (the luxury of) the worldly life is nothing but play and funfair, and certainly, it is the home of the Hereafter which is better for the Godfearing. Do you not understand (this reality)?

6/39. And those who reject Our Revelations are deaf and dumb, (groping) in the folds of darkness. Allah holds astray whom He wills (due to his stubbornness and the denial of the truth), and puts whom He pleases on the straight road (due to the acceptance of the truth).

6/42. Indeed, We sent Messengers to many communities before you. Then We seized them with scarcity and distress (due to their disobedience and defiance), so that they might beseech (with submissiveness and humility).

6/48. And We do not send Messengers but as Bearers of glad tidings and as Warners. So whoever believes and changes into a righteous person (practically), they will have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.

6/50-51. Say (to these disbelievers): ‘I do not say to you that I possess the treasures of Allah, nor do I know the unseen myself, nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I follow only that (commandment) which is revealed to me.’ Say: ‘Can the blind and the seeing be equal? So do you not ponder?’ And warn by means of this (Qur’an) those who fear that they will be assembled before their Lord whilst they are without (any) helper or intercessor apart from Him so that they may become pious.

6/53. And in this way, We put to the test some of them by means of some others so that these (affluent disbelievers seeing the poor Muslims) say (mockingly): ‘Are these the ones from amongst us upon whom Allah has bestowed His favours?’ Does Allah not know best the grateful?

6/54. And when those who believe in Our Revelations come to you, then say (affectionately): ‘Peace be upon you!’ Your Lord has made mercy incumbent upon Himself (as a gracious obligation). So whoever from amongst you commits some evil out of ignorance (or suspension of discretion) but later turns to (Allah in) repentance and amends (himself), then surely He is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

6/59. With Him (under His control and possession) are the keys of the unseen (i.e., the ways and means by which the unseen is disclosed to someone); no one (by one’s own effort) knows them but He. And He knows (directly) whatever is in the land and in the sea. And not a leaf falls but He knows it. There is not a grain in the folds of the earth’s darkness, nor anything green or dry but (has been recorded) in the enlightening Book.

6/71. Say: ‘Should we worship besides Allah something that can neither bring us any profit nor do us any harm, and turn on our heels after Allah has blessed us with guidance, like the one whom the satans have persuaded away from the right path into bewilderment in the land, whose companions are calling on him to the straight path: Come to us (but he can perceive nothing)?’ Proclaim: ‘The guidance of Allah is the only (true) guidance, and (that is why) we have been commanded to submit totally to the Lord of all the worlds.’ And this (has also been commanded:) ‘Establish Prayer and always fear Him, and Allah is He to Whom you (all) will be gathered.’

6/90. It is (these) people (the Messengers of Allah) whom Allah has granted guidance. So, (O Last of the Messengers,) put into your practice all their (exalted and superior) ways and methods (and assimilate them into your holy personage so that all the superior traits and sublime attributes of all the Messengers of Allah collect in you). Say: ‘(O people,) I do not ask you for any wages (for this provision of guidance); it is but an admonition for mankind.’

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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