Dars e Quran Muslims Surah 3 (85-134)

Dars E Quran, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

3/85. And whoever seeks a din (religion) other than Islam that shall not at all be accepted from him, and he will be amongst the losers in the Hereafter.

3/86-89. How shall Allah guide those who disbelieved after embracing faith whilst they had borne witness that this Messenger is true, and clear signs too had come to them? And Allah does not guide the wrongdoers.  The punishment of such people is that they are continually plagued by the curse of Allah, of the angels and of all mankind.  They shall remain (imprisoned) under this curse forever. And neither will this torment be lessened, nor will they be given respite,  Except those who repent and mend (their) ways. Allah is, indeed, Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.

3/90-91. Assuredly, the people who disbelieve after accepting belief and then advance in disbelief, their repentance will not be accepted at all, and it is they who have lost the right path. Surely, those who disbelieved and died whilst they were disbelievers, if any of them offers an earthful of gold as ransom (for his salvation), that shall not be accepted from him at all. It is they for whom there is painful torment. And no helper will be possible for them.

3/92. You can never attain to piety unless you spend (in the cause of Allah) out of that which you like the most; and Allah surely knows well whatever you give away

3/95-99. Say: ‘Allah has proclaimed the truth, so follow the Din (Religion) of Ibrahim (Abraham) who, rejecting every evil, devoted himself wholly to Allah. And he was not one of the polytheists.’The first House ever constructed for mankind (to worship Allah) is indeed the one in Mecca, teeming with blessings and (the centre of) guidance for the whole world. There are manifest signs in it, (one of which is) the station of Ibrahim (Abraham). Whoever enters it attains safety and protection; and the Pilgrimage to this House is prescribed for the people for the sake of Allah whoever may afford its journey; and whoever denies (it), then indeed Allah is Self-Sufficient, Beyond Need of all the worlds. Say: ‘O People of the Book, why do you deny the Revelations of Allah? And Allah is observing your actions.’ Say: ‘O People of the Book, why do you hinder the one who has embraced faith from Allah’s path? You want to make their path crooked too, whilst you yourselves are witnesses (that it is straight). And Allah is not unaware of your doings.’

3/100-101. O believers! If you obey any section of the People of the Book, they will turn you back to disbelief after you have (embraced) faith.And how will you disbelieve (now), whilst you are (fortunate) ones to whom the Verses of Allah are recited, and the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him) is (himself) present amongst you? And whoever holds fast to (the Embrace of) Allah is most surely guided to the straight path.

3/102. O believers! Fear Allah as it is due to fear Him. And death should approach you only in a state when you are Muslims.

3/103. And hold fast to the rope of Allah, all of you together, and do not generate dissension and factions. But call to mind the blessing of Allah upon you when you were enemies (one to another). Then He created the bond of love amongst your hearts, and by His blessing you became brothers. And you (had reached) the brink of a pit of the Fire (of Hell) but He rescued you from it. That is how Allah elaborates His signs to you that you may take guidance to the right path.

3/104. And from amongst you there must be a community comprising the people who invite mankind towards piety, enjoin righteousness and forbid evil. And they are the successful people.

3/105. And become not like those who split into sects and dissented even after manifest signs had reached them. And it is they who will suffer grievous torment,

3/106-107. On the Day when many faces will be bright and many others will be dark, the ones with dark faces (will be asked): ‘Did you reject faith after you had believed? So taste the torment for the disbelief you had been committing.’ But those with (glittering) white faces will be in Allah’s mercy. Therein will they live forever.

3/110. You are the best community brought forth for (the guidance of) mankind: you enjoin righteousness, forbid evil and believe in Allah. Had the People of the Book also embraced faith, that would certainly have been in their favour. There are some amongst them who believe, whilst the majority of them are disobedient.

3/118-120. O believers! Do not confide in those who are not from amongst you. They will never miss (any) chance to cause you mischief. They wish you severe torture. As for their malice, that has become evident from their utterances, and (the hostility) that they have concealed in their hearts is (even) greater. We have made the signs manifest to you if you would use your intellect. Beware! You are the ones who love them, but they do not (even) like you, although you believe in all the Books. When they meet you, they say: ‘We have accepted faith,’ but when alone, they bite their fingers in rage against you. Say: ‘Perish in your pent-up rage.’ Certainly, Allah knows well the secrets of hearts. If something goes in your favour, it grieves them; but if some pain afflicts you, that pleases them. However, if you keep patience and guard yourselves against evil persistently, their deceitfulness will do you no harm. And indeed Allah has encompassed all that they are doing.

3/130-131. O believers! Do not live on usury doubled and redoubled, and keep fearing Allah so that you may prosper. And fear the Fire, which has been prepared for those who reject faith.

3/132. And persist in obedience to Allah and the Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) so that you may be blessed with mercy.

3/133-134. And advance fast towards forgiveness from your Lord and Paradise whose vastness encompasses the heavens and the earth (and) which has been prepared for the pious. They are the ones who spend in the cause of Allah whether they are affluent or indigent (in both the conditions), sublimate their anger and tolerate (the faults of the) people; and Allah loves those who are benevolent.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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