Dars e Ahadith-Music

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


It is narrated by  Buraida (ra) that I heard Prophet  (ﷺ) saying, some (couplet) is convincing speech, some are ignorant talk, and some couplet is wisdom and some are narrow mindedness’ (Abu Dawood)

Ummul Momineen Aisha (ra) narrated that the Prophet (ﷺ) used to keep a Pulpit ( stand ) at the Prophet’s (ﷺ) mosque for Hassaan Bin Saabith (ra), and Hazrat Hassaan (ra) used to climb over it and used to express pride for, and defend Prophet (ﷺ) (meaning he used to recite Na’at) and the Prophet (ﷺ) used to say that Allah (SWT) supports Hassaan (ra) from Hazrat Jibreel (as) as long as he expresses pride for and defends the Apostel (ﷺ). (Bukhari).

Ummul Momineen Aisha (ra) narrates that when one Ansari’s bride was sent to her groom’s house in her bridal attire, the Prophet (ﷺ) said that ‘Don’t you have some play and fun because the ansar’s like fun’(bukhari)

It is narrated by Abu Moosa (ra) that the Prophet (ﷺ) said, O’Moosa (ra), you have been given a flute of the People of Dawood (AS ). (Tirmizi).

Muhammad ibn Ahmad al-Saffarini al-Hanbali (d. 1188) relates in his Ghidha’ al-albab li-sharh manzumat al-adab from Ibrahim ibn `Abd Allah al-Qalanasi that Imam Ahmad said about the Sufis: “I don’t know people better than them.” Someone said to him: “They listen to music and they reach states of ecstasy (Meaning they do Wajd).” He said: “Do you prevent them from enjoying an hour with Allah (SWT)?”

It is narrated by Hazrata Aisha (RA), she said ‘I swear to Allah (SWT), I saw the Prophet (ﷺ), and the Habashis (a tribe of Madina) are playing (dancing) with spears and the Prophet (ﷺ) hides me with his coverlet so that I could see their play from between his ear and shoulder. Then he stays for me until I myself will return back’. (Bukhari and Muslim).

It is in Hadith – Hazrata Aisha (RA) narrates that Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) came to our home when two girls were clapping and playing on the tambourine (Daf) during ‘Mana’, and in another narration (the girls were) singing such couplets which were recited by Ansaars during the war of Ba’as. When Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) chided these girls, the Prophet (ﷺ) took out the (bed) sheet from his face and said O’Abu Bakr (ra), leave them, as this is festival time. And in one narration (it is said) O’ Abu Bakr (ra), every nation has festival and this is our festival.’ (Bukhari and Muslim).

A slave girl was beating a daff (small tambourine) in front of the Holy Messenger(ﷺ). When Hadrat Abu Baler (ra)came to the Prophet(ﷺ)’s court, she continued beating it and didn’t stop even when Hadrat Uthman (ra)arrived, When Hadrat Umar (ra)arrived, however, she stopped beating it, placed it on the floor and sat down. The Noble Messenger(ﷺ)then said, “O Umar (ra), Shaitaan fears you!” – Mishkaat, Kitaabul-Fadhaail- Baabu Manaqibi Umar'”

Hazrat Ali(R.A) said: I visited the Prophet with Ja`far (ibn Abi Talib and Zayd (ibn Haritha). The Prophet (peace be upon him)said to Zayd: “You are my freedman” (anta mawlay), whereupon Zayd began to hop on one leg around the prophet (hajala). The Prophet (peace be upon him)then said to Ja`far: “You resemble me in my creation and my manners” (anta ashbahta khalqi wa khuluqi), whereupon Ja`far began to hop behind Zayd.The Prophet (peace be upon him)then said to me: “You pertain to me and I pertain to you” (anta minni wa ana minka) whereupon I began to hop behind Ja`far.[Ahmad, Musnad 1:108 (#860).] Shaykh Sanusi in his musrat al -faqir.

(Musnad al-Imam Ahmad 1.108) … this being a basis for the legal acceptability of the Sufis dancing from the joys of the ecstasies they experience. (al-Hawi li al-fatawi. 2 vols. Cairo 1352/1933–34)

Hazrat Ali(R.A) said: I visited the Prophet with Ja`far (ibn Abi Talib and Zayd (ibn Haritha). The Prophet ﷺ said to Zayd: “You are my freedman” (anta mawlay), whereupon Zayd began to hop on one leg around the prophet (hajala). The Prophet ﷺ then said to Ja`far: “You resemble me in my creation and my manners” (anta ashbahta khalqi wa khuluqi), whereupon Ja`far began to hop behind Zayd.The Prophet ﷺ then said to me: “You pertain to me and I pertain to you” (anta minni wa ana minka) whereupon I began to hop behind Ja`far.[Ahmad, Musnad 1:108 (#860).] Shaykh Sanusi in his musrat al -faqir.

Imâm Ahmad ibn Hanbal (ra) narrates: Anas ibn Mâlik (ra) said that the Abyssinians (Habashîs) danced in front of the Messenger of Allâh (ﷺ); dancing (yarquSûn/raqS) while saying “Muhammad is a Righteous Servant (Muhammadun `Abdun Sâlih)” (in their dialect/language). Allâh’s Messenger (ﷺ) asked, “What are they saying?” And they responded, “Muhammadun ‘Abdun Sâlih!”.[Ahmad ibn Hanbal, al-Musnad (Beirut: Dâr Sâdir), 3:152, #12564]

‘A’isha reported: The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) came (in my apartment) while there were two girls with me singing the song of the Battle of Bu’ath. He lay down on the bed and turned away his face. Then came Abu Bakr and he scolded me and said: Oh! this musical instrument of the devil in the house of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ)! The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) turned towards him and said: Leave them alone. And when he (the Holy Prophet) became unattentive, I hinted them and they went out, and it was the day of ‘Id and negroes were playing with shields and speare. (I do not remember) whether I asked the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) or whether he said to me if I desired to see (that sport). I said: Yes. I stood behind him with his face parallel to my face, and he said: O Banu Arfada, be busy (in your sports) till I was satiated. He said (to me): Is that enough? I said: Yes. Upon this he asked me to go. [Sahih Muslim: Book 004, Number 1942]

Sahih Muslim Book 004, Number 1938:’…. Abu Bakr said: What I (the playing of) this wind instrument of Satan in the house of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and this too on ‘Id day? Upon this the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: Abu Bakr, every people have a festival and it is our festival (so let them play on).

Volume 8, Book 73, Number 229:Narrated Anas:The Prophet was on a journey and a slave named Anjasha was chanting (SINGING) for the camels to let them go fast (while driving). The Prophet said, “O Anjasha, drive slowly (the camels) with the glass vessels!” Abu Qilaba said, “By the glass vessels’ he meant the women (riding the camels).”

Sahih Bukhari: Volume 2, Book 15, Number 103:Narrated ‘Urwa on the authority of ‘Aisha: On the days of Mina, (11th, 12th, and 13th of Dhul-Hijjah) Abu Bakr came to her while two young girls were beating the tambourine and the Prophet was lying covered with his clothes. Abu Bakr scolded them and the Prophet uncovered his face and said to Abu Bakr, “Leave them, for these days are the days of ‘Id and the days of Mina.” 

 ‘Aisha further said, “Once the Prophet was screening me and I was watching the display of black slaves in the Mosque and (‘Umar) scolded them. The Prophet (ﷺ) said, ‘Leave them. O Bani Arfida! (carry on), you are safe (protected)’.”[Sahih Bukhari: Volume 2, Book 15, Number 103, Sahih Muslim: Book 004, Number 1942]

“One lady came to the Prophet when he was returning from one of his battles and she said, “Ya RasulAllah, I have made an oath that if Allah sends you back safe, I would play this drum near you and sing for you.”The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Fulfill your oath.” [Abu Dawud (3:237 #2880), Tirmidhi (#3623)]

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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