Dars e Ahadith-Help Day Of Judgement

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


The Holy Prophet( ) said: ‘when it is the Day of Judgement, people, out of nervousness, will call on one another. First of all, they will call on Adam (as) and request him to intercede on their behalf before Allāh but he will turn down their request by saying that today it is beyond his power to help them out and he will advise them to call on Ibrāhīm (as) because he is the Friend of Allāh. So people will call on Ibrāhīm (as) who will also excuse himself by saying that he is not in a position to help them, therefore, they should go to Mūsā(as) because he is Allāh’s interlocutor. They will go to Mūsā (as) and he will also express his inability to help them and advise them to see ‘Īsā (as) because he is the soul created by Allāh and His word. They will go to ‘Īsā (as) and he will also tell them that he is not able to help them, therefore, they should go to Muhammad ( ) (because he is the beloved of God). So all human beings will rally round me and I will tell them: ‘yes, (today) I hold the office of intercession.’ I will seek permission from my Lord and I will be granted the permission. Then He will inspire me to praise and glorify Him with such praises, which I cannot describe at this time. (In short,) I will praise and glorify Allāh with those praises and prostrate myself before Him. Then I will be told: ‘O Muhammad, raise your radiant head, speak and you will be heard, demand and you will be blessed with it, and intercede (on behalf of your people), your intercession will be granted.’ So I will implore: ‘O Lord! My Ummah, my Ummah!’ God shall command: ‘go and take him out of the Hell, whosoever is left with faith even as small as the grain of barley.’ So I will go and do so (I will take all such people out of Hell). Then I will return and praise and glorify Him with those praises and I will prostrate myself before Him. So I will be commanded: ‘O Muhammad, raise your radiant head, speak and you will be heard, beg and you will be blessed with it, intercede (on behalf of your people) and your intercession will be granted.’ I will implore: ‘O Lord! My Ummah, my Ummah!’ I will be commanded: ‘go and take him out of Hell too, whosoever is left with faith even as small as the tiny grain of rye.’ So I will go and do so. Then I will return and praise and glorify Him with the same praises and I will again prostrate myself before Him. So I will be commanded, ‘O Muhammad, raise your radiant head, speak and you will be heard, beg and you will be blessed with it and intercede (on behalf of your people), your intercession will be granted.’ I will implore: ‘O Lord! My Ummah, my Ummah!’ I will be commanded: ‘go and take him out (of Hell) whosoever is left with the tiniest faith, even smaller than a grain of rye. Take such a person out of Hell.’ Accordingly I will go and do so (I will take them out of Hell). (Hasan has added a few more words to the tradition narrated by Anas. The holy Prophet ( ) said:) ‘I will return the fourth time, and I will praise and glorify the Lord in the same way, then I will prostrate myself before Him. So I will be commanded: ‘O Muhammad, raise your radiant head, and speak, you will be heard, beg and you will be blessed with it, and intercede (on behalf of your people), your intercession will be granted.’ At that time I will implore the Lord that I should be allowed to take out a person from Hell who has recited lā ilāha illallāhu (there is no deity except Allāh) even once in his life (from the core of his heart). The Lord will reply, I swear by My honour, glory, greatness and supremity that I will liberate a person from the fire of Hell who has even once recited lā ilāha illallāhu (there is no deity except Allāh).bukhari

Once, the Islamic army was arrayed in battle against their enemies under the command of Sāriyah bin Jabal. The enemy made a clever tactical move and the Islamic forces were completely besieged by them. Precisely at that time, ‘Umar Fārūq was delivering the Friday sermon from the pulpit at Medina. On account of his spiritual concentration, the battle scenario was right before his eyes. During the sermon, he proclaimed loudly:O Sāriyah! Go behind the mountain! Albānī in Silsilat-ul-ahādīth-is-sahīhah (#1110).

writer or minister who brought the throne to Sulaymān (as) and his name was Āsif bin Barakhyā. Imām Qurtubī writes:Most exegetes agree upon it that surely the person who had the knowledge of the Book was Āsif bin Barakhyā, and he was truthful. He knew Allāh’s ism-ul-a‘zam (exalted name) that whenever he was asked for something he gave through it and whenever he was called he answered through it. And ‘Ā’ishah narrated: the Prophet ( ) said, “Ism-ul-a‘zam of Almighty Allāh through which Āsif bin Barakhyā prayd is yā hayy (O, the Living!) yā qayyūm (O, the Self-Subsistent!).” Qurtubī, al-Jāmi‘ li-ahkām-il-Qur’ān (13:204).

Allāh has blessed His servants with (a large reservoir of) His blessings. These servants are engaged in fulfilling the needs of the people until they are weary of them. And when they wear out, (the same duty) is assigned from them to othersTabarānī narrated it in al-Mu‘jam-ul-awsat (9:161#8346);

 ‘Abdullāh bin ‘Umar’s statement is recorded that at many occasions when he looked at the Prophet’s face, he used to remember Abū Tālib’s verse which means that whenever he prayed for rain, the rain water started flowing from the gutters before he came down the pulpit. The verse is as follows:And that handsome (person), by means of whose radiant face, rain is implored, and who is the guardian of orphans and the support of widows..(Bukhārī bk of istisqā’ ch.3 (1:342#963)

‘Uqbah bin ‘Āmir has narrated: The Prophet ( ) one day went (to Uhud) and offered prayer for the natives (martyrs) of Uhud as it is (generally) offered for the dead. Then he returned to the pulpit and said: ‘I am your forerunner and I am a witness on you. By Allāh! I am right now seeing the basin of my fountain (kawthar), and I have been handed over the keys of the treasures of the earth (or the keys of the earth). I swear on Allāh, I have no fears that after me you will return to disbelief but I am apprehensive that you will try to outdo each other in acquiring worldly goods.’ (Bukhārī bk. of janā’iz (funerals) ch.71 (1:451#1279)

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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