Dars e Ahadith-Grave Parents

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

In another Sahih Hadith narrated by Ibn Hanbal, Hakim and Tabarani, Nabi Muhammad ﷺ saw a person sitting on a qabr and told him: “Do not harm the person in the qabr and he will not harm you.”(la tu’zi sahib al-Qabri wala yu’zeek).

Sayyidina Umar’s respect for the relics and things of the Nabi ﷺ can be ascertained from the following incident narrated in Kanzul Ummal(vol.7 p.66) and Ibn Qudamah (al-Mughni vol.4 p.554):Once while going to the Mosque to lead the Jumu`ah Salat, Umar passed by a canal (Mizab), which was in the way, and the dirty water from the canal messed up his clean clothes. He got angry and took the canal out of the way, went back home,  dressed up again and went to Mosque.In the Mosque, the Prophets ﷺ uncle Sayyidina Abbas (r) confronted him and said: “that canal was put there by the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, as I saw with my own eyes”.When Sayyidina Umar heard that, he immediately left the Mosque with Abbas and went where that canal was, bent himself like in Ruku (bowing) and said to Abbas:” uncle of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ, climb on my back and put the canal back where Allah’s Messenger put it”

Also, it is narrated in Sahih Muslim, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawud, Nasai and Musnad Ahmad (Bab al-Jana’iz) that Nabi Muhammad ﷺ said:”I had previously forbidden you to visit graves, but I now permit you to visit them, for it will remind you of the Akhira.”

It is narrated in the six authentic compilations of Hadith that the Nabi Muhammad ﷺ used to regularly visit the graveyard of Madinah, Jannatul-Baqi and make Du`a there (Muslim and Tirmidhi). 

Bayhaqi narrates in Shu’ab al-Iman that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever visits the grave of his parents or the grave of one of them, every Friday, he will be forgiven and his name will be written among the pious ones”(Man zaara qabra abawayhi au ahadihima fi kulli Jum’ah, ghufira lahu wa kutiba barran).

It is in Hadith –  narrated by ibn Mas’ud (radiyAllahu ta’ala anhu) that the dear Prophet ﷺ said: “I forbade you from visiting the graves but now you should visit them” (ibn Majah, Mishkat p.154)

It is in Hadith – Sayyidah Aisha Siddiqah (radiyAllahu ta’ala anha) narrates that: “When the dear Prophet ﷺ used to pass the night with her, in the last part of the night he would go to the graveyard of Madinah (Muslim, Mishkat p.154)

It is in Hadith – Muhammad bin Nu’man (radiyAllahu ta’ala anhu) narrates that RasoolAllah ﷺ said: “Whoever visits his parents’ graves or visits one of their graves every Friday, then he will be forgiven and will be written as being one of the pious” (Mishkat p.154)

A Hadith states, “When you finish performing namaaz on the deceased, make clear dua for him.” Mishkaat, Baahu Salaatil-Janaazah, Section 2.Fat’hul-Qadeer states that while the Holy Prophetﷺwas on the mimbar giving information about the Battle of Muta, he delivered news of the martyrdom of Hadrat Jafar ibn Abu Talib (ra).He then performed his Janazah Salaah, made dua for him and said to the gathering. “You should also make dua for his forgiveness. -Kitaabul-Janaaiz, Section of Salaatul-Janaazah .Similarly, after performing the Janaazah Salaah of Hadrat Abdullah ibn Rawaaha (ra), dua for him was also made. This proves that dua for forgiveness after Salaatul-Janaazah is permissible.

Muntakhab Kanzul-Ummal records the following, narrated by Ibrahim Hijri , witnessed that when the daughter of Ibn Abi Aufaa (ra), who was a Companion of the Baitur-Ridhwaan, passed away, he made 4 Takbeers on her (i.e. he performed Salaatul-Janaazah) and then stood in dua equal to the time between two Takbeers. After this he said, “I have seen the Holy Prophetﷺdo the same.” – Kitaabul-Janaaiz

Baihaqi states, “Mustazil ibn Haseen (ra)narrates that Sayyiduna Ali (ra)made dua on a janaazah after performing Salaatul-Janaazah .”

The Holy Prophet ﷺhas said, ”Teach your deceased “Laa ilaaha illallaah – Miskhaat, Kitaabul­Janaaiz, Baabu ma Yaqool Inda man Hadaral-Maut

“Extinguish a lit fire through Takbeer and say it when you see a fire because Takbeer extinguishes fire.” -Abu-Ya’laa.

Hadrat Jaabir (ra)narrates the incident of Hadrat Sa’ad ibn Mu’aaz’s (ra)burial , “After the burial, the Holy Prophetﷺsaid, “SubhanAllah,” and, “AllahuAkbar”. Those around then said the same. When asked about the reason for saying the Tasbeeh and Takbeer, Sayyiduna Rasoolullahﷺexplained, ”The grave became narrow for this virtuous bondsman but Allah(swt)widened it.” -Imam Ahmed, Tibraani, Baihaqi

Sayyidah Umme Atia (ra)states that when they finished giving Ghusal to Sayyidah Zainab (ra)ا the daughter of the Holy Prophetﷺthey informed him of its completion. She narrates, “The Prophetﷺthen handed us his tahband (lower garment) and ordered that it be kept with the body in the kafan,” – Mishkaar, Baab. Ghuslil-Mayyit

Hadrat Jabir (ra)states that the Holy Prophetﷺ” went to the grave of Abdullah bin Ubai (the Leader of the Hypocrites) after he was placed in the grave. He ordered for him to be brought out, placed his blessed saliva on him and dressed him with his upper garment.” – Mishkaat, Baabu Ghuslil-Mayyit

Once, Sayyiduna Rasoolullahﷺcame out wearing his tahband. Someone saw it and requested him for it. The Sahaaba replied, “The Prophetﷺ” had a need for the tahband at that time but rejecting someone who asks from him was not his habit.” When they asked the man why he requested it, he explained. “Oath on Allah(swt)! I did not ask for it to ear it, but that it, but that it may become my kafn. Sahl states that this tahband eventually did become his kafn. – Bukhart, Vol. 1, Kitaabul-Janaaiz, Baabu Man A’adal-Kafn

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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