Dars e Ahadith-Fitna 73

Dars E Ahadith, Shariath

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

“Allah’s hand is over the group, and whoever dissents from them departs to hell”[Tirmidhi (gharib) from Ibn `Umar, al-Hakim both from Ibn `Umar and Ibn `Abbas, and Ibn Jarir from Ibn `Umar.]

“Allah’s hand is over the group, follow the largest mass, for verily whoever dissents from them departs to hell[ Narrated by al-Hakim and al-Tabari from Ibn `Abbas, and al-Lalika’i in al-Sunna and al-Hakim also narrated it from Ibn `Umar.]

“Whoever leaves the Community or separates himself from it by the length of a span, dies the death of the Jahiliyya (period of ignorance prior to Islam)”[Sahih Muslim (Imara #55) through Ibn `Abbas. Muslim relates it with slight variations through three more chains. Ibn Abi Shayba also relates it in his Musannaf.]

Abu Ghalib said that during the crisis with the Khawarij in Damascus he saw Abu Umama one day and he was crying. He asked him what made him cry and he replied: “They followed our religion,” then he mentioned what was going to happen to them tomorrow. Abu Ghalib said: “Are you saying this according to your opinion or from something you heard the Prophet say?” Abu Umama said: “What I just told you I did not hear from the Prophet only once, or twice, or three times, but more than seven times. Did you not read this verse in Al `Imran: The day faces will be white and faces will be dark…”? (3/106) to the end of the verse. Then he said: I heard the Prophet say: “The Jews separated into 71 sects, 70 of which are in the fire; the Christians into 72 sects, 71 of which are in the fire; and this Community will separate into 73 sects, all of them are in the fire except one which will enter Paradise.” We said: “Describe it for us.” He said: “The Sawad al-a`zam [the majority group ] .”[Reference : Haythami said in Majma` al-zawa’id: Tabarani narrated it in al-Mu`jam al-kabir and al-Awsat, and its all narrators are trustworthy (thiqat) This hadith is Sahih ]

“My Community will split into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in the fire except one group. They asked: Who are they, O Messenger of Allah? He said: Those that follow my way and that of my companions.” [ Sunan tirmidhi 18:2650, sunan Abu Dawud, and al-Darimi related it.]

What is meaning of word Sawad us Azam according to Sahih hadiths itself -Sayyidina Ibn Abbas (RA) narrated: When the Prophet
was taken to the (heavens for the) mi’raj, he passed by a Prophet and Prophets with whom were a group of people, a Propher and Prophets with whom

was a raht, a Prophet and Prophets with whom was nobody till he passed by a great multitude (sawad us azam) . He asked. “Who is this?” He was told, “Musa and his people, but raise your head and see.” He said, “I saw a great multitude that had plugged the horizon from this side barricaded the horizon from that side.” He was told, “These are you ummah and apart from these there are seventy thousand of your ummah who will enter paradise without any accounting.” Then he came (home) and they did not ask him and he did not explain to them. They said (to one another), “We are among them.” And some said, “they are the children born on nature and on Islam.’ The Prophet came out and said, “They are those who do not have themselves cauterised or treated with incantation (charms) , or believe in omens, but on their Lord do they rely. Ukashah ibn Mihsan got up and said, “Am I one of them,O Messenger of , “Yes.” Then another came and asked, “Am I one of them?” He said, “Ukashah overtook you in that.”[Sahih Bukhari 5752,Sahih Muslim 220, Ahmed 2448, sunan tirmidhi 17:2454]

 The Messenger
said;  “The Jews were divided among themselves into seventy one or seventy two sects, and the Christians were divided among themselves into seventy one or seventy two sects. And My Ummah will be divided among itself into seventy three sects.”[ Abu Dawud Book (Kitab Al-Sunnah) #40 ,Hadith # 4579 ,, sunan al-Tirmidhi, al-Hakim and musnad Ahmad among several others, reported this Hadith. At-Tirmidhi said; “Hadeethun Hassanun Sahih”. ]

In another variation, Imam Ahmad recorded that Abu `Amir `Abdullah bin Luhay said; “We performed Hajj with Mu`awiyah bin Abi Sufyan. When we arrived at Makkah, he stood up after praying Dhuhr and said; ‘The Messenger of Allah
said;  ‘The People of the Two Scriptures divided into seventy-two sects. This Ummah will divide into seventy-three sects, all in the Fire except one, that is, the Jama’ah. Some of my Ummah will be guided by desire, like one who is infected by rabies; no vein or joint will be saved from these desires.’’”  “Seventy two in hell fire and one in the Jannah: that is the ‘Jama’ah.’” [ Abu Dawood (2/503), Ahmad (4/102) and al-Haakim (1/128)] among others, with similar wording but with the following addition

The Messenger of Allah said in a Hadith:“Beware of extremism in religion, since those before you were only destroyed by extremism.” (Sunan Nasa’i, Musnad Ahmad and others)

When I want to talk to Allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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