
Ihsan, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Ihsan guidance

…..rusted their hearts. ……they will be screened off .. the sight of their Lord.83/15

Have you seen him who has made his desire his god and Allah has held him astray despite his knowledge ….45/23

..Shaitan cannot harm those people, who oppose their own nafs 38/82

…follows the path other than that of the believers, We shall keep him in the same (state of disorientation) he has (himself) turned to, and shall (eventually) cast him into Hell and that is an evil dwelling.4/115

29/69. ..who strive hard (and struggle against the lower self vehemently) for Our cause, We certainly guide them to Our ways,

47/17  …who have taken guidance, Allah increases their guidance and honours them with their station of Godwariness.

30/29. ..who have done injustice follow the desires of their (ill-commanding) selves without any knowledge (and guidance). ..

8/24…And bear in mind that Allah intervenes between man and his heart (with a Glory of exclusive nearness), and that all of you will (ultimately) be gathered towards Him.

..who strive hard (and struggle against the lower self vehemently) for Our cause, We certainly guide them to Our ways…29/69

16/25 … and also (carry) ..load of those that they are misguiding due to (their) ignorance.

.. glad tidings to those who observe patience. ….when afflicted with some distress, say: ‘Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.’ …And it is they who are the guided ones 2/155-157

… (satans) hinder them from the path (of guidance), but they maintain the wrong perception that they are on the path of guidance.43/37

Iblis said: ….will certainly lead all of them astray by all means, Except for those exalted servants of Yours who have attained freedom (from my deceits and intrigues of the ill-commanding selves).’ Allah said: ‘This (freedom from these deceits and intrigues) is the (very) path that leads straight to My Threshold. …15/39-42

Surely, your Lord knows him best who has strayed from the straight path and (also) knows best those who are rightly guided.68/7

…Would that I had not taken such a one for a friend! Surely, he led me astray from the direction and guidance after it had come to me..25/28

…the one whom He holds strayed, you will not find for him any wali (friend to help) and murshid (guide to show the path).18/17

…Say: ‘Do not show off your Islam as a favour to me. Instead, Allah is the One Who favours you by guiding you to faith, provided you are true (to belief).’ …49/18

Certainly, Allah does not give guidance to the one who is a liar and highly ungrateful.39/3

And direction and guidance is the share of only those who possess wisdom and insight.3/7

2/269  …And only those who are endowed with wisdom and insight receive direction and guidance.

Say: ‘Everyone acts according to his own (respective) style and nature,…17/84

….. do not attend (both verbally and practically) the false and untruthful matters …when they are directed and guided by means of Revelations …(but reflect on them). ….grant us coolness of eyes in our wives and our children, and make us leaders of the Godfearing people …25/70

and Allah does not guide those who do injustice.9/17-20

5/16. (a light (i.e., Muhammad [blessings and peace be upon him]) and an Book (i.e., the Holy Qur’an).By this Allah guides those who seek His pleasure to the paths to peace (and security), and takes them out of darkness (of ignorance and disbelief) by His command, and leads them to the light (of faith and guidance), and directs them towards the straight road.

25/63-77. And the (favourite) servants ….those who walk gently … they (get aside from ignorants), saying: ‘Peace…….spend their nights prostrating …… …‘O our Lord, turn away from us the torment of Hell. …. neither extravagant nor miserly when they spend…… do not worship any other god apart from Allah, nor do they kill the soul whose killing without any lawful cause Allah has forbidden, nor do they commit adultery….…do not attend (both verbally and practically) the false and untruthful matters,…….directed and guided by means of Revelations …(but reflect on them)…

20/124-126 And whoever turns away from My direction and guidance (i.e., remembrance and advice), his worldly sustenance will be narrowed, and We shall raise him blind on the Day of Resurrection (as well).’ He will say: ‘O my Lord, why have You raised me up blind (Today) whereas I had vision (in the world)?’ (Allah) will say: ‘In like manner, Our signs came to you (in the world), but you forgot them, and the same way you (too) will be forgotten Today.’

10/57..And it is guidance and mercy (too) for those who are blessed with faith

….(Book-quran) …it (provides) direction and guidance to the believers.7/2

And keep giving direction and guidance…surely benefits the believers.51/55

5/105. O believers! Take care of your own selves. No one who goes astray can do you harm, provided you have become rightly guided. ..

9/128. …Your suffering and distress (becomes) grievously heavy on him (blessings and peace be upon him). (O mankind,) he is ardently desirous of your (betterment and guidance. And) he is most (deeply) clement and merciful to the believers.

7/158….. glory of being al-Ummi (i.e., he has not learnt anything from anyone except Allah, but knows far more than the entire creation, and is innocent and pure like a newborn baby, despite his upbringing in an infidel and polytheistic society), who believes in Allah and (all) His (revealed) Book and follow him alone so that you may take guidance.

9/18. ..believes in Allah and the Last Day and establishes Prayer and pays Zakat (the Alms-due) and who fears none but Allah can maintain and frequent the mosques of Allah. So they alone are expected to become the rightly-guided.

Indeed, those who believe, then disbelieve and then believe again and reject faith once more and then advance further in denying faith, Allah will never (incline to) forgive them, nor guide them to the straight road.4/137

(quran)….a guide for those who guard against evil and fear Allah…believe in the unseen, .. establish Prayer ….spend (in Our way) … those who believe in (all) that which has been revealed to you …..that which was revealed before you…..have (perfect) faith in the Hereafter. It is they who follow guidance from their Lord…2/2-5

…and Allah does not guide the rebels.9/80

…..Allah takes to (the gnosis of) His Light whom He wills. And Allah explains similitudes for (the guidance of) people…24/36

45/23- Have you seen him who has made his desire his god and Allah has held him astray despite his knowledge …..

And Allah does not guide the transgressors to the right path. 2/258

And We will most certainly test you somewhat by means of fear and hunger and certain loss of wealth and lives and fruits. And, (O Beloved,) give glad tidings to those who observe patience. (They are the ones) who, when afflicted with some distress, say: ‘Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.’……..And it is they who are the guided ones2/155-157

Say: ‘Everyone acts according to his own (respective) style and nature, and your Lord knows full well who is best guided to the straight path.17/84

3/14. (Excessively) attractive has been made, for the people, the love of lusts (that) include women, children, and hoarded treasures of gold and silver, and branded horses and cattle and crops. (All) this is the provision of the worldly life and with Allah is the best abode.

46/15…We have commanded man to be benevolent towards his parents.

2/263… Polite conversation (with the needy) and extending tolerance are far better than charity followed by injuring (his) heart..

There is no sin on the aged (i.e., the weak) and the sick, nor on those who are not so (affluent) that they may spend, while they are most sincerely and truly devoted to Allah and His Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him). No way can the righteous (i.e., the spiritually excellent) be blamed …9/91

And, in the same way, (O Muslims,) We made you the best Umma (Community—fair to all with a tolerant, moderate and balanced outlook) so that you may bear witness to the people, and (Our exalted) Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) bears witness to you. 2/143

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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