“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)
Understanding/Fahm e deen (marifat) is a great ibadat
Ilm e nafae=zuhd (no duniya) + ibadat with love/adab.
Iqlas e niyyat makes actions ibadat.
Learning ilm e nafae/tasawuff is ibadat.
Avoiding sins(taqwa/piety) + ibadat with iqlas/sincerity(only for Allah) =qurb e elahi/nearness of Allah.
Nafil (for gaining qurb/nearness of Allah) =little extra for islah e nafs (sharia + nafil ibadat )
Siffats/attributes –forgiveness/affu ,increase tawakkal ,shukr ,charity,ibadat etc
Negation of self(no irada of self /accepting Allah’s irada)
Quality of ibadat matters than quantity of ibadat.
Ilm e nafae +amal e saleh =haqiqate ibadat(devotional )
Qurb e nafil/extra ibadat = karamat (initial stages of wilayat -with my permission ) ,action is directed towards slave .
Always feel yourself lower than opposite person with respect to status/ilm/power/ahklaq/ibadat (never compare )etc etc
Ahle taufiq/guided are ahle muhabbat/love (ibadat with love)
Allah’s guidance/taufiq=work for Allah (kidmate deen=ibadat+mamulat),he will protect you from sins.
High jannat =less nafil ibadat but high good character (adab meaning rights of Allah and his creation)
Muttaqi(people of taqwa)=abdiat+rahmat+ilm e nafae
Zaahir is for ibadat AND baatin is for zuhd/no duniya.
Iman =qalbi ibadat AND Amal/deeds=zahir ibadat
Haqiqi ibadat (DEVOTIONAL) = Ilm e nafae +amal e saleh
Haqiqi ibadat=filled with sidq and iqlas +avoiding sins(taqwa)
Ilm with adab(rights/ahklaq) AND ibadat with love will get you raza/qurb of Allah.
Ilm with adab(rights/ahklaq) and ibadat with love will get you raza/qurb of Allah.
Good ibadat=filled with sidq and iqlas + avoiding sins(taqwa)
Our ibadat is very less but his favours are more.if Allah wants to bring in change it will be based on love .Allah loves them and they love Allah the most.
Nafil (for gaining qurb/nearness of Allah) =little extra for islah e nafs (sharia + nafil ibadat )
When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)
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