Heart-Treatment Qurb

Heart, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)

Qurb –treatment for heart

ACQUIRING RIDHAA /SHAUQ / UNS /THE MUHABBAT OF ALLAH -Constant remembrance and contemplation of the Attributes and Bounties of Allah Ta’ala will induce the desired Muhabbat for Him. Compliance with the Laws of the Shari’at and much Zikr of Allah expel the love of others from the heart.

ACQUIRING Zuhd -is to meditate on the defects, harms and ephemeral nature of the world, as well as to reflect on the benefits and the everlasting nature of the Aakhirat.

ACQUIRING TAWAKKUL – is by contemplating the bounties of Allah Ta’ala, His Promises and one’s past success.

ACQUIRING SABR – by weakening the desires of lust and emotion.

ACQUIRING SHUKR – by contemplating the bounties of Allah Ta’ala.

ACQUIRING SIDQ – Constancy in improving and perfecting one’s acts will ensure within a short while the perfect state of Sidq.

ACQUIRING TAF’WEEZ – an event which is in conflict with one’s liking then immediately think that it is an act of Allah and most assuredly there is wisdom and goodness in it.

ACQUIRING FANAA – by mujaahidah and Zikr in abundance( tongue and heart).

REMEDY for Unnecessary Talking /Unrestrained Glances /Keeping Bad Company

Dhikr of Allah ta’Ala, recitation of the Noble Qur’an, seeking Allah’s forgiveness, making du’as, darood ,praying at night.

THE REMEDY FOR Taqwaa-To abstain from sins.

THE REMEDY for hirs-Reduce expenditure. This will diminish concern and yearning for more earnings.

THE REMEDY for Tamaa’– is mujaahidah– to accustom oneself to oppose the desires of the lowly nafs so that the carnal and material desires of the lowly nafs are subordinated to the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.

THE REMEDY for falsehood-When speaking, be careful. Do not speak without thinking. Ponder before you speak and be firm in confronting and curbing the urge to speak what is false. Resort to Taubah in abundance.

THE REMEDY for  Hasad -is by praising much the person against whom jealousy is directed. Honour them and meet him or her with respect and humility.

THE REMEDY for bukhl-Remembrance of maut (death) in abundance expels the love of wealth from the heart.

THE REMEDY for riyaa– is the expulsion from the heart of the desire for fame and name(love for name, fame and glory). Execute your acts of lbaadat in solitude. Execute specific act of Ibaadat in abundance. Within a short while the riyaa will be dispelled and by force of habit the Ibaadat will become sincere.

ACQUIRING NISBAT WITH ALLAH TA’ALA- Bandah’s relationship with Allah means (obedience) +consciousness+ striving to follow the Sunnah. Salaat is an all-embracing form of worship. If executed properly, observing all its rules, conditions and respects then no other specific form of Riyaadhat (spiritual exercise) is necessary for spiritual progress and the achievement of Nisbat Ma’Allah. Salaat contains Zikr, Shaghl(silent zikr), Muraaqabah, Auraad, e.g. Tasbeeh, Istighfaar, Darood etc.

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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