
Heart, Tariqat

“Bismillahir Rahmannir Raheem”Al-Hamdu Lillaahi Rabbil ‘Aalameen was Salaatu was- Salaamu ‘Alaa Sayidinaa Muhammadin wa Aalihi wa Asabihi Ajma ‘een (tauheed- risalat- ahkirat and islam-iman-ihsan)


Emotions are part of bounty/test given to us by Allah.

Positive emotions bring pleasure and negative emotions bring distress.

Success in the test means controlling emotions and channeling them in the direction ordained by Allah.


Our love for a thing should never exceed  our love for Allah.

To love Allah means  obedience

Loving prophet is for the sake of Allah, loving ahle baith for the prophet’s sake.


Nothing should be feared more than Allah.

Seeking forgiveness and mercy of Allah.

Escaping from Allah’s punishment and going to his mercy.

Whoever fear the creation runs away from it  AND whoever fear Allah runs towards him.

Fear means submission to Allah (fearing ahkirat).


Hope for Allah’s mercy and grace.

Hope for delights/rewards of the hereafter(seeing Allah’s face).

Allah gives him what he hopes for and protects him from what he fears.

We love Allah =for many blessings he has bestowed upon us

We fear Allah=for his punishment and wrath due to our sins.

We hope Allah=will accept our good deeds and our repentance and forgive our sins


For the sake of Allah alone

Hate=disbelief/kufr ,hypocrisy/nifaq,innovation/bad bidat and sins/gunah.


Are able to reason and rationalize to arrive at the truth.

Basis upon which humans are held accountable for their choices.

Mind must be protected from false beliefs ,superstitions and deceit.

Donot delve into the matters of which you don’t have knowledge (doubt/confusion arise)

Thoughts must be within sharia limits.


Responsibility to acquire knowledge continues through out our lifetime.

Sincere quest for knowledge will assist in finding truth.

Wisdom =knowledge of quran / sunnah/ijma(Wisdom means submission to Allah).

Learned person means a scholar of quran and ahadith +adheres to farz and sunna+keep learning and imparting knowledge

Scholar/faqhi (benefits others also) is superior than worshipper/abid (benefits him alone)

People of understanding/wisdom= people who extract things out of reading.

1.acquire knowledge of quran and ahadith +act upon it +convey it to others =best of all

2. acquire knowledge of quran and ahadith +convey it to others-don’t act upon =held for not acting.

3. don’t acquire knowledge of quran and ahadith +don’t act upon it +don’t convey it to others =worst people.

Seeking   religious knowledge is compulsory for everyone such as understanding quran and ahadith,aqidah,farz and sunnah ,social relations ,halaal and haraam etc

Knowledge compulsory on community such as detailed knowledge of sharia ,medicine, engineering  etc etc

Spirituality =encompassing various forms of beliefs and practices.


Resting/Sleeping done for the sake of Allah,with the purpose of restoring the body’s energy for ibadat.

Sleep is a sign from Allah(likened to death and waking up is like a resurrection).

Truest person’s Dream is most likely true .

Good dream from Allah ,bad/frighten dream is from shaitan and reflection of thoughts/experience has no significance.

Don’t disclose dreams to anyone .if its good, disclose it to loved ones .if its bad,spit 3 times on your left side and seek refuge in Allah/turn your side or get up and start praying.

Dreams must be interpreted by a knowledgeable person. sometimes a dream will come true according to your interpretion(always give positive interpretation).

Implement affordable good dreams in your life.

Human development is a life long process like social/emotional/physical/intellectual /physcological  etc etc.

Islamic human development  is mainly spiritual/relationship with Allah and character/relationship with creation.

Human development is progressive (stages are predetermined /predesigned by Allah as part of human experience/purpose )

Life =state of preparation for death(time/location/manner).

Aging = incorporated into the genetic plans of all species(its natural-no treatment required).

Aging =genes that promote reproduction/repair/growth are stopped

Death=soul separating from the body and moving into another realm.

Dying process =involves pain /agony and distress/hardship.

Repentance is accepted from the dying person up until the soul reaches the throat(gargling sound)

Whoever loves to meet Allah ,Allah loves to meet him and   Whoever hates to meet Allah ,Allah hates to meet him .


1.avoiding sins


3.conscious of Allah’s presence(mindful of one’s accountability before Allah).

4. best gained with fasting (controlling your senses)


Reliance  upon Allah is a sign of true tauhid(believer)

Reliance =taking necessary  actions ,while at same time trusting in Allah’s mercy /compassion.

Neglecting the means

1. undermines the essence  of putting one’s trust in Allah

2.contradicts  the divine command and wisdom

3. sign of helplessness

When I want to talk to allah I say prayers and when I want that he talk to me I recite quran- Hazrath Ali(ra)

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